by contrainformation Ross Operaia of 21/02

Friday 23 and Saturday 24 there are two important national days a support of the Palestinian people. Both have the first word order "stop the genocide" because nobody can anymore hiding that what the Nazi Zionist state pursues of Israel and its ultrarectional and mold government Indeed neonazine of Netanyahu is the genocide of the people Palestinian, his expulsion from his lands - those who are remained - his expulsion from the Gaza Strip. And everyone knows that Then it would be up to the West Bank.
Nobody can now hide that this happens with the practice of massacres, gods mass bombing which, in the name of the self -styled fight against terrorism, a whole people are striking. 30,000 dead, 100,000 injured, women, children, all civil structures are destroyed from the action of Israel who writes a new historical page of crimes of humanity of imperialism and reactionary regimes.
Because of this "Stop the genocide" is clearly a password that We support and fully justify the day of struggle of 23 e The national event of 24.
However, in at the same time, let's say clearly that fighting genocide means support the resistance of the Palestinian people. Describe the people Palestinian as an immanent mountain of victims who is undergoing in front of the genocidal crime of the state of Israel, it is only a part of truth and is a part of the truth that often hides an hypocrisy and a lie.
The people Palestinian is punished for having rebelled because the resistance he raised the shot against
of the Zionist state of Israel, Against his invasion, his employment. The Palestinian people He wants the free and secular Palestinian state. Want freedom, the Earth. The right to exist and to recover what the state Zionist of Israel sustained with imperialism has removed him.
The state Palestinian wants to carry on the historical struggle that began with the Olp, continued with the phases of war of people and armed struggle Antimperialist and antixionist, conducted for many years. Wants rebel against a fate that could only be the expressed one currently. Strategic positions of the Zionist state of Israel e from the general interests of imperialism that supports it. This rebellion has gone from the various nipsa, the Palestinian people have paid a very high cost to his heroic resistance and this heroic Resistance came to October 7 to still show the world that There can be no justice in that area and peace without justice. Justice means law of the Palestinian people to have his own State against the presence of imperialism and its gendarme in the area. This is in the interest of all the Arab masses, of the whole Middle East, of all the oppressed peoples of the world, and today, in a context in which the imperialist powers march towards the war to stop the hand of imperialism that marches towards the war - which is always consolidation and oppression, distribution of territories and energy goods and sources of raw materials that they belong to peoples by crushing peoples.
For this it is Just tie the two days to the fight against the war imperialist in progress with names and surnames and in all areas of the world, whose main subject is American imperialism, the Born, the imperialist governments of European states, of the States capitalists and our government, accomplice of the genocidal march in Act of the state of Israel.
Precisely in these hours, these days, then the "Aspides" mission starts, one mission that wants to bring European and Italian imperialist troops, in particular in the area, to combat solidarity with resistance imperialist, in this case the people of Yemen, called Houthi which is leading right and necessary military attacks against it Zionist state of Israel against those who support him, putting in danger of navigation in the Red Sea which is the center of one of the Important centers in the area, the center of traffic centers world. For whose reasons we also want to erase the people Palestinian.
We are against The Italian imperialist mission that reaches these days the Red Sea. The transformation of Italian soldiers into mercenaries of imperialism, in oppressors of the peoples, and will also be right that the imperialist troops - including Italians - find one response not only social, human, but also military, because imperialism, how much it is defeated, becomes weaker, how much leads his operations and these affirm themselves, become more strong. And imperialism that becomes stronger strengthens governments within these imperialist countries that use this force To crush the workers and proletarians, the popular masses within the country.
The more it goes on the warfounding of the Italian government, the more it is crushed Inside, to our people, the proletarians and popular masses are understood, the war, the costs of the war, is more discharged, more On them the damage of A war economy.
For this we are Because Italian imperialism takes the blows, weaken. Weakening he strengthens the fighting of the proletarians inside.
23 and 24 in These manifestations of solidarity with the Palestinian people must bring the struggle against our imperialism forcefully, because This helps the Palestinian people and helps in internationalist form i proletarians and popular masses in our country.