Saturday 24 February, 12:00 Central Square

· Where has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of fantasies and civilians, and has cause a wave of millions of refugees.
· Marks people's lives all over the globe as it is used by the systemic political forces to load the crisis on the backs of the peoples.
· He's got escalate dangerously the confrontation between the imperialists of the "West" and the "East" and especially the US-Russia strategic competition and It triggers war clashes everywhere in the world.
· Leads humanity to a period, Where imperialist forces (US-NATO, Russia, China) prepare their Conditions for a global nuclear massacre !!
At the same time the slaughter evolves In Gaza. The Zionist regime of Israel, with a policy equivalent to Nazi-fascist "final solution", performs a genocide of 30,000 dead and thousands of missing, 70.00 wounded, and over 2 million Palestinians in a state of deprivation of food, water, drugs, health Care, residence. However The heroic Palestinian people with resistance organizations, not subordinate, struggles hard, causes the mass solidarity of peoples all over the world and gives a message and example of anti -imperialist anti -war struggle.
Developments in the Middle East, in combination with war in Ukraine, drive a series of countries to get into a tangle indirect military confrontation, with the risk of a wider warfare explosion. The ND government, but also All urban parties (SYRIZA, PASOK etc) , who have turned Greece in 51 the US state, they have filled her with bases and have her Make on a platform of war excursions of his greatest killer world, expose the people and the country to risks , and load the people with unbearable weights of expensive Equipment programs.
In a period that the popular anger flares and he goes out on the street, with the farmers to claim massively their right, so as not to they get out and be able to live by working on their land, and the youth to fight so as not to Famous families' children are thrown out of education, there is a need to get back into the daily layout and the struggle against war and imperialism, against its policy dependence and slavery. For the formation of the Front and Solidarity Front of the Peoples, so they can envision and hope in a future without wars, poverty and exploitation!