Let's appeal and We support for two international days - 23/24 February - in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance against the genocidal plan Israel/Imperialism - for the liberation of Palestine - Against the intervention of imperialist troops in the Red Sea/ Cons the march towards the world imperialist war - in support of antimperialist struggles of the proletarian and popular and to the wars of people/ we appeal to the formation of popular committees of solidarity that include Palestinian associations/organizations class union/anti -imperialist and progressive/movements forces Student and youth/women's organizations in Fight/intellectuals/jurist artists etc.
In the framework of these two international days in Italy we adhere and We participate in the general strike of February 23 and the National event in Milan of February 24th
Slai Cobas for the class union - Slaicobasta@gmail.com
Proletarians Communists /PCM- Italy- pcro.red@gmail.com
Committee international support for popular war in India - csgpindia@gmail.com
Let's appeal and We support for two international days - 23/24 February - in solidarity with the Palestinian resistance against the genocidal plan Israel/Imperialism - for the liberation of Palestine - Against the intervention of imperialist troops in the Red Sea/ Cons the march towards the world imperialist war - in support of antimperialist struggles of the proletarian and popular and to the wars of people/ we appeal to the formation of popular committees of solidarity that include Palestinian associations/organizations class union/anti -imperialist and progressive/movements forces Student and youth/women's organizations in Fight/intellectuals/jurist artists etc.
In the framework of these two international days in Italy we adhere and We participate in the general strike of February 23 and the National event in Milan of February 24th
Slai Cobas for the class union - Slaicobasta@gmail.com
Proletarians Communists /PCM- Italy- pcro.red@gmail.com
Committee international support for popular war in India - csgpindia@gmail.com
follows the text of the
Communist Party of India (Maoist)
Fight against drawing imperialist to intensify the current war
against Palestine and for Expand the war horizon in Western Asia.
Protest and build militant mass movements
for immediate peace in Palestine and Western Asia.
The Central Committee of the PCI (Maoist) condemns the nefarious intent of the colonizer state Zionist-Israeli and the western imperialist powers, mainly the united US imperialists, to intensify the war against Palestine and expand the horizon of war in The whole area and western Asia. Recent developments are the sign of a growing march towards a general war that to end will lead to enormous losses of human lives and goods, including the environment. Usa imperialism is not leaving anything of intended to restore hegemony to his domain in the world and in particular in the Region full of oil from the Middle East and Western Asia.
The United States have used their veto power on the Security Council for block any peace initiative in Palestine torn by war from the outbreak of the war. In fact, it proved to be A reliable ally and guidance of the Zionist colonial power State of Israel. The documents of US imperialism, which is full of wickedness and animosity, they have disturbed the semblance of peace throughout the area. The western powers were absolutely in favor of the moves of the Fascist Israeli State of Apartheid throwing petrol on the fire. The imperialist countries have been silent on genocides perpetrated by Israel on the Palestinian people for more than 100 days.
On January 3 the war Israelo-Palestinese made its 100 days. In this war Genocida duration 3 months, orchestrated by Israel with help of US imperialism, over 25 thousand Palestinians of which most part are children and women, including elderly people, they are perite In this imperialist war by Prosecutor against the people Palestinian fighting for his state. The Zionist state of apartheid did not only limit himself to the killing of many Palestinians throwing white phosphorus bombs from the sky, but it is trained in the genocidal art of eliminating people by denying the Supply of basic necessities to live on this land. All these acts by Israel are equivalent to a genocide according to the law of the international convention.
The PCI (Maoist) welcomes with favor and supports the action of South Africa at the Court International justice against the genocidal war of the state of Israel against the Palestinian people and for peace in the region. There position of our party is that there should be a peace immediate and all Israeli troops must leave Gaza and the West Bank. In addition, the United States and the other powers Western imperialists must give up military actions for Prosecutor in the Region and withdraw all military forces from region. Our party reiterates its request that states United retires their military support to Israel, who have armed up to the teeth with all types of modern sophisticated weapons and others logistical and intelligence supports. Recently, the Chamber of United States representatives approved the allocation of 14.5 billions of dollars in military aid for Israel in addition to supporting to Ukraine. All this money was used to finance the cycle of genocide that ultimately benefit the gigantic Weapons industries of the military-industrial complex.
Today, western Asia is transformed into a laboratory for the global weapon industry. The United States have deployed its numerous nuclear aircraft carriers the our party requires withdrawal from all these Mediterranean waters with immediate effect. To regain his wandering hegemony in the Mediterranean region, the United States created a coalition of 20 countries in the name of the Prosperity Guardian operation. Under The umbrella of this rainbow coalition of allies US imperialism, the United States are launching attacks Planes in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Jordan. Such actions from part of the United States are not foreseen by the Convention international and in total violation of the sovereignty of those nations. Our party lies with all those nations oppressed and their peoples and their organizations that are opposing courageous resistance to imperialist provocative actions of the United States and the United Kingdom and are resisting with great willpower against the war sponsored by the imperialists against the Palestinian people.
India, under the domain of Brahmanic forces of the Hindutva BJP-GRESS, has totally bent towards Israel going far ahead in showing an ideological unit between Zionism and the fascism of Hindutva. Level International, the Indian state under Narendra leadership Modi He abstained from the vote at the United Nations General Assembly on a resolution drawn up by 22 nations that asked for an immediate humanitarian truce. Indian state that had the presumption of be the self -proclaimed voice of the "south of the world" e "Vishwa Guru" and instead only supported in words the Request for peace and humanitarian support in Palestine. The PCI (Maoist) condemns this hypocritical position of the Indian state Under the leadership of Narendra Modi and launches an appeal to the people of the country to fight against the game of the two weights and two measures of the Indian state.
More recently, in the context of the war in Gaza, the Indian state agreed to transfer 10,000 workers from India to Israel to replace the Palestinian workers paid in low wages. The unions of India they showed their protest against this measure of the state Indian. The PCI (Maoist) sides with the request of the unions to dismantle this immoral exchange of labor that exposes lives of Indian workers in serious threats in the war areas. The state Indian under the RSS-BJP regime is emulating Israel strongly and has established an indissoluble link with it. The Indian State with the Weapons and technologies of Israel has triggered hard repressions against The democratic voices and revolutionary movements of India. The state Indian is imitating the Israeli Zionist methods of repression Against nationality and oppressed masses in India. The CC of the PCI (Maoist) appeals to all mass organizations, for strength democratic, human rights activists and all sectors progressives to protest against the wicked alliance between India and The Zionist Israel.
The CC of the PCI (Maoist) does appeal to everyone to build a militant mass movement against the genocidal war of the Israeli Zionist state against Palestine e to build movements for immediate peace and humanitarian support unconditional to the Palestinian people. The CC of our party invites to organize and build mass militant movements in support of the liberation struggle of Palestine and to punish criminals of war Zionists.
Down with the Israeli state of apartheid Zionist and imperialism!
Say no to wars Imperialists against oppressed nations!
Oppressed workers and peoples of all countries, unite!
Long live internationalism proletarian