51% of Italians remain against the sending of weapons to Ukraine. It is detected from a Intra-Ipsos survey made known these days.
There is a consent ranging from 74 to 55% on sending humanitarian aid, cheap and the welcome of Ukrainian refugees, but on involvement military of Italy, more than half of the public opinion continues to be contrary despite the political and media hammering of supporters of the military option. 52% remain in favor of penalties to Russia, while 30% are contrary.
Also Ukraine's entry into the European Union does not excite at all. The interviewees are practically split into three parts and equivalent with 34% favorable, 32% opposite and 34% that does not give a judgment in one sense or in the other.
Secondly for the to Italian population The conflict in the Middle East is more important than that in Ukraine, especially among young people. Per Those who are less than 35 years of age, the war in Gaza is clearly more relevant than the one in progress in Ukraine. Gap which becomes very strong for children aged between 18 and 24 years, which indicate Gaza in 58% of cases and Ukraine only in 16%.
On the world in which we live and that awaits us Italians interviewed by the Intra-Ipsos survey they think today's world is more fragmented (87%), more insecure (86%) and with Greater inequalities (75%) compared to that of a few years ago. Among the young people these percentages, however, descend.
Of this and how to continue in the mobilization to pull Italy out of the wars, it will be discussed Friday afternoon in Rome in a public debate organized by the "Angelo Baracca" Committee in which all the political and social forces engaged against the war will participate,