Architecture was one of the schools in which the measure of tele-examination had not been implemented, following a decision of the teachers, due to the "particular nature of our school courses" and why they "respect our struggle". Indeed, some of them at an event with students and teachers said they would defend the occupation up to a human chain.
Their statements, of course, made the forces of the reformist left express their unlimited appreciation in the academic community and the support of faculty members in the fight against private universities. They dedicated paragraphs to paragraphs in their common contexts to the University Community and how much they welcome the teachers' decisions. Those who otherwise apply the attack on our school, who are massively cutting us in the exams, who are forcing us to pay the consumables for our mock -ups, want to present themselves as "friends of the student movement".
But in the end we see once again that teachers are not on the side of students. None of these heavy statements have prevented them from reaching a decision to continue the educational process during the occupation, and of course with impossible deadlines. As we mention from the beginning of the tele-examination measure, it is a clear undermining of the race in the most painless way for the system. And regardless of any individual statement of some, supposedly progressive, teachers, it is clearly proved that the teaching mattress has clearly opposite interests with those of struggling students, who are fighting for an education without class barriers and fragmented diplomas. At the same time that academics are "opposed" to Pierrakakis because they feel their chair cracking and do not apply the tele-examination because it is not a stunning process ...
What certainly did not prevent the teachers from making such a decision was the elected forces of the reformist left. These left forces, supposedly involved in these bodies to intervene, who insist on sitting at the same tables as those who apply the system attack on the students.
Tele-transit, tele-lessons and tele-examinations are clear means of repression they intend, to undermine the student movement, to downgrade the decisions of the clubs, to decline our struggle. We must not leave them! We explicitly put as a line of abstention from all this and the legitimization of these processes. We massive our assemblies, occupations and demonstrations, against syndicate and consultations that insist on seeking statements by teachers, believing that they will validate the law of our struggle. We believe in the power of the student movement and its decisions. We must all fight together to further strengthen and overturn the passage of the bill and any anti -populist law that the system will want to pass. No tele-delivery-
- Down the tele-catastrophic-magical abstinence from the tele-extensives
- Below Pierrakaki-Kami thought for private universities-public and free education for all
- Everyone in the demonstrations!