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Of the final number of 2,696,177 voters who were called to participate in the electoral farce on Sunday, February 18 -regional elections -725,229 people did not vote. That means that almost a third of the electoral census (specifically, 32.69%) decided not to vote, because he thought that placing a ballot in an urn would not improve, at all, his living conditions. Abstention, and not the Popular Party (PP) as the bourgeois media pointed out, was the triumphant option of the electoral appointment. Let's review the results with 100%scrutiny:
AbstenciĆ³n: 725.229
PP: 700.491
BNG: 467,074
PSOE: 207.691
Vox: 32.493
Summer: 28,171
Ourensana democracy: 15.312
Null votes: 13,955
Blank votes: 12,849
Pacma: 5,373
We can: 3,854
Blank seats: 2,744
Galician Common Space: 1,542
For a fairer world: 1,470
The Popular Party (PP) revalidates its absolute majority with 40 of 75 deputies, so it will continue to govern the Xunta. The Galego Nationalist bloc (BNG) obtains 25 deputies, while the party of the Socialists of Galicia (PSDG-PSOE) 9 and ourensana democracy (DO) 1 deputy. The social democracy of adding and we can obtain humiliatingly low results, especially Podemos, where the set of null and white votes are the votes of we can multiplied by five.
With a third of abstention, the bourgeoisie parties and the imperialist media are happy because ... they are the Galician elections with the greatest participation in recent years! The abstention percentages for the Galician Parliament, according to official figures, are the following.
2024: 32,69%
2020: 41,12%
2016: 46,37%
2012 : 45,09%
2009: 35,57%
2005: 35,79%
2001: 39,83%
1997: 37,48%
1993: 35,87%
1989: 40,49%
1985: 43,67%
1981: 53,78%
Logically, the bourgeoisie claims as a victory that participation rises to 67%, because as the Castilian proverb says, In the country of the blind, the king is the one -eyed . The percentages of participation were so bad, that when two out of three people come to vote, it is an absolute success. We see that the results reflect some conclusions similar to those obtained if we analyze the general elections of the past July 23, 2023 .
Even with all the media campaign that the bourgeoisie have made to ask for the vote, a third of the calls to vote do not trust bourgeois democracy. Can we say that who is not going to vote trusts it? Be due to principles, because they do not find any option among the parties that are presented, due to disappointment, anger or whatever their reasons, there we have the objective fact: a third of the calls to vote did not trust bourgeois democracy, and they did not vote .