PC 22 February - On the workers' massacre at the Florence site an intervention from Bergamo, the city from which some of the workers killed by profit came

Author: prolcomra
Description: As a counter -information Rossusoia of 21/02 today (yesterday), just as we are talking, the body of the fifth worker was found that d ...
Published Time: 2024-02-22T15-42-00-01-00
Images: 000000.JPG

by contrainformation Ross Operaia of 21/02

Today (yesterday), just as we are talking, the body of the fifth worker who from Friday 16 February was under the rubble of the construction site of what is the workers' massacre of Florence for profit.

According to the press, among other things, they are still trying to understand, to identify the presence of the workers. As the prosecutor wrote, And a situation in which There is the problem of match the names to the bodies. Therefore a complex has also begun identification activities on what remains of these poor people workers, started with the help of experts and that requires skills genetic specifications. Because It is the C now are Really in dramatic conditions. "

Only this should to horrify and make us understand the system we live in, a system in which in a huge construction site you do not know who is there even working. But this is the mirror of the condition they want Bring the whole working class, all workers. For this system imperialist we are slaves and that leads us to die every day like the slaves.

It is true, like denounces an inspector, that the "work has changed". But the work has changed because it has adapted to the thirst for profit and exploitation that led to deregulation on the spot of Work.

It is good to put on center, as has also been said here by the unions, that there is a link between Bergamo and what happened in Florence.

Of course there is a link! And the bond is what Bergamo/Brescia are a basin of labor of

thousands of workers exploited and underpaid to black, of which construction is one of the main centers. We take into account that a Bergamo are among the most important national construction companies, those, to understand each other, of the Master Percassi, and around there is all an induced business and employment lenders, a basin of corporal, of whom everyone is aware, made by the masters but Also endorsed by the confederal unions.

8 workers in A work team, but employees of three different companies " . AND The journalist wonders: “Companies or manpower loans, So corporals? " Because this is the problem: it cannot exist a master of a company of 23 employees who claim to say, like said that of the company Go Costruzioni, Mr. Ghezzi, "the My employees among the dead? I don't know "!

But let's go back to premise, that is, that the work has changed. Let's see the situation in particular in Bergamo, already reported since 2016 by the CISL, the union that today It does not even do the 2 shameful hours of strike. They say these ******* Bastards of the CISL that: “l to naturally situation And daughter of the crisis that has c ol pito hard the construction sector in the province of Bergamo. In 7 years, according to data of the union, are ven use 13,000 places of I work in the sector ... " m to On the other hand they say they bloom - s second The s secretary Danilo Mazzola a - “ In construction more and more, employee work becomes A luxury and contributory evasion from the entities is constantly upwards ".

L e pa r tite VAT are born how mushrooms in the autumn season and vouchers are also used in situation and in non -admissible quantities. So It is a condition that the whole union cannot accept ... ".

How, the union "cannot accept "when in this situation there has been the whole issue of the bonuses to redo the houses, the green light was given to a unbridled increase in exploitation and working conditions in Restricted times and that are the main cause of injuries and that the union has endorsed.

If this is the Union situation let's see what the work inspectorate says Always on Bergamo: “i construction companies: for l’ Inspectorate of work the irregularity is the rule, the 80% And out -of -law according to the inspection carried out last year and 62% companies do not respect the rules for safety. "

Some short data To give an idea of this immense situation: 5000 construction companies inspected in 2021, of which the 80% find irregular, 1605 businesses suspended in the first 3 months of the year p For failure to comply with the safety rules, the 200 accidents one al minute.

Clearly the thing more scandalous is that these complaints come Facted in the National Congress of Filca Cisl in Bergamo and the trade unionists knew very well the situation of irregularities. And then they come justified, always in this national congress, by this sort of national unity: institutions, labor inspectorate, unions Connivents and masters ...

Here's what he says Vanessa Pesenti, president of Ance Bergamo, who reiterates to be "An unacceptable wound for the country and for each of us."

But fuck you, we let's say! But how is it possible to find a solution If these institutional tables do not break, this rubber wall, that we find ourselves in the jobs when we look for, with difficulty, to bring out what are the working conditions e of exploitation! This applies to construction sites, but also applies to factories, because within the jobs, in all places of work are not the unions that would be the first they have to check, the representatives of the security workers are alone Four white flies are the ones who do their job and I don't know if Not even there are at the moment in Bergamo.

When our daily factory activity comes out of the workplace and is reported in the bodies in charge - e that we should intensify, organize, also through an organization of superior struggle that is that of the network for the Safety - What are we in front of us? What are in front of them workers or combative unions trying to get these out conditions? There are the rubber wall of the entities in charge, of the Ausl, of the work inspectorates that every now and then they denounce, like when the case as Florence breaks out, like so many others, and then don't change anything anymore, because they do square between of them the confederal unions, the masters and the various governments that do they succeeded, including the last one, who have weakened any I wait for safety. It is not enough to condemn "changes of the legislation that led to a deregulation in the chain of contracts ha Description of security " as A union like CGIL says.

The problem is not only this last government but is the whole system that must be put in discussion and that's why a battle is needed national, but a battle that starts in every single job and which involves, in fact, from workers to the inspectors, come on delegates, RLS, journalists, intellectuals, all those who understand that this continuous massacre, this daily war in jobs is the mirror of a putrefaction company that it must be overturned in order to truly put the Work.

Because the problem It is that capital makes work harmful, not the work itself.

We have started with these "invisible" workers of which you do not He still knows the name now, and we want to say some things respect to their working condition reported by the brothers and by Family: “Mohamed always worked. He lived in Bergamo - he explains His brother - he told me that he started every morning with a van led by others to reach the Florence site. Then in the evening He returned home and then left the next morning. It was a hard work, So he said, he didn't earn a lot, half money gave them to him Regularly, the other half instead was in black.

Another story is The one told by the brother of the Tunisian boy: a veva only 19 years old when he left Tunisia to come to Italy. I remember that day, when he left our back ours City, greeting our parents, was happy to leave. Volev a A different future, embarked on that ship and left. To that time could be traveled freely between one bank and another of the Mediterranean."

This for Closing is the link between Bergamo and Florence. With the government with the League, i racists, the fascists, the masters feel more and more free of take advantage of the workers more and more, but on the other hand there are these other proletarians, these brothers of ours, so we must transform This pain in anger and organization to respond to theirs dead.

So what We are doing we summarized it before, what anyway We will continue to do, as well as to bring the complaint to the places of work and also to the initiatives to be held, is to bring the need for the organization within jobs Compared to the safety and battle to be done against it exploitation but also that for having wage increases. Because another central data is also that of hunger wages of workers as well as that of precarious contracts.

We must give permanent signs of a daily struggle that cannot wait for the Next massacre of workers.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-22-febbraio-sulla-strage-operaia-al.html