NRW: Raid against workers in Essen

Author: laji
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-02-22T19-58-46-00-00
Tags: Klassenjustiz, NRW, Razzia

In Essen in North Rhine-Westphalia there was once again a raid. This is not unusual in itself, only that this time it was not a raid in the vicinity of so -called "Arab clans", but an operation against "social service recipients".

On Wednesday morning, the regulatory office, together with employees of the housing supervision, the residents' registration office, the immigration office, financial accounting and the job center, checked a total of six properties in Elisenstrasse in Essen's Ostviertel. The bulls performed “administrative assistance” with an entire hundred.

The Essen Eastern district and Elisenstrasse have to be said that it is one of the poorest, most neglected and precarious streets of Essen. The blocks around Elisenstrasse are characterized by migrant workers from Southeast Europe, which are often forced to pursue all kinds of day -long work and undeclared work by the chauvinist legislation of the German state. The park opposite Elisenstraße is a meeting point for alcohol and drug addicts and right next to it is a so-called "sister mission" of the Catholic Church, which regularly organizes food expenses that lead to long snakes around the street.

In the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, the Funke Medien Group, the regional edition of the most standard, the city speaks of success before an evaluation of the raid. The reason for this is that 52 people allegedly could not be found in their apartments in this operation and that they are deregistered with immediate effect from government transfer services. In plain language, this means that the city of Essen people only relate to social assistance due to the fact that they were not there at the time of the raid. This is an attack on the fundamental rights of these people in several respect. First of all, every person has the right to freedom of movement and a raid with a hundred of the police is not an appointment for the agency to appear. You are - regardless of whether with a German passport or not - you are not forced to stay in your apartment, because the bureaucrats and civil servants of the bourgeois state could occur with the doors. To conclude from the absence of people in their apartments that they have no longer increased this scandal.

As with similar operations in Duisburg and other retirement cities, it is an attempt to pass on the loads and costs of the crises to the deepest and broadest parts of the working class with very administrative means. Especially against migrants and increasingly against people from Romania and Bulgaria. This is the policy of the Federal Government and in particular a Christian Lindner who is concrete implemented here when attempts are made to save in the poorest parts of our class and brutally with racist and chauvinistic means.

The residents of the controlled buildings meanwhile live in sometimes inhumane conditions: poor general condition of the houses, broken doors and tinkered power supply, mold, moist walls and blankets. Meanwhile, the city is not so administrative against the owners and at least profiteers and co -causers of these conditions. There is a warning and an appointment for rectification.

It turns out that the entire instruments of the police state and militarization, which have been built over the years and were legitimized racistically, are increasingly being used to be opened against other parts of the working class bit by bit.

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