Tomorrow we participate in the national event for Palestine

Author: fannyhill
Description: We appeal to participate on the 24th in the national event for Palestine, against the genocide of Israel, in Milan. Let's give strong ...
Published Time: 2024-02-23T16-37-00-01-00
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We appeal to participate on the 24th in the national event For Palestine, against the genocide of Israel, in Milan.
Let's give a strong voice to the denunciation of the massacres, killing of the women who are taking place in Palestine; There are already more than 30,000 people massacred of which the Most are women, children. At the same time we give support and voice to the resistance of women who transform their tears, their immense pain in virtue of struggle.

As the Palestinians themselves, Milan is Palestinian.

From October, all Sabati there have been manifestations that have been a lighthouse continuously turned on to keep the support for resistance high of the Palestinian people and the complaint and fight against ours government. Meloni was one of the first who after 7 October has Her bloody hand of Netanyahu is tight.

In these events in Milan women, the Palestinian girls, are The soul, the heart, are among the most combative.
