1. With Milei, hunger grows and millions fall into poverty
One million people fall into poverty every month, as a consequence of the brutal adjustment of Milei, says a study by Di Tella University. The Social Observatory of the Argentine Catholic University estimates that since the Government of Milei began, poverty grew from 44.7% to 57.4%, and the destitution of 9.8% to 15%. This is equivalent to 27 million poor and almost seven million homeless!
Behind these figures is the drama of millions of people who do not have for daily food, which increases with each measure against the people who take this reactionary government, hunger and delivery.
Cynically, Milei "celebrates" an inflation that reached 51% in two months, boast of having thrown 50 thousand public workers, and having dropped 98% of transfers to the provinces.
The Government, with the complicity of the business chambers, boycotted and failed the meeting of the Vital and Mobile Minimum Salary Council, where the CGT and the two CTA had taken a unified order of 85%, that is, a base of $ 288,600 from the February 1.
Minister Caputo announced that they will be the ones who will set that salary, which is a reference for informal work, for domestic service and governs among other things the amount of social programs. It also determines the floor of the income tax, which is 15 minimum wages.
In line with the confiscation of funds, those who financed the procrear plan, the progress scholarships, water infrastructure works, the fire management law, the stabilizing fund of the price of wheat, the construction fund in popular neighborhoods, and It still does not send merchandise to thousands of popular dining rooms.
Milei had already been stealing to the provinces the co -participation funds and discretionary transfers, and with the removal of transportation subsidy is causing a disaster throughout the country. Now he also confiscated the educational funds, including the FONID (Teaching Incentive Fund) and says the most campaign that he will not summon the National Teaching Joint: "That the provinces are fixed."
In addition, the government kept retirement and pensions frozen. Now he announced an increase of 30% when the accumulated inflation of this period is 70%, which imposed an infamous adjustment in retirees and pensioners, liquefying their income.
Minister Pettovello suspended the Directorate of Direct Assistance for Special Situations (Dadse), which provides oncological remedies, chronic disabled diseases and acute pathologies urgent to hospitals. This policy is already charging many direct victims, such as neighborhood leader Aldo Pinto, who died in Salta on February 15 due to lack of cancer drugs.
Of course, in a reward for vote in favor of the “Bus Law”, Milei transferred 1,000 million pesos to Governor Valdés, to pay the television of the Carnival of Corrientes.
Inverse of the legendary novel character, Robin Hood, President Milei is "Hood Robin", he steals what little they have to the poor, to distribute it between the richest caste and the IMF.
2. They want to sweep the ANSES
The use of installed capacity in the industry was in December the youngest of the last 12 years.
The fall in economic activity is between 20% and 30%. It caused a collapse in consumption, with 30%peaks. This policy generates the sinking of purchasing power impacting fully on factories, especially in SMEs.
The Government removed the transport subsidies, increased electricity in the AMBA more than 150% and the increase in gas is coming, although the price of oil fell and the oil companies gain fortunes.
This government uses the silver that produces the work of our people to continue paying the debt with the IMF and other usurers. In January, the debt with the fund went from 40,899 million dollars to 43,157 million. That is, we pay debt and the debt grows. The same goes for adjustable bonds and titles for inflation or dollar.
The Government celebrates that they would have achieved "the fiscal balance." Apply what Nicolás Avellaneda said in 1877, when he said: "If necessary, we will pay the debt to the blood, sweat and tears of the Argentines", of course the blood, sweat and tears put them the town and not they.
The school basket increased 450%. More than $ 230,000 are needed to face the return to classes. There are already families who have to decide which of their children will go to school this year. With this policy, school dropout will grow and with the crisis, thousands who were in private school will turn to the public, which will deepen their collapse. The only measure taken by Milei is the increase in school allocation to $ 70 thousand (amount charged only once in March), which the fathers and mothers of 7.3 million boys and girls who attend from the initial level to The secondary
While keeping shipments to the dining rooms of public schools at zero, the Government exempts the payment of employer contributions to private school owners.
The Government wants to appropriate the ANSES sustainability fund (around 76,000 million dollars) which is the guarantee for retirement. Those who drive this looting to retirees are monopolies such as Molinos Río de la Plata, Cresud, from businessman Eduardo Elsztain (milei financier), Pampa Energía, the Techint, Clarín, Telecom and Aluar group, who want to recover actions from which this fund is owner.
Within the December decretazo, the Government included the repeal of the Land Law, which at the time imposed a maximum of 15% for land tenure in Argentina. The measure is in the middle of a judicial battle, but it is still in force.
Great foreign investors seek to increase the looting of our lands and the resources that are in them, as a journalistic investigation shows who are "the owners of the earth", which reach more than one million hectares. And the great landowners expand their stays leading to the crisis to the farmers (see page 5 of this edition).
Every day this policy adds 3,000 new poor, wages are struck between the hands and large sectors of national bourgeoisie see how their small businesses are pushed at the close. Meanwhile a handful of monopolies and landowners take the money in shovel.
According to a report from Page 12 "Unilever, Procter, Arcor, Bimbo, La Serenísima, Celusal, two anchors, personal, movistar, clear and the prepaids led the price increases in January", well above the average of the inflation, already very high, of a 20, of a 20, 6%.
3. A policy that leads us to be pawns of the dispute between the imperialist powers
The deepening of the struggles, in this Argentina played by several imperialist powers, sharpens the fights above within the dominant classes block.
This is seen in the comings and turns between macrismo and freedom progresses, on what conditions those of the PRO would advance in their integration in government positions, and in an agreement of their blocks in Congress.
In a context of growth of war factors in the world, Milei reaffirms their alignment with Western imperialist powers, the United States, England and Israel. They are the three main countries that vote against Argentine claims for Malvinas in the UN.
At a time when the world economy is going through great turbulence. Great Britain and Japan officially recognized that their economies entered into recession, after three months without growth. The economy of Chinese imperialism continues with great problems.
The president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, has just declared that what is doing Israel's fascist government is a genocide and compared it in history: "Like when Hitler decided to kill the Jews."
In this situation, Milei traveled a few weeks ago to support that criminal government endorsing the genocide about the Palestinian people, after more than three months of occupation in Gaza.
This week receives the United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and then will travel to Washington to participate in the Conference of Conservative Political Action, which supports Donald Trump in his career to the Yankee presidency .
Milei will be returning from the United States when two years of the Russian imperialist invasion to Ukraine, which has been heroically resisted by the Ukrainian army.
A month ago, during the Davos forum, Milei met with the English chancellor David Cameron. On that occasion, Milei described the encounter as "excellent" and eluded to respond if the Malvinas issue was touched. On Monday, Foreign Minister Cameron visited Las Malvinas. When leaving London, he declared provocatively that: "The Falkland Islands are a valuable part of the British family ... the issue of sovereignty (with Argentina) will not be the object of discussion." Given this, the Argentine Chancellor, Diana Mondino, makes a humiliating silence.
The imperialist powers advance rapidly in their preparations for a new military confrontation, and Milei's delivery policy transforms us into pawns of that dispute.
4. Faced with this policy, struggles grow
The government, since he assumed, has been imposing a policy of tremendous adjustments, with a large increase in inflation and a terrible recession. It has paralyzed public works, and dismissals and suspensions grow in private companies and shops.
Our PCR already defined in November that this policy had to be faced, and from leading the struggles, fighting to unite everything that can be united to defeat adjustment and delivery.
Today a trail of struggles crosses Argentina.
On February 14 it was held in Bariloche and El Bolsón, the day of launching to the march for sovereignty to Lake hidden, starring the Autonomous CTA, ATE, CCC, PTP-PCR Río Negro, we are and various social and political organizations.
At the close of this edition, thousands of bank workers, accompanied by other unions, mobilized in defense of the National Bank.
Among the teachers, the demand for strength measures such as the non -starting of classes grows. The university teachers have also unified in a front claiming urgent salary and funds for public universities.
The guild of railway machinists, the fraternity, announced a national strike for 21, before a salary offer that does not cover inflation.
Chubut oil protests grow due to the lack of investment in “conventional” wells and workers' construction workers, which claim for the paralysis of Chinese dams.
While Milei attacks popular artists such as Lali Espósito and María Becerra, unity also grows between actors, musicians and artists who reject the adjustment in culture, and pose struggle initiatives.
The workers and researchers of CONICET marched against the dismissals, lack of funds and postponement of scholarship granting.
The unemployed and precarious movements have agreed a new day of struggle for this week, with a center in the food claim for popular dining rooms, updating the amount of the plans and the delivery of school kits before the next start of classes.
From the JCR, the movement or a kid less for the drug, the CCC and a set of youth organizations drive a national day for Thursday 22 with the slogan "The pots are empty, the backpacks too."
A National Plenary of the State Guild Front agreed to fight measures for the 26th of this month, against layoffs and salary freezing of national employees.
The National Peasant Federation has been working for an agrarian and multisectoral fighting day against hunger that grows in the poor peasantry.
From our PCR and the movements that we integrate, we are part of those who fight that these grows that grow together in a new national active strike, convened by the workers' centrals.
The great movement of women and diversities has been working throughout the country to fill the streets in unity on March 8, International Day of Working Women, against the anti -rights policy of this government.
As seen in the great unemployment of January 24, the unit for the fight in the streets is the way to turn the validity of the Milei need and urgency decree and stop this adjustment and delivery policy
We continue to promote the multisectoral that arise throughout the country, and working so that they are true coordinating centers of the labor and popular struggle, to twist the arm to Milei's policy and advance in conquering another policy and another government, in favor from town.
5. Strengthen the PCR for an exit in favor of the people
Should we give this government time? If we sacrifice these months we will be better later? That is the propaganda of the government, and one of the great debates that run through the assemblies of the sections, in the neighborhoods, in the countryside and in all popular sectors.
Do not give them time, because if this policy is stabilized and Milei advances with its measures, only the situation of the great masses will worsen. Milei governs for a caste that intends an Argentina where millions work for food, with all its economy tied to the interests of the great imperialist powers and landowners.
He wants an Argentina like the beginning of the 20th century, when an oligarchic minority threw “butter to the ceiling” at the expense of the exploitation of the great popular majorities.
As we have been raising from the central committee of our party, a situation is accelerated in which the conjunction of several factors "can generate an objective revolutionary situation."
This requires revolutionary communists to continue at the head of the struggles fighting the widest unity to twist the arm to this policy. In the heat of the fight we go to the debate between the masses with the Guide of the Report of the Central Committee of January and the proposals of our ten measures.
We struggle to accumulate forces, incorporating thousands into the PCR and the JCR offering them a struggle. They are tumultuous moments where great changes can occur. It is our duty to prepare and prepare the masses so that these changes are in favor of the working class and the people and open a revolutionary path.
The tributes that we have been making to our beloved Otto Vargas, first general secretary of our party, five years after his death, are a central part of reaffirming those revolutionary objectives, the same for which we founded our party 56 years ago.
Write the Life
Photo: on 19/2 a set of social and political organizations, among which was the PCR-PTP and the CCC, repudiated the presence of Milei in the province of Corrientes.