PC 22 February - 23/24 February: General strike and national demonstration for Palestine

Author: maoist
Description: 23 - February 24: General strike and national demonstration for Palestine as a Palestinian reality in Italy we launch an appeal right ...
Published Time: 2024-02-22T09-12-00-01-00
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23 - February 24: General strike and national demonstration for Palestine

As a Palestinian reality in Italy we launch an appeal to all individual workers and all unions to strike on Friday 23rd February to stop the genocide.

Simple solidarity is no longer enough: the Italian government is openly deployed with Israel, against hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in recent months. Only concrete actions can force Meloni and his ministers to retire from a war in which they are an active part with the

propaganda, with the sale of weapons, with the Commercial and academic agreements.

We block Italy against the position of the government, of NATO, of the European and western states that support the genocide that Israel has been carrying out on October 7th and the colonial occupation that lasts For over 75 years in Palestine.

The price of the war in the Middle East, as of the war in Ukraine e of the "other peacekeeping missions" around the world, the workers and unemployed, as always the last. War is one catastrophe that we will find ourselves in the increase in the bill, in the cart spending, in the increases of rents and transport.

We ask Arab workers, Muslims and foreigners not to turn On the other hand: you have to be in the front row for our sisters e brothers killed and imprisoned in Palestine, for those who are sacrificing themselves In the fight against colonialism, for freedom and justice. Who better than us he knows this struggle and hears it on his skin every day? Racism is the tool that exploits us in the West and in our countries torture us. From Italy we must not mobilize only in rescue of our massacred people, who resist and will still resist: Let's do it for us, let's mobilize because the governments that kill us they are the same that sucking the blood and make your life impossible and miserable; they are the same that remove the rights and they reduce to hunger those who work, who close hospitals and schools, since they still can't bomb them like their Israeli friends.

The unemployed also have to go down to us in the square because the state Italian, who spends millions for weapons and to finance wars a lost fund, it is the same as that has removed citizenship income and the other social support devices, because unemployment is the The result of a crisis that has one of its main causes in the war.

From 7 October the Palestinians, and the front of the resistance that from Lebanon passes through Iraq and arrives at Yemen, they are giving a lesson to World: the last can rewrite history, they can raise the head and powerful can bleed.

Therefore we invite each union and every worker with conscience a block the factories, ports, warehouses and everything you can Until the genocide of a people who claim justice And freedom.

Against the colonial and imperialist war

We block everything

We block the war car

With Palestine until victory!

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-22-febbraio-23-24-febbraio-sciopero.html