With a single pen, the government of Tarcísio de Freitas replaced this week more than half of the São Paulo Military Police CORONETE and the subcommand of the corporation. Most of the new nominees are from the PM's “hard line”, closer to pockets and the far right in general. It is an indication that Tarcisio seeks to deepen repression and crimes against the people, since the replacement occurs concurrently to episodes such as the slaughter of operation, on the coast of São Paulo, responsible for more than 40 murders, and the arbitrary repression triggered against protesters protests against the tariff in the capital. On Saturday, SP will also host the far-right political act of Jair Bolsonaro. The official justification of the exchange was “service connivance”, but the direct interference in the PM summit was not so well accepted in battalions, now immersed in a military-administrative crisis.
From 64 colonels, 34 were replaced, and former subcomandant Freixo was exchanged by José Augusto Coutinho, former commander of the Ostensive Rounds Tobias de Aguiar (Rota), São Paulo elite police known as slaughter, executions and other illegalities. as changes in scenes of police murders.
PMS Ex-Rota, Bolsonarists and 'Hard Line' promoted
According to journalist William Cardoso, from the newspaper Metrópoles, the substitutions "favor the scholarship wing." There are clear indications that colonels with history on the route, and particularly those close to the current Secretary of Public Security, Guilherme Derrite, who was also from the Tobias de Aguiar Battalion, benefited. In addition to the new deputy commander, named “Dura Line” and close to Derrite, three other officers of the new summit were from the route, namely: Valmor Saraiva Racorte (new commander of shock), Gentil Epaminondas de Carvalho Júnior (Operational Coordination) and Fabio Sérgio do Amaral (PM Corregedoria).
They are organs of key importance, involved in functions such as repression of manifestations and “social disorders”, such as shock, or in the judgment of the actions of the military, such as Corregedoria. Given the history of the route in the manipulation of police reports, crime scenes and police investigations as a whole, the appointment of a former Aguiar to the Corregedoria will make impunity easier for murderous police.
Another important exchange was in the Command of Intelligence of the Military Police. The new in charge is Pedro Luis de Souza Lopes, who last year was a spokesman for Operation Shield on the São Paulo coast. The raid series left 28 dead in the region, as well as a history of torture, beating, home invasions and summary executions.
Out of the route, one of those who climbed the hierarchy was the well -known pocketist Aleksander Toaldo Lacerda, nominated for the Center for High Security Studies. In 2021, Lacerda was removed from the PM for calling followers of social networks to the act of September 7 promoted by then federal agent Jair Bolsonaro. Last year, he had already benefited from Tarcisio by being appointed to the Under -Chief Deputy Chief, one of the most important in the PM. Aleksander is also editor and editorial advisor of the magazine “Police Force”.
Derrite: A bloodthirsty and wide -open reactionary
Derrite himself is an inveterate reactionary. The current secretary left the PM as captain in 2018 to apply for federal deputy with the support of Bolsonaro. Won and was reelected in 2022, but is currently licensed from office.
In the management of Tarcisio, there was a police enthusiast with a high rate of enforcement. In Operation Shield in progress, Derrite even moved by Tarcísio, the entire Public Security Secretariat for Baixada Santista. According to the secretary, to “follow the operation more closely”.
In the PM, Derrite was known as the murder encourager and critic of departure from police officers involved in deaths. In an audio of 2015, released by the Journalism Bridge, Derrite can be heard by stating that it is “Shameful” a policeman has no involvement in at least three deaths after five years of street . In the same recording, he criticizes the PM command for the transfer of officers involved in an occurrence that resulted in death.
Substitution in the midst of the slaughter
The unprecedented exchange in recent decades in the PM summit has occurred at the same time as operation Shield, performed by the route on the São Paulo coast, is still developing, increasing the trail of deaths and illegalities committed in the region .
According to a survey by Metropolis from data from the São Paulo prosecutor, 43 people were murdered by PMs between the end of January and February in the region. It is the largest police slaughter in Sao Paulo since the Carandiru massacre in 1991. Only between January 28 and 31, 10 people had been murdered, three of them by PMs out of service.
In addition to the murders, there are extensive reports of crimes committed by the PMs, from home invasions to executions and changes in the scenes of the murders. Recently, the Ponte Journalism Portal has gathered reports of witnesses who reported the execution of workers, adults and young people, unarmed. One of them was cans collector José Marques Nunes da Silva, 45. Another was the visually impaired Hildebrando Simão Neto, executed with the young Davi Gonçalves Dias, indoors.

Sometimes the crimes follow even after executions or murder attempts. Relatives of victims who survived reported that the military went to hospitals to photograph the victims and intimidate family members. Already agencies such as the Brazilian Public Security Forum (FBSP) denounced suspicions of changes in the police reports by the PMs, also accused of changing the crime scene and planting flagrant in the victims. A video recently released by a Guarujá resident shows PMs in Guarda in front of a house while the blood present in the internal rooms is washed by other military in a clear violation of the scene.
The direct interference and of great magnitude of the Tarcisio government in the summit was received with sour by the affected military. A former member of the high hierarchy stated in a group of the Whatsapp of reserve colonels that the PM is “upside down”. Other colonels criticized the measure reserved. According to the monopolistic newspaper Estadão, they said they are "run over in their commands relocated by the current secretary."
Far from meaning a disagreement with the content of the exchange (that is, the privilege to the Bolsanist Wing), the reason for the colonels' pyrraça is the direct intervention of the Tarcisio government in the PM's internal hierarchy. Although the government has this attribution, exchanges in this way are not common. In recent decades, there has only been one case of an deputy commander exchanged during the management of a commander, forced due to the obligation of the law due to time at the post. Last year, Derrite changed three names from PM's high summit through publication in the Official Gazette. At the time, the exchange, much smaller than the Tual, also generated buzz among officers.
The military-administrative military crisis has come at a point that some colonels promise even retaliation against the government of Tarcisio. One of the proposals, according to monopolistic newspapers, is the permanence of a group of about 30 active colonels at the post, when in fact they should go to the reserve with the climb of the position of Coutinho, younger than them in the PM.
In the PM, antiquity is considered put. Therefore, colonels cannot be commanded by someone with less police time. In a common situation of temperature and pressure, they would be reserved and vacancies would be opened for new lieutenants chosen by derritating, but as they ask for leave, vacation, and other type of removal, officers may prevent deriving from making this movement. Derrite's response, in this case, may be to force the reserve of the colonels with a measure, which would only increase the crisis within the state military summit.
What to derite can do is force the trip to the reserve with a measure, which will increase the reactionary crisis within the state military summit. Another unfolding would be the new nominees not to assume the posts, creating an unprecedented vacuum in the corporation. Coutinho himself, according to Folha, said internally that he does not want to take command by fearing a "implosion of the PM".