Mexico: The State Issuing Legal decisions against activists and defenders of the land

Author: socialistiskrevolution
Categories: Uncategorized
Description: We publish an unofficial translation of the statement published in Sol Rojo México, which has also been shared at The Red Herald. - We are strongly condemning the criminalization of a share…
Modified Time: 2024-02-25T13:50:31+00:00
Published Time: 2024-02-25T13-50-31-00-00
Type: article
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We publish an unofficial translation of the statement published in Red Sun Mexico , which has also been shared on The Red Herald.

- We strongly condemn the criminalization of activists and defenders of the land.

- The political use of legal power is a clear example of state oppression.

People's flow Red Sol raises the voice against the recent court decisions against the comrades of Santa María Mixtequilla and Puente Madera, which, like many other comrades and communities in the Isthmus region, opposes the introduction of the Inter-Oceanic Corridor, an imperialist mega project that has led to the division of division community networks, rise in criminal and paramilitary violence, expropriation of land and territories from indigenous peoples, among many other things.

To the worthy resistance of activists, communities and democratic organizations, the ancient state responds with arbitrary arrests and judgments that confirm the political use of the legal power; This is a clear example of the oppression found in the device.

On February 2, a counter-pockets from Tanivet approved the eligible security measure with custody of the 9 civil resistance-Mixtequilla activists, which was detained in the middle of a violent action in the early morning hours of January 27 in Santa María Mixtequilla, Oaxaca. Comrades Adelaido López Gallegos, Armando Sánchez Gómez, Orlando de la Cruz Gallegos, Roberto Vázquez Orozco, Ricardo Vargas Ruiz, Albino Palacios Orozco, Jorge Intiveros Álvarez, Alba Pérez Santana and Ana Sánchez Castro are currently back.

On February 7, a District Judge in Salina Cruz a verdict on Puente Madera Community Agent and Member of Assembly of the Indigenous Peoples of the Isthmus in Defense of the Land and Territory (APIidt). Comrade David Hernández Salazar and 17 other defendants are free thanks to a legal ordeal.

As we previously reported, our colleague Salvador Pinal Meléndez, a Zapotek Social Member of Santa Cruz Tagolaba and a member of our organization, was also jailed on September 21, 2021, accused of crimes he has not committed, and is currently in house arrest on Due to its fragile health, while their attackers continue to enjoy total impunity and commit new robberies against society.

All of these comrades have in common that they defend the earth and fight against the introduction of CIIT. All of these comrades and their communities are victims of the old state's oppression, who continue to escalate, which also leaves comrades threatened, wounded, detained and even murdered, as is the case with our comrades Luis Armando Fuentes Aquino, Jesús Manuel García Martínez and Félix Vicente Cruz. For all these reasons, we maintain that the interoceanic corridor removes and murders poor farmers and and native people!

As an organization, we confirm our solidarity with the persecuted, prosecuted and political prisoners, and with the communities and organizations that have decided to continue the fight against the introduction of this imperialist mega project with expropriation and death. We continue to call for unity between the democratic and revolutionary forces in our region to build a strong movement that makes it possible what we have said before: Isthmus is ours! Not for the imperialist mega projects.

Freedom and acquittal to political prisoners!

No to the Inter-Coean Corridor!

No matter who reigns, the rights of the people will be defended!

With the red sun, the people will win!

People's flow red sun

February 9, 2024
