Organized on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the February fights in 1934 The Red flag A panel discussion under the title: "Civil war in Austria": History and topicality . Reference to the historical events and the teachings of the "red Feber", the panel participants drawn conclusions for today's situation, especially for the tasks of democratic and revolutionary movement in Austria.
The panel discussion was also all about internationalism: it was opened with a greeting between the Bulgarian "Movement September 23" (1). In this it says “The heroic historical events have always been an important teaching for the revolutionaries of all generations. In this sense, our two countries have a lot to learn from it. (...) The reactionary forces attack on all sides. (...) Censorship and restrictions are increasingly serious. Criminal prosecution and repression against progressive and revolutionary forces are something everyday these days. ... We have to combine the global working class against imperialism. That is why we appreciate our work together and our mutual fight. (...) "
Irene W., long -time activist of the autonomous women's movement, believes that the teachings of the February battles still have topicality in 1934, so that the reduction of social and democratic rights and the increase in police officers are increasing massively. To fight back and fight, requires a determined and broad approach, as Gerhard Mack ( Comintern ) emphasizes that those questions should be asked that can summarize different interests. Mack also presented the developments before February 1934 and drew essential pillars of the development of Austrofascism and the labor movement in the run -up to the fights.
The 1934 February fights were preceded by years of fascination, the destruction of democratic and social rights, wage robbery and the massive increase in unemployment. Developing a consistent policy against the increasing attacks of the rulers also means today to defend the heroic defensive fight against Austrofascism in February 1934 and to apply the conclusions derived from it today, according to a representative of the campaign for democratic rights ( ADRV ). And that means, among other things, that one should not wait, but have to begin to organize itself in the defense of democratic and social rights today.
The question of the state was also discussed. At the time of Austrofascism, the entire state apparatus was used to resign against the defense against fascism. The state apparatus was used as an instrument against the fighters with media propaganda, emergency regulation law, the use of the Federal Army and finally the introduction of the state law. Even today there is no “neutral” state, but the state apparatus is still an instrument of the ruling classes - the panel participants agreed. Irene W. stated whether the population should be split with opinion dictation or certain forms of isolation policy. She also emphasized that consequences for the population, especially for women, were also enforced in periods of SP government participation.
One should not be blinded by the so -called "anti -fascism" by the Greens and SPÖ. The so often used "never fascism" can only be seriously persecuted if the anti -fascist and revolutionary struggle also opposes the policy of the rulers. An audience participant criticized the liberal "left" and emphasized that important topics, such as fight against EU and NATO, should not be left to the right. In order to advance the revolutionary and democratic movement in Austria, the questions that make a broad merger possible must be taken up. Another message from the audience emphasized the need to create action units against the upcoming EU elections.
In summary, a panel discussion was a good discussion for the further steps of democratic and revolutionary movement. The red flag thanks the panel participants for participation.
"We not only buried the dead at the time, but also illusions and errors"
The red flag, February 1935
(1) Movement September 23 is a revolutionary organization from Bulgaria. In the fight against fascism, in addition to the February fights in Austria, September 23, 1923 in Bulgaria was also important and international.