Teleperformance: Victory in the fair race of workers' strikers. | DOWN THE HANDS FROM THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE ARTIST ACTION

Author: Αντίσταση στις γειτονιές!
Labels: εργαζομενοι, ταξικη πορεια, τηλεπικοινωνιες
Published Time: 2024-02-23T05-56-00-02-00
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Afterward by two very massive strikes in the country's largest Call Center (Teleperformance, TTEc, Webhelp, Foundever, E-Value), her employer Teleperformance, the largest telecommunications company in Greece, DRAW THE TELEPHONE AND INFORMATION Workers' Union (SETIP) in the courts, utilizing Hatzidakis Law (4808/21) and Specifically the provision relating to the compulsory registration of unions In GEFISO (General Register of Workers' Unions), By denouncing SETP that he is not entitled to preach strike or to negotiate collective employment contract as it has not registered in register.

With Base the specific arrangement of the Hadjidakis anti -labor abortion Associations are obliged to register with GEFISO and register to This is the names of the members of the Board of Directors, the minutes sorting of ballots and counting votes to his elections and the financial resources of the union by the state. Presupposes also to keep digital books with the details of all of their members of a union, the minutes of the general assemblies and the Fund management. In the case of not enrollment of a union in GYNISO, the law provides that this union does not have the Ability to preach strike, negotiate a collective agreement Work, to exercise legitimate trade union action and its executives do not protected by redundancies or transfer. Is one of the many Provisions of the Chatzidakis Law trying to get into illegality class union with the electronic folder and effort Control of employment and state in the processes of unions.

THE Participation of thousands of industry workers in two strikes at 8 and February 19 made clear in the employer of Teleperformance that not are going to retreat until they win their claims, Among other increases in wages, operational collective agreement Work and abolition of the "special purpose" visa. With the founding of Operational Association of Workers in Teleperformance on 12 February still became another important step in organized action of workers. The company's management, after the great pressure that accepted and continues to accept from the relentless struggle of her workers, and after failing to terrorize them with threats that launches all this time (non -renewal of contracts, transfer to Other Projects Coke Attack on SETPS in order to bend the Racing of the workers in the industry.

Becomes Once again clear that the Hatzidakis law is not just one Still anti -labor law. Was and is a point of intersection in the attack that launches the system against our labor rights and with the Its utilization trying to put on the plaster the class unionism, the Strike and the race as a whole. The workers in every match that breaks up find the application of the provisions of the law with Judicial rulings that 'illegal' strikes. Is also becoming obvious that no law is passed to “stay on the papers” but To apply, and therefore employees must overall To fight for the overthrow of the Hatzidakis Law, and the continuity of the Law Georgiades. It is imperative to defend the Our collective organs, the right to strike and free Trade union action! We will not accept any state or employer Intervention in our clubs and we will protect our struggles! I will We continue to claim wage increases, collective agreements And our right to work and life as a whole!


Down the hands of the associations, the strike and the trade union action






CLASS 22/02/2024
