The letter that is turning about the teachers of the artistic high school, direct witnesses of the police repression against the many students and students who went down yesterday, on the day of the general strike in Pisa for Palestine, will be. The police also loaded the processions in Florence and Catania.
The repression of the Meloni government will stop the right struggle and mobilization, and the immediate response of many people from Pisa who last in the evening flooded Piazza dei Cavalieri in support of the students and students is a concrete example
Today we participate in the national event in Milan and all the initiatives connected to it in the other cities
"We are teachers of the Russoli artistic high school in Pisa and today we were brescted by what happened in via San Frediano, in front of our school. Students mostly minors were eaten without reason because the procession that asked for the ceased to fire in Palestine, Absolutely peaceful, who knows why, he should not have paraded in Piazza Cavalieri. The agents in the anti -Somemossa had closed the road and waited for the boys with shields and manganelli, while on the opposite side the police closed the street at the height of the square Dante. In via Tableia another team with shields and batons.Just in front of the entrance of our high school, they started a charge first and then two more against those young people with their hands raised. We do not know if if strong words have flown, even out of place, of indignation and indignation, the fact is that, without even dealing with the students or trying to dialogue, we have witnessed scenes of unprecedented violence. We found ourselves girls and boys of our trembling, shocked classes, some with a broken finger, some with a shoulder or back pain for manganellate kindly received, while an incredible amount of steering wheels darted in via Tavoleria.As educators we are stunned in the face of what happened today. We believe that someone should respond to the state of unheard of and unjustifiable violence to which one hundred/two hundred students who fell in the square peacefully have been subjected: why did it be decided to close them in a funnel and then fill them with a beating? Who has decided this deployment of forces, which even for initiatives of greater participation and tension have crossed our city?Today was a shameful day for those who managed public order in the city and someone has to answer for it. "