With the votes of the ND, the new criminal codes were finally voted on, a reactive step that extends the fascist of public and political life.
At the same time, outside the House was held a gathering Protest from forces of the left and anarchist space. Small or mass, inversely proportional to the importance of the provisions that were voted in favor. Not even forces calling for the concentration they appeared!
The gathering was attended by the KKE (M-L), the initiative of lawyers and legal For democratic rights, the popular front, the confrontation and anarchist collectives who have apparently brought together more people.
'Prosecutions and penalties of extermination, against people, workers, Students "," fascism and repression, this is the system of politics ", "We are stolen by the houses, they put us in jail, this policy to be overthrown" was some of the slogans shouted by the KKE (M-L) block, which in parallel He also distributed the following notice.
PARTY AGAINST Fascism and Antilaiki POLICY !
Despite intense reactions of the legal and democratic world, The ND government brought to vote for new criminal Codes.
The new bill is a clearly reactive step, Indicative of the overall reactive direction promoted by the forces of the system.
Between the provisions It is foreseen tightening of penalties and reinforcing the exterminating their character. Alongside, fines are launched and Amounts for acquiring prison sentences, intensifying class discrimination.
Furthermore, Expanding the possibility of temporary detention from 12 to 18 months, while in penalties for misdemeanors of over the year foreseen partial at least their deed.
In a clear targeting the struggles and struggling sections of the people, the bill places a particularly explicit emphasis on criminalizing mobilizations in schools and hospitals .
But also the same A judicial proceedings are done in even more reactionary terms. So, they are exempt Police by their presence in the courts, so many times highlights, struck-royal deposits, contradictions, etc. Also, Expanding the possibility of use telephone and violation personal data.
For many times, the New Democracy government is getting worse criminal treatment of the people, both at the stage of the pre -trial and after the end of the criminal trial. And to "ideologically" dress her choices promotes bankrupt perception that crime is treated by tightening penalties. For to hide the responsibilities of the system, its policy and the mechanisms of which are the real responsible. To silence the social causes that lead to criminal behaviors and throw the Damn only to the perpetrators. To disregard the capitalist-imperialist system to continue undisturbed the criminal and murderous policy and action.
Overall, the government's bill is one straight assault to democratic rights, limiting the right to fair trial and expanding her fascism of public and political life. Government is using the far -right rhetoric that urged the media for years, to intensify the anti -populist nature of the judicial mechanism and to disoriented by its unjust-oppressive policy. The farmers who may close the highways, students who make squats In universities, the concentrated who occupying with their presence which public space, protesters who march on the streets are confident that they are subsequently falling as part of the implementation of new anti -democratic provisions.
It is therefore certain that Prisons will be filled with multiple prisoners, with increasing their stay time and worse of the already their bad living conditions . While, beyond its deprivation Freedom penalties will also be the indirect confiscation of real estate and mobile property of many condemned, in order to to be able to pay the exorbitant fines and money Their penalties.
No, none of the 'legal' exploiters will be affected robbers of our people, who resort - from nature and their position - to most criminal acts to perpetuate their power. The new draconians Provisions must be made of the broad popular condemnation!