THESSALONIKI Strike rally in Kamara 28 February 10:30 am

Author: Σ.Μ.
Labels: απεργία, θεσσαλονικη, ταξικη πορεια
Published Time: 2024-02-23T12-33-00-02-00
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28 We are strike! ALL ON THE ROADS!

We support the strike in Kamara at 10:30 am

The people and youth of the country are in turmoil. From Evros to Crete, resistors are born against the systemic anti -populist attack. Students have been in mobilizations against the establishment of private universities in the country for almost two months while farmers are mobilized by setting up blocking against accuracy and crushing their income by the government-EU anti-gradual policy. The workers of the temple with their mass strikes show the way! City workers' racing moods to oppose the redundancies in Taskus and CAPA are coming to the challenges of the employer.

To find all the laid down strata of this anti -populist policy on a common front of struggle for resistance to attack and claiming rights!

No pass or allowance will solve the unbearable problems of the people and the working class. The only perspective that the system for labor and the people promises is work barbarism. To stand up against anti -populist politics. Employees are massively involved in our unions, we make strike decisions and demonstrate on the streets

- For collective contracts

- For real increases in wages

- To ensure labor and trade union rights.

We are opposed to redundancies and employer terrorism! We are fighting for the abolition of N. Georgiadis-Chatzidakis. We claim, on the side of students and the students, free education and care without conditions.
