XANIA - PEOPLE Commentary on the Attitude of the Unifying Initiative (ARAS) at the Convention of the Single FS (on a solidarity proposal to the Palestinian people)

Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: αγωνιστικες κινησεις αει-τει, ΑΡΑΣ, αριστερα, νεολαια, παλαιστινη, χανια
Published Time: 2024-02-21T20-47-00-02-00
Images: 000000.jpg

For five months the Genocide of the Palestinian people by his Zionist-fascist state Israel with the blessings of American-European imperialists . A slaughter that is expected to escalate as Israel is getting ready to invade Rafa, where more than 1 million refugees have gathered. At the same time, the Greek government deepens the country's involvement in the war plans of US-NATO-EU . Offers the whole country as a basis for a US -based supply while actively participating in war operations in the wider area of Middle East with the mission of the first frigate to be a matter of days.

In front of these developments is necessary to strengthen our resistance as an elementary sample of solidarity in the long -awaited Palestinian people . In particular to our place, which is the basis of Souda that supports in every way Israeli businesses, a month has passed since last mobilization for Palestine while everyday is souvenir to the city American soldiers transported to and from the wider area. On the basis of these, we filed As a resolution of racing moves at yesterday's meeting of the Single FS in order to call a concentration in the city.

At least problematic we would characterize Well the attitude of the united initiative that, against the spirit of previous decisions of the Association, did not support the resolution prevailing Funny excuses. Nevertheless the Resolution finally passed! With the support of Traverso (NAR), the PCS and the Uninhabited Students. Rather The only ones who find the youth race incompatible To study with the need to fight to avoid meat for the sake of the US-NATO It is the united initiative. Even if we accepted that the basis of the basis of the base contrast (not having) them, because they did not propose another day for the mobilization but on the contrary they tried to prevent the deposit of Resolution ?? Why did they not accept to get into the actions of her frame Occupation Coordination Committee to get a frame down in yesterday's meeting;; A solidarity concentration would be promoted as to The concert organized by the club on Saturday and not contrasting!

· We call on the unifying initiative not to Turn white into the vote to abstain from Saturday's mobilization!

· We invite all students to support the Decisions of their club! To continue the fight against the bill for Private Universities! To reinforce political and cultural actions of the occupation!

To We massive solidarity gathering in the Palestinian people on Saturday 24/02 at 12 at the Agora Square!

Source: https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/02/xania.html