The noisy silence of Bolsonaro and generals in a testimony about scammers - the new democracy

Author: Victor C. Bellizia
Categories: Situação Política
Description: Preparations did not result in effective action because Yankee imperialism did not accept the initiative now; And that was only why the military summit was divided. And the reason for the Yankee refusal, Bolsonaro himself said at his ministerial meeting: "If we react after the elections, there will be chaos in Brazil, it will become a great guerrilla!" It is the fear of the revolution.
Link-Section: situacao-politica
Modified Time: 2024-02-22T17:54:08-03:00
Published Time: 2024-02-22T17-20-57-03-00
Sections: Situação Política
Tags: crise militar, Governo Lula
Type: article
Updated Time: 2024-02-22T17:54:08-03:00
Images: 000000.jpg

Today, Jair Bolsonaro and 22 more investigated for coup attempted coup d'état were forced to give testimony to the PF. Among these, the large amount of high military officers reaffirms to be, from the very essence of the Armed Forces, the inclination to military interventions. Braga Neto, four-star reserve general, former defense minister and candidate for deputy in 2022; Augusto Heleno, General of the GSI former Minister-Chief Reserve; Paulo Sérgio Nogueira, general of the former army commander and former defense minister; Almir Garnier, former Navy commander Admiral, as well as three other army colonels. There is also Valdemar Costa Neto, PL President Anderson Torres, former Justice Minister and former Bolsonaro advisors.

Neither Bolsonaro, nor any of the other generals responded to the investigators' inquiries, because, in fact, their situation is, in their own way and level, legally delicate. Even before the recent release of the video of the meeting between Bolsonaro, ministers and generals, the notably coup performance of the accused was already known. Since last year, information had already proven that Braga Netto participated in meetings with Bolsonaro where the scam was discussed, with the high command of the Armed Forces, which discussed the outbreak of a “state of defense” and that He visited Bolsonarist camps to appeal that the "green chickens" wouldn't be discouraged. Heleno also had close proximity to the Bolsanist Success, and received several of them while he was Minister of GSI. In Mauro Cid's allegations, he was one of those pointed out as a connoisseur or even a participant in the far right coup articulations. Paulo Sérgio Nogueira, as revealed last year, personally received the hacker Walter Delgatti at the Ministry of Defense to draw plans to demoralize the electronic ballot boxes from the far right plans. Almir Garnier, lastly, was one of the generals who agreed to command troops in a possible attempted blow by Bolsonaro. Again: All of this was known before the recent revelations, which brought new proof of Braga Neto's coup performance (articulator of the general's demoralization campaign that denied participating in an open blow), Augusto Heleno (who proposed to “turn the table before the elections ”) And Paulo Sérgio (who delayed, on purpose, the dissemination of the Ministry of Defense report on“ ballot box security ”, in the objective of generating chaos).

In the case of Bolsonaro, it is already known that, on November 19, 2022, therefore 20 days after the end of the second round, received in the presidential palace his former advisor to international affairs, Filipe Martins, as well as lawyer Amauri Saad and the Father José Eduardo de Oliveira e Silva. According to whistleblower Mauro Cid, Martins presented to Bolsonaro the decree (the “draft”), and received from this the adjustments guidelines, to wipe the text and remove some points. On December 7, these new meeting, but now with two of the Armed Forces Commanders: Freire Gomes (Army) and Garnier Santos (Navy). Two days later, December 9, according to the investigation, Bolsonaro approved the changes in the draft and met with General Theophilo Gaspar de Oliveira, commander of terrestrial operations, who placed the orders to execute the military coup if he received the orders. As it turns out, investigations directly imply Bolsonaro in such a draft. What would he have to say about this, under these circumstances?

The most important and inaugural preparatory act of Bolsonaro took place on July 5, 2022, at such a ministerial meeting in which Bolsonaro gives the directive, that all his ministers should doubt the electoral process. In May, two months earlier, the reactionary armed forces participated in the electoral transparency commission and already exemplary this task: then defense minister Paulo Nogueira, raised 88 questions about the “urn security”, and with the approval of all The commanders of the Armed Forces, the "Legalists" and the "Bolsonarists." "Legalists" who, in November, spoke defending the camps in front of the barracks as "democratic manifestations", while the sudden "green chickens" asked for military coup. These are the legalistic military!

Let us also recall that it was on December 9 that Bolsonaro "broke the silence" after the defeat, the same day he would have approved the final newsroom of the "draft." In his first intervention after the defeat, Bolsonaro explicitly prepared the ground for his Armageddon. “I am sure that, among my functions guaranteed in the Constitution, is to be the supreme chief of the Armed Forces. The Armed Forces are essential in any country in the world. He has always said, over these four years, that the Armed Forces are the last obstacle to socialism. ” Bolsonaro here clearly externalized the conflict and internal struggle that was bursting within the Military High Command, about intervening or not that moment e that . The only unanimity that we are aware that there is all of them is that the intervention option is always on the table, otherwise there would be no discussions.

Defeated within the High Command, Bolsonaro and his group played to take place the second Bolsonada on January 8, preceded by the general essay, on November 15, the day of the new president's diplomation. Major Rafael Martins and whistleblower Mauro Cid has made transactions, $ 100,000, to fund hotel, food and "protesters" passages to Brasilia, on November 14. The next day, the "green chickens" starred in the first violent protest by a coup in the capital. On January 8, some detainees revealed that men prepared in advance instructed the crowd on how to behave during the action, which raises the suspicion of participation of specialists, unconventional wars. General Rudauto Lúcio Fernandes is suspected of participating in this scheme. Now, more and more, everything fits.

Now the expectations of Bolsonaro's arrest rise. In response, he summoned the act on February 25, which must have more than 80 deputies and governors of the far right and those who attacked their wagon to the pocket car. We will see what will be the next movement of the Mato Captain. But there is no doubt, throughout public opinion, that Bolsonaro was the head of scammers preparations. It is also noteworthy that these did not result in effective action because Yankee imperialism did not accept the initiative now; And that was only why the military summit was divided. And the reason for the Yankee refusal, Bolsonaro himself said at his ministerial meeting: "If we react after the elections, there will be chaos in Brazil, it will become a great guerrilla!" It is the fear of the revolution.

So far, no surprise

Nothing that is revealed so far surprises this podium, but that makes choir with all its analysis.

On May 17, 2022, in the editorial Military Crisis Discourses , we pointed to the heat of the events that Bolsonaro headed the most serious rupture preparations relying on the conflict with the Supreme Court and having the center the electoral issue:

“Bolsonaro, as is constituted, follows his coup agitation. The target of it is the reactionary armed forces troops and their auxiliary forces, mainly, and public opinion in the background. The objective is to shake the barracks alleging institutional crisis as an STF interference in the executive's competences (see Daniel Silveira crisis), as alleged proof of bias of the Supreme Court in favor of the election of Luiz Inácio. Election that, for him, would be the 'restart' of the country's 'communication' and proof that the state is 'co -opted' by the PT - and in this case, to install the FA to intervene to 'guarantee the constitutional powers', being this One of the missions that the 'citizen constitution' of 1988 attributes them. Bolsonaro's coup action plan is therefore to use as a battle -horse the issue of the ballot box as the final proof of their statements, destabilize and, perhaps, break the Hierarchy of the FA and auxiliary forces at some more fragile, forcing high Command of the Armed Forces (ACFA) to embark on the culmination of the military coup, impose a new regime and, within it, to continue the pugna by defining what type of regime it would be. Thus, all the pocket agitation seeks to increase the threat atmosphere of an imminent Armageddon, as much as blackmail that prevents a possible election of Luiz Inacio, and to enhance the coup frenzy to culminate him if he wins. ”

As for Paulo Sérgio Nogueira, in the same editorial, we will unmask the role he was fulfilling in the election transparency commission:

“Paulo Sérgio Nogueira, the current defense minister who lifts the Supreme Court with questions and demands skewed with a clear purpose of questioning the election - a man who until the other day was an active General - is the same one that was celebrated by the stupid liberals of the press monopoly when he assumed the general command of the army. ”

We also pointed out that Yankee imperialism tended not to allow an institutional rupture and that such “legalists” within the Armed Forces were only with this position, as a result of the position of imperialism:

“Yankee imperialism is not interested in greater shaking in its backyard in times of crisis and so growing international tensions. Generals are evidently scammers, but they want to conduct their offensive offensive preventive counter-revolutionary as much as possible in legality and not precipitate the culmination of the coup: they want to lead it through the electoral farce and the old decrepit democracy, destroying it as it exists today, with followed stocked, and establishing, with its moderating power through current institutional instruments, a new political regime of absolutist presidentialism. Its pronouncements, all questioning the electronic ballot box, is to prepare conditions of military intervention supported by article 142 if the situation is extreme - for the eventual effect that has the pocket preaching and the growth of the general crisis and the revolutionary situation that develops, since those Popular rebellions of 2013/14 - to the point of being required to intervene so as not to lose control, with this point a constitutional justification. But mainly, their scammers against the ballot box are more rhetorical, they are a measure to dispute with Bolsonaro control over the troop. ”
