23/24 february for Palestine - first info

Author: maoistroad
Description: trade union, social organizations and Marxist scholars who have joined the calls for the international and internationalist day of actio...
Published Time: 2024-02-23T08-40-00-08-00

trade union, social organizations and Marxist scholars who have joined the calls for the international and internationalist day of action against the wars of capital, and in support of the Palestinian resistance, in Italy, Argentina, Germany, Japan, India, Turkey, Congo, Bangladesh, United States, Brazil, Russia, Portugal, Greece, Holland, France, Mexico, Colombia, and other countries.

There are two appeals, with the same basic content: the need to constitute an international field of the proletarians and the oppressed completely autonomous from the capitalist-imperialist camps that are heading towards an apocalyptic clash of power , to get in the way of this race towards a new world war that can and must be broken. The differences between the two texts concern aspects to be discussed and explored, but overall secondary to this priority.

February 24th – we can now take it for certain – will be a first step in this direction with the squares of many large and small cities around the world where this same message will be carried: Down with the wars of capital! Let’s stop the race towards a new horrendous inter-imperialist global slaughterhouse! Long live the resistance of the Palestinians and of all those oppressed by colonialism old and new! Long live authentic proletarian internationalism!

Source: https://maoistroad.blogspot.com/2024/02/2324-february-for-palestine-first-info.html