While the genocide IDF continues its merciless bombings of densely populated areas of the Gaza Strip, the death tolls continue to rise. At the same time, the wide public support for the heroic national resistance struggle of the Palestinian people continues. The Danish imperialist bourgeoisi, with their representatives in the government, has had to bend their heads after having to realize that they cannot change public opinion in favor of Israel's genocide. Therefore, there has been a shift from the open black paint and condemnation of the demonstrations in support of Palestine in Denmark to tolerate that they are taking place and instead concentrate the repression against those who support the armed resistance struggle.
But just because the government and the bourgeois press no longer open black painter the struggle for the Palestinian people's right to existence, one should not be mistaken for their continued support for Israel, and the profit they are driving on the genocide against the Palestinian people.
The North Jutland manufacturer of war material "MyDefence" in November and December last year sent tons of antidrone equipment to IDF for a double-digit million. Shortly after the beginning of the fair Palestinian counter -offensive on October 7 last year, IDF contacted Mydefence. IDF request, among other things, Anti-drone equipment.
The equipment that has come up with the name "Pitbull" and "Wingman". The equipment works by holding it by hand or attached to soldiers' uniforms, and warn if there are drones nearby, put the drone off course and designate a drone pilot's location. This type of equipment plays an important role for IDF when operating inside Gaza. This is because the IDF has not previously been prepared for the threat that the Palestinian resistance movement's own drones have brought them into Gaza. Palestinian combatants use homemade small drones to attack, among other things. communication, soldiers and vehicles that penetrate Gaza.

In this way, Danish imperialism actively contributes to the genocide against the Palestinian people by providing IDF with useful equipment it can use to continue their invasion of Gaza. At the same time, Danish imperialism is crashing it. The director of Mydefence, Dan Hermansen, has opposite the news media Danwatch Tried to justify the sale of weapons to IDF:
“We are leaning on what the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is saying and doing. After all, the government is still supporting around Israel '
“We can go out and be ethical and moral guardians, and we are to a certain extent, but on the other hand, Israel is an ally and a partner in many areas. So basically, I don't see why we should have doubts about this was something we wanted or had to. ' - Dan Hermansen, Director of Mydefence
What Dan Hermansen reveals here is that Danish imperialism has of course not changed his attitude towards the support of Israel, even after the many months of intensive bombings and massacre committed against civilians.
At the same time, it is not only equipment against drones that Danish imperialism exports to Israel. Other companies have been in charge of exporting parts to The F-35 match aircraft , which Israel uses in connection with the bombings of Gaza. This weapons treatment treaty was already signed with Obama in 2013, but is still maintained. Here, Danish imperialism tries to relinquish all responsibility by saying that they have first sold the parts to the United States, which later sold them to Israel; Knowing that these parts end at Israel. This ways criticisms from even bourgeois institutions like FN , when this is just breaking the UN arms trade treaties.
The Danish imperialism thus tries with one hand to put a damper on and reconcile with the movement in support of Palestine, while it assures the IDF and its continued support with the other hand. All while serving crashing on war crimes and genocide. Danish imperialism thus reveals itself as a double moral and cynical monster who must and must be fought in words and action.