Many messages for his partner Concetta

Author: fannyhill
Description: Comrades and companions of the Slai Cobas Sc Taranto with great sadness we learn that his partner Concetta Musio left us this morning ...
Published Time: 2024-02-22T09-21-00-01-00
Comrades and companions of the Slai Cobas Sc Taranto
With great sadness we learn that his partner Concetta Musio left us this morning. For years, an active companion in the Slai Cobas and in the revolutionary proletarian feminist movement where he gave his best with generosity, combativeness, a spirit of rebellion. For this he was loved and respected by all his teammates and companions at national level and the entire movement in Taranto. In the last year his state of health has worsened, but every time he felt better he showed up and participated with his smile and his sweet anger, as in the garrison for Palestine last November. Now we are grieved and we just want to remember it with its best face. We greet his children warmly. It is not rhetoric to say that Concetta lives and fights with us.

The companions and companions of Communist proletarians, MFPR of Taranto

We must communicate a very bad news: our partner, Concetta Musio, a lot of active, until he has been able, especially in the MFPR, but also in communist proletarians, in the battles of the Slai Cobas, engaged not only in Taranto but also in national mobilizations, concept not c 'it's more. She died this morning from a tumor against which she had been fighting for some time.
We are very sad but also angry, because it is this assassin reality of Taranto, the troubled life that this society gives above all to women, who have taken it away.
Concetta has always had to fight in his life, both in family relationships and in always precarious work, but always with rebellion, courage, strength, but also a smile; And once we joined us, this strength was his ideology, the hope of the revolution that led everywhere, to everyone.
Let's give a big hug to her children and daughter, whom she loved so much and for which she did not spare sacrifices.
Concetta will remain with us. And its "presence" will give more confidence that we will defeat this lousy system.

MFPR companions and Slai Cobas - Palermo workers

Hello Dear Concetta, courageous our partner of the strong and determined MFPR, also active in the struggles of the Slai workers Cobas SC
Hello sister of our class with whom we shared many battles and struggles, always at the forefront in the double struggle in defense of our life as proletarian women, alongside migrants, against social injustices ...
With a thousand problems and a difficult life, a proletarian woman who has done so many jobs to live and grow her children, also the muralrara on construction sites, as you told us, but that you have also faced by transforming it into a complaint and public struggle, not least the battle For care denied by this society for the sick with psychiatric problems ...
You will always be with us in our struggles with your beautiful smile ... and this March 8 we will dedicate it to you too, you who in recent years have challenged the weapon of women's strike trying to transmit it to other proletarian women by placing the need for the Struggle of the majority of women aimed at a real social change ...
You are and you will always be with us!

The companions and companions of the Cobas Confederation of Taranto
They mourn the disappearance of Concetta Musio, partner of the Slai Cobas of Taranto. We are fraternally close and close to the pain of his children and the companions and companions of the Slai Cobas. In our hearts they will remain his wonderful smile and his determination and firmness of militant companion always present in all the union, social, political, internationalist antagonistic initiatives, etc. Ecc. Also recently when his health was precarious, as soon as he felt better We found it by our side, and therefore, without any rhetoric, let's say you will live in our struggles! We greet you for the last time with a closed fist and that the earth is mild.

Ex Pasquinelli workers and workers - Taranto
We are very sad. It also came to support our struggles

The workers of the kindergartens - Taranto
We are very sorry! No life is wasted or lived in vain for those who believed, have fought and fought to affirm their ideas and fight to claim their rights
It has often been present to our principals, struggles, giving us support. We will miss a lot

Comrade worker Tenaris Dalmine - Bergamo
Proletarian spirit and new humanity from his smile. His presence in the struggles will always be this. Like his hugs. A hug concept by the factories

Luigia - L'Aquila
Hi Concetta, sweet warrior. That the earth is mild to you, like this system has not been with you at all. For this, for you too, we have to break down. For this reason, even with you, we will continue to fight, with your determination, with your anger, with your love, to free many other women from all this pain. And this will be the only way to do it justice. For you, for Anna, for all the proletarian companions that I was lucky enough to meet.
I have no words, and not even more tears for now perhaps because I can't believe it. He left silently for me, but with a load of unbearable pain for her, who touched herself behind her smile, and her strength. I have no words, but only a lot of anger.

Catia Tebaldi
It is with a lot of pain that I learn this horrible news. I had met Concetta many years ago. I fully agree with your press release. You die more and worse if you are proletarians in this polluted world in every sense. Unfortunately, companions leave us. In December Anna and now Concetta. I don't make a reason for it. I am close to you in your pain and anger.

Serenetta Monti - Rome
Fortunat* We who were able to fight with her next! Hi Concetta. Also from Rome!

Maria Luana Farina - Rome
It will always remain with us.

Companions/s, workers of Palermo
I am really very sad in reading this message. Rest in peace dear Concetta - Gisetta
Dear Concetta you will always be with us - Giorgia
I learned about the death of Concetta Musio, I'm very sorry for life is bastard! Maria Concetta
I'm so sorry for this news and for the pain of his loved ones. What a beautiful smile that of Concetta Licia
Condolences ... very sorry the death of Concetta that I met - Avvenzo Catastimeni
I'm so sorry I met her, last time I saw her at the Taormina G7 manifestation always with that cap at Che Guevara
Condolences to the family and a hug to the MFPR - Antonella companions
I'm so sorry, I met him, a combative woman, solar - Augustine
I am very sorry not to have known her such a strong and important person for our union, I join the pain of the fellow struggle - Delia

Flavia Mapelli - Bergamo
I'm so sorry. A hug to the family and companions

Stefano - FGC Taranto
great pain ... that the earth is mild ...

Stefano Ghio - Genoa
Hearing condolences to all his companions for the disappearance of his partner Concetta. A strong hug. Hi Concetta, wherever you are.

Giusy - Bologna
Hello concetta your determination to fight there is an example

Daniela - Ravenna
I'm so sorry. I make the most heartfelt condolences to the family, to women to the men and people who have been close to her. I was bad for it and I didn't expect it even if I hadn't seen her for some time and I didn't know her vicissitudes.
