We have found this article In the red herald (heraldorojo.org)

Here are this unofficial translation of a document that we have found here .
Communist Party of India (Maoist)
International matters
Central committee
Dear comrades,
Red greetings!
We express our sincere revolutionary greetings on behalf of our party on the eve of the New Year to each and every one of the Maoist parties and revolutionary forces, including all democratic forces, national liberation and anti -imperialists worldwide. The CC of the PCI (Maoist) transmits its cordial revolutionary greetings to all supporters, friends and supporters abroad of the Indian Revolution, who made their great contribution in the propagation of the military campaigns of the Indian state of fence and annihilation against the revolution India and helped to advance in the Indian revolution with the maximum firmness, revolutionary zeal and spirit.
Our party is responding to the "reactionary strategic offensive plan Surajkund" since the last year with great sacrifices and contributions from Indian mass and supporters, friends, supporters of the democratic revolution of the Indian people and achieving new achievements. The revolution of New Democracy in semi-colonial and semi-feudal India is advancing in the path of prolonged popular war with the aim of establishing socialism-communism worldwide. This is a brief report of the important aspects of the efforts of our party in the ideological-political, military and united front, including the Cultural Front of the PCI (Maoist) during the last year for friends and comrades of Indian Revolution in the foreign.
First, we gave a humble revolutionary tribute to all the martyrs and heroes that spilled their blood for the cause of the Indian Revolution. Our party encountered a great loss of a member of the political bureau, the comrade of the central committee Katakam Sudarshan, apart from 78 comrades. Almost 20 of the martyrs are comrades women. The entire match, Plga, red warriors, united front and revolutionary masses transmit their red greeting to those brave hearts that sacrificed their lives for the liberation of the masses of the sullets of semicoloniality and semi -feudality. We are committed to carrying out their ideals.
We greet the great revolutionary determination of our comrades, members of the CC, Jaspal, Mohit, Janardhan (PBM) and Mangtu and hundreds of party, PLGA, RPC and RMO's activists who are in the dungeons of the Indian State and reiterate that we will do everything that be in our hand for your release.
International situation
The year 2023 was another year of the intensification of the imperialist crisis and inter -imperialist wars on oppressed nations and oppressed peoples in an attempt to redivide the world for the loot of land, natural resources and workforce. The Israeli Sionist State intensified its bloody war with the genocide of Palestine with the support of US imperialism along with its Western imperialist alliances. However, he could not destroy the aspirations of the Palestinian heroic with the great solidarity of the people of the world.
The last 22 months of uninterrupted war in Russia in Ukraine have entered the year 2024 with the cost of the lives of hundreds of people. 2023 was the year of strikes against looting and exploitation of the capitalist system and its war desires. The United States declared the year of strikes. In semi-female semi-feudal countries such as India, the Philippines, Turkey, Peru, Afghanistan and Brazil, where the New Democracy revolution with socialist perspective is advancing under the flag of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The revolutionary movement exceeded the frightening repression of reactionary governments with the support of imperialism, mainly American imperialism.
In the background of the intensification of the general crisis of capitalism, there are considerable changes in world politics. American hegemony over the world has suffered a setback and is no longer a superpower in the multipolar world. However, the US continues to be the number one enemy of the peoples of the world. The global capitalist system is found in a state of stagnation and decline generalized and prolonged. Currently, intense mass unemployment, lack of housing, inflation, racism and fascism characterize imperialist countries. Artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology, biotechnology technologies are leading to the reduction of millions of workers, employees and technicians and less growth in developed and developing countries.
There is collusion and containment between imperialist powers, but containment is the main and primary. Commercial wars between imperialist powers reached a new height, especially in the production of semiconductors that is popularly known as "chips war" between the United States and China. The United States is constantly increasing its military presence in Asia. It is delivering a large number of mortal weapons to the Philippines and Taiwan in opposition to China. China is using the G-77 alliance of the most backward countries for their interests in world hegemony. The US has positioned the B-52 with nuclear capacity in Darwin (Australia) and Guam to aim at China and maintain its hegemony about the Pacific Ocean. The situation is increasing the danger of suffering a third world war.
We have witnessed a series of anti -imperialist struggles in backward countries and a series of working class struggles in imperialist capitalist countries around the world. The sharp fundamental contradictions at international levels are: 1. The contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nationalities and people 2. The contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in capitalist and imperialist countries 3. The contradictions between imperialist countries and groups monopoly capitalists. The contradiction between imperialism and nationalities and oppressed people is the main contradiction. These developments show that in 2024, the situation would be more favorable for the revolution.
The year 2023 was another year of the intensification of the imperialist crisis and the inter -imperialist wars against oppressed nations and oppressed peoples in an attempt to redivide the world to loot the earth, natural resources and the workforce. The Israeli Zionist State greatly intensified its bloody war against Palestine committing genocide with the support of American imperialism and its western imperialist alliances. However, he could not desecrate the aspirations of the Palestinian heroic with the great solidarity of the peoples of the world.
The last 22 months of uninterrupted and bloody war for powers between the US and Russia in Ukraine have entered the year 2024 with the cost of hundreds of human lives. 2023 was the year of strikes against looting and exploitation of the capitalist system and its bellicism. The US declared the year of strikes. In Indian semi-feudal semi-feudal countries, the Philippines, Turkey, Peru, Afghanistan and Brazil where the New Democracy Revolution with socialist perspective is marching forward under the flag of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The revolutionary movement suffered a terrible repression by reactionary governments with the support of imperialism, mainly American imperialism.
In the context of the intensification of the general crisis of capitalism there are considerable changes in world politics. The US hegemony over the world has suffered a setback and is no longer a superpower in the multipolar world. However, the US remains the number one enemy of the peoples of the world. The world capitalist system is in a state of stagnation and decline generalized and prolonged. At present, intense mass unemployment, lack of housing, inflation, racism and fascism characterize imperialist countries. The technologies of artificial intelligence, robotics, nanotechnology and biotechnology are causing the dismissal of thousands of workers, employees and technicians and less growth of employment in developed and developing countries.
There is collusion and contest between the imperialist powers, but the contest is the main and primary. Commercial wars between imperialist powers have reached a new high point, especially in the semiconductor raw materials sector, popularly known as the "Chips War" between the United States and China. The United States is constantly increasing its military presence in Asia. It is delivering a large number of deadly weapons to the Philippines and Taiwan in opposition to China. China is using the G-77 alliance of the most backward countries for its world hegemony interests. The US has now based B-52 with nuclear capacity in Darwin (Australia) and Guam in order to point to China and maintain its hegemony about the Pacific Ocean. The situation is increasing the danger of the third world war.
We have witnessed a flood of anti-imperialist struggles in backward countries and a flood of workers' struggles in capitalist-imperialist countries around the world. The fundamental contradictions that are exacerbated internationally are 1. The contradiction between imperialism and oppressed nationalities and peoples. 2. The contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in the imperialist capitalist countries 3. The contradictions between the imperialist countries and among the monopoly capitalist groups. The contradiction between imperialism and opposite nationalities and peoples is the main contradiction. These developments show that in 2024, the situation would be more favorable for the revolution.
State situation
India is deeply affected by the intensification of contradictions between imperialist powers and other contradictions in the international arena. In this situation, the main contradictions of India are also intensifying. American imperialism used the G-20 and especially the Indian Presidency to promote its interests. Hundreds of millions were spent at the G-20 meeting at the expense of the country's economy. During his mandate, Modi is playing the role of seller by inviting the country to the financial capital of multinationals.
Indian adhesion to the Mineral Security Association (MSP), led by the United States, is intended to create an environment conducive to the establishment of special large-scale raw material export areas to G-7 countries of the G-7 . A few days after this agreement, the Indian government under the BJP government has amended the Environment and Mineral Laws to facilitate looting and pillage. Indian leading classes are lackeys in the hands of imperialist countries. Currently, India is one of the largest weapons and weapons importers in the world and is also aimed at increasing its weapons exports to Asian and African countries by 5,000 million dollars annually by 2025 with the help of the US. It is a fact that most will stop multinationals.
In the name of the ease of doing business, the fascist government of the BJP is making amendments to several laws and abolishing the previous laws, some of which were achieved through popular struggles in the interest of national and foreign corporate companies. Corporatization and militarization is the trend in the last year of the Government of Modi. The Government gave a boost to the hyperprivatization of national resources and productive forces to provide excessive benefits to the buying capitalist class and imperialist powers. India is witnessing an unprecedented subsistence crisis in its history.
The central government repeatedly states that India will become the third economy of the world, with 5 billion dollars. But your announcement to provide 5 kg. From rice a month to 80 thousand people reveals the reality of the growing inequality in their government. The growth of which Modi boasts is only corporate and unemployed growth, since the three main sectors of the economy, that is, agriculture, industry and services, are being corporatized. The growth without improving the standard of living classes is nothing more than a farce. While talking about an Indian free of corruption, Modi is in fact helping the bureaucratic buyer bourgeoisie such as Adani and Ambani to increase her wealth. Adani received a handshake to overcome the effect of the Hindenburg report on his richness empire.
The agricultural sector, on which 60% of the Indian population depends, is in a desperate situation. The agricultural production cost has shot 20% in the last year. The income of small and medium farmers has experienced a tiny increase of 2%. The real wages of agricultural workers, which are 15 million people, have decreased even more. According to the new salary codes, the minimum wage of workers is 178 rupees per day, a historical minimum. Unemployment among young people with studies is higher than ever.
India advances towards a fascist state at an accelerated pace under the regime of Hindutva Brahmanic fascism since the last 10 years. There is an unprecedented increase in exploitation and oppression on the proletariat, the semi -relief and the peasantry. The struggles of the workers, farmers and students are being fascistly repressed. Attacks and military repression increase against the struggle for the national liberation of the people of Kashmir. The Supreme Court of India issued a sentence in favor of annulment of article 370 A and affirmed the annulment of the Nominal Special State to Cashmir. Religious thought and religious frenzy are introduced into politics to sow communal hatred in the population.
Modi's government became absolutely bureaucratic and implied violence and deception in a joint and continuous way. This has become the daily tricks of the government. Attacks against Muslims, Christians, Dalits, tribal, women, students, youth and all other people and oppressed sectors have multiplied, who are being relegated to second -class citizens in their own homeland. The criminal elements of the BJP are encouraged to unleash all kinds of cruel and inhuman acts against the population of the country.
Almost half of the deputies of the BJP are involved in criminal cases related to women, one of them the infamous president of the Libre Federation of India (WFI). The world witnessed how the police mistreated fighters who reached great fame in the country, when they were heading to the new Parliament building the day Modi participated in its inauguration in the outdated mode of the Hindutva rituals. In a series of events, three fighters expressed their firm disagreement with the government. The atrocities committed against the Kuki-Zoma tribal people of the Northeast State of Manipur are another clear and recent example. Bulldozer has become the symbol of nationalism under the fascist government of BJP and especially in states with double motor government (states under the BJP government). Unable to deal with the situation, there is an increase in suicides in these sectors.
Millions of rupees are spent on the construction of Hindu temples, mainly RAM to send, instead of education, health and other basic needs of the country's population. The objective of these activities is to instigate religious fundamentalism in various ways, in an attempt to divide the population for religious reasons. Their goal is to make them back to medieval era and strip them of their scientific and secular ideas as true citizens of the country. The BJP government has promulgated several draconian laws, such as the three new criminal laws and the draft Data Protection Law, to stop the dissent and revolutionary and democratic voices of the country.
The BJP government wants all its bad actions to be unpunished and continue its oppressive government. The suspension of 146 deputies of opposition parties in the recent session of Parliament is a clear example of the autocracy of the Modi government. BJP policies reveal that it does not even respect the nominal federal and democratic aspects of bourgeois democracy. However, the "India" alliance is no exception. Whatever the party, India's ruling classes have the Hindutva Brahmanic ideology. In this situation, workers, students, young people and women are undertaking militant struggles to lead a normal life.
In this international and national situation, the fundamental contradictions of the country - 1. The contradiction between imperialism and the Indian people; 2. The contradiction between feudalism and the broad masses; 3. The contradiction between capital and labor; 4. Internal contradictions between the ruling classes - intensify even more creating favorable conditions for the revolution.
The reactionary strategic offensive plan of Surjkund
The BJP works under the dictates of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh (RSS) to carry out its Brahmanic Hindutva agenda, the establishment of a Hindu state in the country. Gathering all ongoing repressive measures, in December 2023, the reactionary Surjkund offensive strategic plan that presented at the end of October 2022. The prime minister personally attended the meeting in which the leftist extremism (LWE) was discussed, as they call it, cybercrime and terrorism.
The main objective of the offensive plan is to eliminate the party, the PLGA and the organs of popular organization, the Popular Revolutionary Committees and the entire revolutionary movement. The state apparatus of the central and state governments became more impetuous “deploying the police, the paramilitaries, the commands, the army and the large -scale air force in the areas of the revolutionary movement, the extension and strengthening of the safety of the safety of the carpets ». There were air attacks against the revolutionary masses and the direction of the party. There is a massive war of negative propaganda with the help of corporate media not only against the revolutionary movement but against each and every one of the dissident voices. Intellectuals, writers, poets, human rights activists, students, tribal activists, union leaders, peasant leaders and all progressive forces are in the spotlight of this policy on behalf of the Maoists "who give pen."
Surajkund's policy is crucial for the BJP to win the 2024 general elections and fulfill its design of turning India into a country of Hindut Brahmanic. The government is intensifying various reform programs on behalf of "development" in Maoist, Kashmir and Northeast areas. Instead of developing cordial relations with neighboring countries, the Modi government is reinforcing border and coastal security and increasing war tensions with neighboring countries. With view of the general elections of 2024, it is launching various repressive campaigns in Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtra, Western Bengala, Kerala, etc. It is imposing a strong blockade to opposition parties. In all states in the country, a strong repression to the oppressed struggle sectors is applying. Intense and incessant campaigns are unleashed in special areas, guerrilla areas and guerrilla bases and areas of revolutionary movement. The government initially stipulated a 2 -year period and has been extending continuously, being the most recent of 5 years. At that time he decided to launch the "Kagaar Operation" to fence the Maad area.
Let's now see some of our efforts in the ideological-political, military, organizational and on the United Front.
Ideological-political work
The party assumed various tasks by centralizing the main one to overcome the temporary setback of the revolutionary movement at the level of all India.
1. The document on "Changes in production relations in India-our political program", published by the CC, was taken to all the rows of the party as an educational campaign. This is followed by a deep knowledge of the situation in the respective areas and the adoption of the corresponding tactics.
2. In October a campaign was launched for two years and a key document was published with this reason to fight against Hinduta Brahmanic fascism. The document highlights the concrete conditions that led to the appearance of the RSS in 1925, its role in the struggle for freedom and its ascent to political power in 2014. The essential characteristics of Hindutva Brahmic fascism have been revealed in the key document. A theoretical analysis of the issue of religion and Indian society has been carried out from a Marxist perspective. The document defines Indian fascism as "buyer and feudal bureaucratic fascism." To combat Hindutva fascism, our party elaborated a program. The campaign will consist of a large -scale propaganda and stir isolate it and defeat it politically and contribute to the advance of the revolutionary movement of New Democracy.
3. Our party participated in the seminar by sending a presentation to the "Imperialism and War" seminar held by the NDFP in mid -October last year in a European country. The presentation of the seminar was based on the analysis of imperialism carried out by the great Marxist teacher Comrade Lenin. He affirmed that the current situation shows the intensification of the fundamental contradictions of capitalism in the era of imperialism. The document spoke of the previous world wars and analyzed the current situation of imminent danger of another World War. He wrote about his understanding provided by Comrade Lenin that the world proletariat must fight to end the imperialist war and in case he begins, he must assume the task of "transforming war into a civil war." It ended with the appointment of the great Marxist teacher Comrade Mao that the current trend in the world is of revolution.
4. issued a joint declaration on the war between Russia and Ukraine and a joint declaration with the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Comrade Mao.
5. issued a statement and video on the occasion of the 55th day of the Foundation of the Communist Party of the Philippines.
Regarding ideological-political work within the party, applying the Marxist principle of "from the masses to the masses", our party succeeded in carrying out several political campaigns and movements in the last year with the active participation of the committees of the committees of the party, the plga, the United Front and the revolutionary masses. The CC appealed to democratic and revolutionary organizations to fight against the various antipopular law presented by the BJP government in the center, such as the Uniform Civil Code, the Digital Data Protection Law and the Conservation Law and the Conservation Law of new forests. He presented the reality of the bill on women's reserve, which will still take a long time to enter into force. He extended solidarity to the people of Manipur that fights against the dividing policies of the BJP government also in the State. He extended his solidarity to the National Liberation Movement of Palestine, where the people face intense bombings and murders by Israeli Zionists with the support of American imperialists and other Western powers.
Our CC issued a statement on the occasion of May 1st Proletarian to consolidate the proletarian class against the threat of imperialist wars. Our CC disseminated messages on the occasion of the celebration of the Day of the Martyrs on July 28, the celebration of the Day of the Foundation of the match on September 21 and the day of the plga on December 2. These celebrations and other occasions of meetings and demonstrations in which the effigies of Joe Biden, Benjamin Netanyahu and Narendra Modi were burned in protest against the Israel War against Palestine, corporatization and militarization, invigored the party and the revolutionary masses with zeal revolutionary and to counteract the atrocious propaganda on our party and the revolutionary movement by the enemy.
The party undertook several political and military education campaigns to train the party's, PLGA and the United Front. Special meetings of women activists from various ranges were held as continuation of those of the previous years. These meetings helped to understand deeply the problems they face in the process of their participation in the revolutionary movement and to work for a better understanding of the paintings about the patriarchy. Thanks to the efforts made in recent years, the revolutionary movement has witnessed the increase in female leadership at several levels and also recruitment. Recruitment campaigns were undertaken at the mass level in villages, cities and districts of India. Special classes were given on the mode of production, the question of the nationality and political resolution of the CC in the special areas, the special guerrilla areas and the states.
Military work
The main effort in the military sphere was to defeat Hindutva Brahmanic fascism and the counterrevolutionary policy of Surjkund, as part of the overcoming of the temporary setback of the revolutionary movement. Following the dictation of "learning the war of war," the PLA comrades acquired new experience on the battlefield. The enemy forces, composed of the National Security guards and the Garuda Forces of the Indian Air Force, under the direction of the Minister of Interior Amit Shah, launched an air attack to inflict serious damage to our leaders. But the state of alert and the strong counteroffensive tactics of our PLAGA comrades annulled the nefarious plan of the enemy. In that reprisal action 3 commands of the Garuda and NSG forces were annihilated and 6 commands were injured. In addition, three modern combat helicopters were seriously damaged. This heroic counteroffensive motivated the forces of the plga and the revolutionary masses, while the moral of the enemy forces was deeply demoralized.
In the last year, under the direction of our party, the forces of the PLGA undertook several guerrilla actions. The PLGA made efforts to intensify and expand the guerrillas war with the aim of overcoming temporary setback and advance the revolutionary movement. Some of the most prominent are the following:
On April 26, 2023 in the Darba division in Aranpur, our PLGA guerrillas annihilated 10 district reserve guards (DRG) in an IED explosion through a tactical campaign against offensive. This has brought nightmares to the enemy forces. Aranpur's bold ambush was unexpected and shocked the enemy with the excavation of a tunnel under the main road where mines were arranged.
In Bihar-Jharkhand, in the Region of the Regional Office of the East, our brave warriors of the PLAGA are showing an infinite courage and war skills to resist the fascist onslaught for a year. In the West Singhbhum region of Jharkhand, our PLAGA comrades annihilated 15 police and injured 90 in the incessant patrols of the government armed forces of the central government and state governments.
In the various guerrilla actions in guerrilla areas and areas of red resistance, a total of 75 police officers were annihilated and 163 were injured. Our PLAGA annihilated some police informants, 10 antipopular elements, particularly BJP fascist leaders in the last year. Our party has taken special TCOC during elections to state assemblies.
The revolutionary people and its militias, the base force of the plga, dug thousands of holes to restrict the capricious movements of the police. The revolutionary masses developed a general alert system, such as firing firecrackers when police staff enter the revolutionary areas.
There are incidents in which the plga could break the fence of police forces through strong reprisals, as in Odisha. There were also serious losses. In Bihar-Jharkhand, five comrades of which two are members of the SAC died poisoned in an undercover action of the enemy. In Dandakaranya a member of the DVC died in an undercover operation in a shooting. Three comrades were captured when they were going to perform a guerrilla action in Gadchiroli. A commander of the local organization squad (the) was captured and killed in Telangana.
In the last year, special training programs for military leaders have been carried out in several areas and divisions, with the aim of training political-military leaders based on changes in the enemy's military tactics.
United front
The Popular Revolutionary Committees (CPR) and the Revolutionary Mass Organizations (OMR) worked with the task of combating the current strategic reactionary offensive of Surajkund of the enemy to overcome the temporary setback of the revolutionary movement. Thousands of revolutionary masses mobilized in the Revolutionary Campaign of Agrarian Reform of the RPC that is held at the beginning of each year. Other revolutionary development activities were undertaken to raise the standard of living of the population. EPR also held popular courts to eliminate the enemy's intelligence network in the villages.
The RMO undertook struggles against the installation of new police camps in the areas of the revolutionary movement and against false meetings. Thousands of people mobilized to observe the week of the martyrs and celebrate other revolutionary days. People participated with the maximum vigor in the meetings. The RMO also put into practice the call of the ICSPWI to celebrate the day of the martyrs throughout the month of July. This helped the masses of our country to know the revolutionary heroes of the world who gave their lives for the cause of the socialist revolution.
Several mass movements, as against Hindutva Brahmanic fascism, displacement, corporatization-militarization, both legal and clandestine, have been developed in the last year in villages, plains and cities, against corporatization-militarization of forest belts, against The imperialist looting of the country's natural resources, against displacement due to the corporate development model, against the amendments to the Forest Conservation Law and Draconian laws and for the application and protection of the Panchayats Extension Law to special areas ( WEIGHT).
On several occasions, together with intellectuals, students, human rights activists and civil society, we form united platforms against state repression, illegal arrests, arrests, false meetings and aerial bombings. The RMO made the boycott program to the elections called by the party. The people of the guerrilla bases totally boycotted the elections.
A large number of people demonstrated against the false meeting of two Gomme villagers, near Koyilibeda, in the Kanker district in Chhattisgarh. As a result, an indefinite demonstration began.
In the last year, popular cultural organizations have carried out several programs, including the realization of audio and video presentations to propagate progressive, neodemocratic and communist values among the masses. They also undertook special programs to unmask Brahmanic Hindutva in the form of songs, plays, dance, poetry and short films. Revolutionary cultural artists defend mass struggles in their cultural programs and respond immediately to the ongoing events in the national and international spheres, against state repression and martyrs.
Several student and teachers organizations are working together against the new educational policy of the RSS-BJP to ‘Safranizar’ and privatize the educational system. They are also raising the voice against the increase in the cost of education and the cut of "academic freedom" in higher education institutes. Several urban mass organizations are working together, such as students' organizations against the novatadas, various types of organizations against the BHF and in solidarity with Palestine. Following the call of the party to demonstrate in solidarity with Palestine, people from various areas of the country's revolutionary movement celebrated meetings, processions and protest activities. A special propaganda campaign was carried out in protest of repressive measures against the revolutionary movement in Jharkhand, which was followed by a Bandh throughout India on December 22. People blocked a railway line in Jharkhand to demand the end of police patrols in the villages and the establishment of police camps.
In the current international and national situation, there is an increase in popular struggles and resistance. There is an increase in popular struggles for the right to land and forests, against the land mafia and against corporatization-militarization, even in those areas that our party had to retire temporarily due to severe repression of the enemy . The process of organizing the people in secret organs, building armed formations, joining youth in the plga and thus reconstructing the revolutionary movement in those areas is underway. The town of the country continues to fight for their right to Jal-Jungle-Zameen-Iijat-Ahikar (water-bosque-earth-auto-respeto-political power). The situation is increasingly favorable to the revolution.
The party understands that fascist repression will be intensified in the next few days and also that Hindu antibrahmanic fascist movements will emerge with great intensity. The need of the moment is to politically isolate the enemy. We need to unite the anti-fascist anti-fascist forces antibrahmanic, anti-bourgeois anti-corratic anticomprador, antifeudal and anti-imperialist bourgeois and work to bury imperialism. The party undertakes to redouble its ideological-political, military and organizational efforts to combat the strategic offensive reactionary of Surjkund, overcome the temporary setback of the revolutionary movement and make progress. With their decades of work experience among the people fighting against the fierce repressive campaigns of the Indian State, the party is firmly determined to carry out the New Democracy Revolution in India as part of the world socialist revolution. It advances on the path of prolonged popular war through the agrarian revolution as the axis of the New Democracy Revolution, joining the four oppressed classes on the basis of the Workers-Campesina Alliance.
Oppressed workers and peoples of all countries, units!
Long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! Long live proletarian internationalism!
I/C, International Affairs
Central committee
PCI (Maoist)