PC February 22 - Italian imperialism in Red Sea why?

Author: maoist
Description: Italy under the command of the new European military mission aspides to protect Israel and the trade in fossil sources is increasingly ri ...
Published Time: 2024-02-21T16-16-00-01-00

Italy under the command of the new European military mission aspides to protect Israel and the trade in fossil sources

It is increasingly Risiko in the immense maritime area between BAB El-Mandeb, Hormuz, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Gulf of Oman e Golfo Persico: Eunavfor Aspides received the formal green light yesterday of the Council of Foreign Affairs of the European Union brought together to Brussels.

Italy takes command of the mission that officially does aims to protect international trade from attacks by Huthi , But in fact it is also a showcase of the Made in Italy armaments and one mission to protect fossil sources. Aspides, mission that will last At least a year, it is a deal for the Italian war industry e It contributes to the spasmodic race towards global rearmament. Scope unofficial of the mission is also to provide Israel "A coverage behind the Huthi attacks" and to protect the ships that bring military or economic aid to i Ports of Tel Aviv. Finally, the perspective is also that “to give one definitive solution to the conflict in Yemen ".

According to Federpetroli in the Red Sea and in particular From the Suez canal, 27 percent of the Italian Raish Importo passes and 34 percent of liquefied natural gas. Also This is why the Aspides mission is to be understood as yet another reinforced intervention to protect fossil sources in transit towards Europe, as well as international trade.

In the meantime Ursula von der Leyen re -nourished for a second term to the presidency of the European Commission . The same announced it in a press conference in Berlin at end of the meeting of his party, the CDU, who leads the party European popular. The 65 -year -old German, who led the European executive During the pandemic, two wars and the energy crisis, He puts the defense at the center of his priorities , ambitious project that has been talking about for years in Brussels. La von der leyen In fact, he announced that, if he was re -elected, he will establish a defense commissioner .

However “It is not aiming to give political autonomy e diplomatic to European Union ", but simply" a further Escalation to strengthen the European military complex " , which had already obtained unimaginable advantages with the war in Ukraine first and with the war in the eastern Mediterranean then.

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Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-22-febbraio-limperialismo-italiano.html