And to leave no doubt about their will to
continue to keep the war alive and to enlarge it day after day, breaking
The illusion of pacifists of all kinds, the imperialism of the United States and a
follow all other imperialist countries announce daily
initiatives, such as that of US imperialism that speaks of the opening of
5 other new military bases in Somalia! In fact by strengthening their control
right on the Red Sea. In fact, it says an article of "Pagineesteri": “In the Gulf
by Aden the US have already deployed various means and the eiisenhower aircraft carrier but the
Somalia could provide a useful platform from which to launch attacks
Against the Houthi Yemeniti and in general perfect control of the Mar
Always in the article it is said: “During a ceremony
chaired by Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, the business person
US Shane Dixon and Somali Defense Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed
NUR have signed a memorandum of understanding in Mogadishu for the construction of
Five military bases for the Danab brigade, the army elite unit
Somali national team trained by the green caps of Washington. The Danab brigade
It was established in 2017 following an agreement between the United States and Somalia
To form and equip 3000 men and women from all over the country.
“According to the agreement, the United States must create some
Military infrastructure in Baidoa, Dusa Mareb, Jowhar, Chisimaio and Mogadishu,
to be used for training new units of special bodies
of the Somali army, in charge of "contrasting the threat of terrorism
international "[and this is the most classic excuse that should justify the intervention
armed with imperialist countries, editor's note], as a note from the president says
Mohamud in reference to the militias of the "Popular Resistance Movement in the
Land of the two migrations », Sunni fundamentalist movement better known as al
Shabaab ("young people") and federated to Al Qaeda. "
In the meantime, the US also treat “With Ghana, Costa
ivory and Benin to get three military bases where to allocate as many
Squadriglie of drones .. "
These new bases add up to those already existing in Gibuti
belonging to
Germany, Spain, Italy, France, the United States, the United Kingdom,
China and Saudi Arabia,
located at a very short distance from each other. And all
On the Red Sea!
As you can see from this, but there are many other news, (for
Italian imperialism The military "missions" around the world of
Fascist Meloni) The preparation of the "total" imperialist war goes on e
"The genocidal Zionist attack on the Palestinian people ... does
This area one of the great world outbreaks ... for these reasons, be a
favor of the struggle of the Palestinian people, to be in favor of solidarity
which is expressed in the area, and particularly in the Red Sea, be in favor that
In this area the justice, peace and freedom of the
peoples, means fighting in our country to produce results
also positive for the proletarians and the Italian people. " (from
Counter -information
Ross Operaia n.13)