The big farm rally in downtown Athens on February 20th, the shocking demonstration of students on the 8th of the same month, both with the participation of thousands of people and youth, the dozens of other mobilizations, the blocks, the mass general meetings, the occupations They are the most degrading answer to all of them! Quite simply, because despite the serious and critical problems that have emerged in the context of the struggle, it turns out again and again that anger and indignation do not wait! The same is evidenced by the strikes of call centers, which discovered in the battle the importance of the trade union organization, with a union in the Teleperformance workshop.
The masses, after all, when they choose the path of the race, do so because they want to win, whatever the plans and calculations of those who appear each time as their "leadership". And there is also the best response to the screams of fatalism, to those who refuse the right of the people to fight out of their systemic standards, in the theory of "futility" and "ineffectiveness" of the struggles. It is precisely this will and need to be served by those forces that seek to strengthen the direction of the confrontation in social and political developments, against tactics and reformist submission, the line of departure and the closure of the fight. From this process this direction will arise and range, which as it strengthens, the more it will strengthen in turn and the prospect of victory of the movements.
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Read on sheet 957 released on Saturday 24 February 2024:
Sheet contents
Main articles
The world of exploitation is not invincible!
The struggling masses open the ways of hope and perspective!
Raw blackmail for blood bath and new Nakba in Rafa
Will Rubicon cross the Zionist Israel?
Rural mobilizations
They can and should continue! They can and should win!
Right in Europe
Increase rates (and) due to agricultural mobilizations?
EU 'green' agreement and farmers' attitude
Everyone in the lessons ... no one in the races?
SYRIZA-PS in constant existential judgment
Voting for homosexual wedding
Cracks and turmoil
More and more accurate… free care
We honor March 8
The female movement today
Bookstore Outside the walls Gravias 10-12 Exarchia
Hangout opposite Miltiadou 3 Daphne
Slingen youth and culture space , Syngrou 24, 2nd floor
Left Kougiou Youth Hang 23
Crack left space of thought and action , M. Vogou 20
Zalo left -wing politics and culture , Harilaou Trikoupi 21
Reverse youth and workers' hangout , Pukevil 2