At least two colonels active They wrote a letter released at the end of 2022 to press the then Reactionary Army commander, Freire Gomes, to mobilize the troops for the culmination of the wide open military coup. The names of the official highs, discovered from the metadata of the confiscated devices of Mauro Cid, St. Giovani Pasini and Alexandre Castilho Bitencourt da Silva. With the new information, it is even more explicit the participation of military personnel from the active force in the agitation and scammers, different from the “legalistic” version that the high command of the armed forces propagandes over the troops.
Both colonels have a longtime career. Pasini was a student at the Black Needles Military Academy in 1997, where he graduated as an artillery officer. In 2022, he ordered a license from the force to try to be a state deputy in Rio Grande do Sul. Defeated, he returned to strength until February 2023, when he passed the reserve. Alexandre Bitentcourt graduated the same year as Pasini, also on Aman. He is active to this day and works in the General Department of Army Personnel.

The letter written by the colonels was written and disclosed after the elections, when almost a month of the assembly of Bolsonarist camps were completed in front of army barracks across the country, as well as the far-right agitations of the “green chickens” through blockages of streets and explosive actions.
At the time, the monopolistic newspaper Folha de São Paulo contacted the army generals, who sought to discredit the letter by considering it “apocryphal” and significantly signed by reserve military personnel. The generals also stated that the content did not correspond to "majority thinking today in the troop." No evidence has been presented to corroborate the statement of the General, since the signatures were secret. Now, the first evidence about the letter proves that the writing of the letter, that is, the main initiative behind the document , in fact the document was the work of High Officers of Active .
The responsibility of the High Command
There is no doubt that, in many key moments of the far-right coup agitation, the reserve generals have given a central role as spokesperson for military interventionism and even pressants for the culmination of the fastest and most open coup. This was the case of figures such as Villas-Bôas, Augusto Heleno and, in recent years, Braga Netto.
But that does not mean that the active military summit has exempted itself from the coup articulation, much less than it is "legalistic". The last month revealed that generals from the Army High Command, such as Estevam Theophilo, former chief of the land operations command, were entirely inside the institutional rupture plans and even intended to command troops during the coup-part of them, from them Kids therefore , the special forces of the reactionary army. It is obvious that those who command and accept to participate in a blow, it is certain that they have troops willing to get weapons and be commanded, which puts the version of some generals about "majority thinking today on the troops."

After all, at the same time as the letter from the colonels was issued, the commanders of the three reactionary military forces issued an open letter that legitimized the mobilizations in front of the barracks that demanded a military coup, in a clear attempt to compete for the Bolsonarist base for their scammer plans themselves and maintain the unit of the troops. They knew that in the barracks, the dispute between the plans of coup of the military right (a veiled interventionism in the institutions) and the far right was fierce. In many parts of the country, the army also provided logistical support to camps.
There are no innocents in the high command of the Armed Forces. The responsibility of the generals oscillates between those who wanted an open rupture, as proposed the far right, and actively mobilized for it, and the one of Freire Gomes, who preferred a veiled military intervention behind the curtains (respecting, Thus, the orders of American imperialism for not breaking the “institutional order”), and that, therefore, did not denounce their peers that carried forward the coup agitation, because there are differences only of only how to make e when to do the intervention. Anyway, there is no “legalist wing”: there are only scammers.