Raw blackmail for blood bath and new Nakba in Rafa - KKE (M -L)

Author: ΚΚΕ(μ-λ)
Categories: Παλαιστίνη
Description: In recent weeks, there has been concern about the possibility of an invasion of the Zionist occupation army in Rafa, in which more than 1.3 million displaced Palestinians have fled, launching the number of civilians struggling to survive in the area of over 1.5 million.
Published Time: 2024-02-24T99-99-98
Tags: ps955
Type: article
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In recent weeks, there has been concern about the possibility of an invasion of the Zionist occupation army in Rafa, in which more than 1.3 million displaced Palestinians have fled, launching the number of civilians struggling to survive in the area of over 1.5 million. Such a barbaric choice will create the terms for an indescribable slaughter, for displacement of tens and hundreds of thousands of civilians, while causing strong and unforeseen turmoil throughout the area and its regimes. From the countries that will accept the serious impact of such an option, not even the Zionist occupation entity itself should be excluded. More broadly this nightmare has exacerbated the international outcry against fascist Israel and its western protectors.

The double design of Zionist leadership

It seems that the fascist Israel, led by the most far -right -nazi -character, is evolving a double plan day by day to reap the greatest possible benefits, using the blood of the Palestinian people.

Thus, on the one hand, the plan for mass displacement of the Palestinian people moves on both the West Bank and mainly to the Gaza Strip. On the occupied West Bank the orgy of murders, arrests and torture in occupation prisons, constant pogroms and demolitions of Palestinian houses that go along with the constant erections of young Israeli settlements make the life of life and want to be unhappy. . Scales above, in the Gaza Strip, are close to close five months of daily Israeli bombings that have leveled entire squares of residential neighborhoods. Invasions and destruction of schools, places of worship, hospitals, have turned them into a skull, and day by day the people of Gaza are being killed either by bombs or by hunger and illness.

In the new year, the fascist leadership has systematically leveling specific areas, which is projected to become "dead demilitarized zones", essentially zones through which Israel will impose a regime of suffocating and - of the -fashioned -type - surveillance. These are in the best of cases because, if the plan of invading the occupation army in Rafa is implemented, along with the unthinkable blood bath, large parts of the Palestinian people will be extruded into a second exile. "Working Work" would be for this state, which only with the Nazi state of Germany can be compared, cause a second "Nakba" (destruction), that is, a massive displacement - exile of millions of stripes to Sinai and Sinai and Egypt.

The other ongoing plan of Zionist leadership, short -term, is to use this perspective of a blood bath and a second Nakba as an element of a raw blackmail to Palestinian resistance, to deliver hostages with small exchanges and thus the Netanyahu government to discharge From the pressure it receives inside Israel and regain part of the prestige of the fascist state and army that was dismantled on October 7.

Of course, the Palestinian resistance, despite the strong pressure it receives, seems to withstand and maintain a significant part of its militant capacity, while the heroic people of the Gaza Strip express their sympathy to the fighters of his case in any way he can, as he can, as he can, as he can, as he can, as he can. One of the hundreds- forbidden in the official western world-released media- amateur videos circulating online. Both the announcements of the resistance Palestinian organizations and those of the collectivity made by the hundreds of thousands of displaced in Rafa testify to one thing: the idolatrous people of Palestine will resist in every way to their extinction and displacement!

USA and Israel: Surprisers support murderers

We have long pointed out that the Israeli leadership with its policy is throwing all the US Middle Eastern policy on the canvas. American imperialism wants to build a wider alliance in the Middle East region against Iran and thus against Russia and China. Thus, while Israel is the necessary and non -negotiable advanced outpost and base in Washington's hands, but it is not enough for itself. That is why the Israeli - reactionary Arab regimes are needed with more critical - at this stage - the Israeli - Saudi Arab partnership. Whatever followed the 7 the October has at least frozen all these plans, and the discontent of these regimes and their concern about the possibility of destabilization has grown.

As an element of this partnership, which was necessarily added after 7 the October, it was also the launch of a process of burial by the Palestinian national liberation movement through the "solution of the two states", namely a state (Israel) and a protectorate, a caricature of state (Palestinian authority) completely controlled by the US Arab regimes (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar). Blinken's five tours in the region, critical statements to Israeli leadership, efforts made all this time for Netanyahu's dismissal or even his even more far -right partners, even the lukewarm resolution that the US wanted to deposit to the UN. For an indefinite temporary ceasefire reflect these needs of the US and do not simply constitute a typical acting attitude of an imperialist.

However, it seems that the US leadership has begun to appreciate- and on its side, not unjustly- that a greater escalation of pressure on Israeli leadership with some of the active blackmail tools in its hands (eg military , financial support) would overall risk the stability of the state - terrorist under its protection and not just the survival of the current Netanyahu government. It is also possible that the Netanyahu stance will be based on the relationships he has built with parts of the American establishment.

It should be noted that after Blinken's statements about the solution of the two states and Macron - in his discussions with the Jordanian monarch - that he is open to the possibility of a Palestinian state, Netanyahu filed a "declaration of decision" that was voted unanimously by the Council. of Israel. This decision emphasized that today's Zionist leadership is opposed to any unilateral proclamation of a Palestinian state and the solution of the two states. So it is possible that, in the midst of an increasing exacerbation of the internal confrontation in the US, the Biden administration fearing that Israel's further integration into this confrontation will injure the cohesion of the Zionist state. So, while pushing Israel to "reconsider" the invasion of Gaza, it releases another $ 14 billion package for military and not just reinforcing the Zionist Madrodi, while vetoing the UN Security Council for a third time in a resolution for a resolution. ceasefire.

Movements of Arab countries and imperialists

It is a fact that the Arab regimes, despite the fact that they accept the waves of destabilization and worry about what they will produce, are also led, such as Egypt, in adaptation steps and prepare for any possibility. Thus, Cairo points out that in the event of an invasion, it can suspend the historical (and treacherous for the Palestinian struggle) of Camp David and is jointly stated with Paris, which is attempting to play a role in developments, steadily contrary to An Israeli invasion of Rafa. At the same time, according to the US newspaper Wallstreetjournal, Egypt is constructing the border with Gaza a high -profile concrete walls for hosting 50 to 100 thousand Palestinian refugees, and has increased the number of its troops in the area. Unnoticed it cannot be moved by the otherwise sparked Russia to host Palestinian organizations. Without gone from cynical policy, "we let the West be legitimized in the Middle East", he probably finds an opportunity to get into developments. While the EU, mainly with the persistence of French imperialism and hugging, is running to declare its military and politician in the area in the region.

The next few days and weeks until the beginning of Ramadan on March 10, given by Netanyahu, will be very critical to what is to come in the bloody and heroic gauze but also in the Middle East cauldron.

Source: https://www.kkeml.gr/ps957/wmos-ekviasmos-gia-loutro-aimatos-kai-nea-nakba-sth-rafah/