Weekly editorial - acute crisis time - the new democracy

Author: Redação de AND
Categories: Situação Política
Description: Only popular masses can face the tendency, aggravated every day, to curtail the rights of the people and civilizing freedoms, a trend that occurs on the basis of the real class struggle; Only popular and revolutionary movements can gain immediate economic and political victories for the people and pave the construction of a new Brazil.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-02-21T19:27:57-03:00
Published Time: 2024-02-21T16-42-42-03-00
Sections: Situação Política
Tags: Governo Lula, israel, palestina
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-02-21T19:27:57-03:00
Images: 000000.png

Widespread hysteria: This is the appropriate name to qualify the shouting of the world reactionary press in condemnation of Luiz Inacio's speech in the capital of Ethiopia, in which he qualified as genocide Israel's actions in Gaza and compared them with the Holocaust. Following the intelligence services of the Zionist State of Israel, all sorts of "intellectuals," articulates and anchors have gone out to resonate again that every comparison of Israel with Nazism is "modern anti -Semitism." Meanwhile, the Palestinian people continue to resist massive bombings that, added since October 7, are equivalent to more than five Hiroshima bombs (!)-Made that Hitler, although certainly wishing it, could not do and be proud. In fact, perhaps it is really “inappropriate” the comparison with Hitler: perhaps the Zionists have already surpassed him.

It is not too much, either, to reject the unjust accusations of Zionists to Luiz Inacio: this is not an enemy of Zionism, as all his interventions prove, in which he conceives the order of events: first, Hamas promoted terrorism and we must condemn ; Then Israel was disproportionate and is practicing genocide. Between this position of Luiz Inácio and that of Joe Biden (unsuspecting advocate of the Zionist genocide against the Palestinian people) there is only a difference in undergraduate, or rather in choosing the word “genocide” and “holocaust”, because the logic of reasoning is The same and the implications as well: Israel has a "right to defend itself" (read, to pursue its colonial project) and Hamas, is a terrorist and should be condemned (read, armed, anti-chronential resistance, of the Palestinian people). According to this logic, it all started on October 7 - the fateful day of the great and heroic operation of Hamas - because before, perhaps, the Palestinians lived the paradise on Earth, there was no apartheid in the region and nor died civilians in the Gaza Strip. If Luiz Inácio is really a party to the thesis that a genocide is underway, and Israel resembles Nazi Germany, why don't we break diplomatic relations? Would it be acceptable, “for a humanist” (as you like to say), maintaining Hitler relations in the midst of holocaust?

The symptoms and shaking of the crisis are also in internal politics. The unit within establishment To inhibit the institutional break trend within the barracks, by advancing some houses in investigations against Bolsonaro, he gave Alexandre de Moraes in the present survey and in the operation of the PF. From now on, unity begins its tendency to disaggregation: on the one hand, the Supreme Court, who is in charge of this work, has its own ambitions to stretch its part in political power and cover its functions, which has a strong legislature in the legislature resistance; Project of the bill aimed at submitting, in practice, the Supreme Court to the Federal Senate, the latter having the function of ratifying Supreme Court decisions. On the other hand, the High Command of the Armed Forces, which has at the heart of its ideology the conviction that national integrity depends on its timely intervention in political crises since the Empire, although it is defensive so as not to associate with demoralized pockets,, It will return to the ground earlier than you think: taking advantage of the demoralization of the Supreme Court and the Legislature, it only awaits an important crisis that erodes the legitimacy of the government-an inevitable fact, when it comes to a reactionary, opportunistic and class reconciliation government . Generals know that, from time to time, the popular revolutionary movement rises in the country, restoring the historical flags of the democratic struggle of the Brazilian people, and that there is no other option to try to bathe it in blood: in short, from time to Times, military intervention is necessary, and they believe that the time is coming.

Contrary to what people with constitutional illusions think, the severe and very serious contradictions that resulted in the October 2022 military crisis have not been solved: they have been latent. Only popular masses can face the tendency, aggravated every day, to curtail the rights of the people and civilizing freedoms, a trend that occurs on the basis of the real class struggle; Only popular and revolutionary movements can gain immediate economic and political victories for the people and pave the construction of a new Brazil.

Source: https://anovademocracia.com.br/editorial-semanal-tempo-de-crise-aguda/