Mexico: Nine activists and country defenders in security custody

Author: Jennifer M.
Description: As we have already reported (Mexico: Terror under "Green" sign), under the catchphrase of promoting "renewable energy", the Mexican people have been sold, pursued and murdered for years. On January 27, new activists were arrested and now kept in security. In the following we publish a statement by the revolutionary organization Corrente del Pueblo Sol Rojo (Folkflow Red Sonne). We condemn the criminalization of activists and LA
Modified Time: 2024-02-21T18:53:51.843Z
Published Time: 2024-02-21T18-53-51.843Z
Type: article
Images: 000000.jpg

As we already reported ( Mexico: Terror under "Green" sign ), under the catchphrase of the promotion of "renewable energy", which Mexican people have been driven out, pursued and murdered for years. On January 27, new activists were arrested and now kept in security. In the following we publish a statement by the revolutionary organization Red Sun People's Current (Folk current red sun).

We judge the criminalization of activists and land defenders

The political commitment of judicial violence is a clear example of state repression

The referendum Rote Sonne spoke out against the recent judgments against the comrades of Santa María Mixtequilla and Puente Madera, which, like many other comrades and communities in the Isthmus region, defend themselves against the enforcement of the Interocean Corridor, an imperialist mega project that the division of the community structure, the increase in criminal and paramilitary violence, the expropriation of the country and territories of the original peoples and much more.

The old state reacts to the worthy resistance of activists, communities and democratic organizations with arbitrary arrests and convictions that confirm the political instrumentalization of the judiciary; This is clear proof of the repression that takes place in the state.

On February 2, a control judge in Tanivet ordered the precautionary measure of the reasonable custody against the nine activists of the Resistencia Civil Mixtequilla, which were arrested in the middle of a difficult assignment in the early morning of January 27 in Santa María Mixtequilla, Oaxaca. The Adelaido López Gallegos, Armando Sánchez Gómez, Orlando de la Cruz Gallegos, Roberto Vázquez Orozco, Ricardo Vargas Ruiz, Albino Palacios Orozco, Jorge Oniveros Álvarez, Alba Pérez Santana and Ana Sánchez Castro are currently in detention.

On February 7, a district judge in Salina Cruz condemned the community representative of Puente Madera and member of the assembly of the indigenous peoples of the ISTHMUS to defend the state and territory (APIIDTT) to 46 years and 6 months in prison as well as a fine of $ 182,818 and a pay payment of $ 1,000,001,500. David Hernández Salazar and 17 other defendants are at large thanks to an injunction.

As we have already denounced, our comrade Salvador Pinal Meléndez, a member of the Zapotec community of Santa Cruz Tagolaba and a member of our organization, was arrested on September 21, 2021 for crimes that he did not commit and is currently under house arrest due to his sensitive state of health , while his attackers continue to enjoy complete impunity and commit new attacks against the community.

All of these comrades have the defense of the country and the fight against the impression of the CIIT together. All of these comrades and their communities are victims of the repression of the old state, which continues to escalate and leads to comrades, threatened, kidnapped, wounded and even murdered, as in the case of our comrades Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Félix Vicente Cruz. For all of these reasons, we claim that the interocean corridor sells and kills arms and indigenous people!

As an organization, we confirm our solidarity with the persecuted, persecuted and political prisoners as well as with the communities and organizations that have decided to continue the fight against the enforcement of this imperialist mega project of expropriation and death. We continue to call on the unity of the democratic and revolutionary forces in our region to build a powerful movement that makes what we have already said: The actual is belonging to us! No to the imperialist mega projects.

Freedom and acquittal for political prisoners!

No to enforce the interocean corridor!

Whoever rules, the rights of the people will be defended!

The people will win with the red sun!

Folk current red sun

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