Poland: Farm protests on the border with Germany and Ukraine

Author: aidr
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-02-25T20-00-00-00-00
Tags: Ukraine, Europa, Osteuropa, Polen, deutscher Imperialismus, Bauernproteste
Images: 000000.png 000001.png

As of today, Polish farmers have been blocking important points on the German-Polish border on the A12. The blockade should take 24 hours, parts of the highway are closed to cars and trucks. The protest is directed against EU agricultural policy.

bauernprotest polen.cleaned

Those: https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/polen-bauern-blockade-grenzuebergang-100.html

Polish farmers blocked the motorway to Germany near the border near Frankfurt (Oder) on Sunday. The farmers originally announced a four -week protest. After placement talks with Mariusz Olejniczak, the non -party mayor of Słubice, only a warning strike should take place in which 500 to 700 vehicles participate. About 17,000 trucks pass the border crossing daily, the effects on traffic could extend to the outskirts of Berlin.

This protest is just one of many protests , which have been organized by the Polish farmers in recent months and joins the wave of peasant protests, that of imperialist countries like Germany, Spain , up to semi -colonial and semi -footed countries like If suffices. The protests in Poland are directed against the European Union's agricultural policy, especially against that Ukrainian farmers have been importing their grain duty -free since 2022 and can sell for little money.

So there were protests on the border with Ukraine in the past week, for example on Medyka border crossing . In some actions was not just blocked the street , But also blocked train rails, tires and Ukrainian grain lit and lazy eggs thrown. Tractors were also protested in large cities, such as Gdansk and Krakow. According to Polish media reports, it has it throughout the country Over 250 blockages given.

bauernprotest polen brennende reifen.cleaned

Those: https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/bauernproteste-in-polen-und-tschechien-weiten-sich-aus-eu-und-ukraine-in-der-kritik-li.2188932

Rails blockade in Medyka, Poland. Source: Radio Svoboda on X

Like the revolutionary website „The Red Herald“ reported, the peasants from the Polish Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, demand that Poland from the so -called "Green New Deal", an agreement for the "EU climate neutrality by 2050" , it is decoupled, which, among other things, provides for the significant reduction of fertilizers and the rotation of cultures. They also called for the ban on Ukrainian grain in the EU.

The protests soon received criticism from the Ukrainian government. The Ukrainian Prime Minister Zelensky, loyal servant of imperialism, especially Yankee imperialism, did not take long to connect the protests of the Polish farmers to armed Russian attacks. Next Wednesday, February 28th Zelensky and Tusk hold a meeting , in which the Polish Prime Minister will try to maintain the support of the farmers and at the same time pursue the goals of the imperialists with the war, which includes the support of NATO and the import of materials across the land border.

Continue writes „The Red Herald“ In addition (our translation):

In the other Eastern European countries such as Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, the Czech Republic And others, these demonstrations take place in a similar way in all countries. All have the same goal: to minimize the damage caused by the Ukrainian grain. Either through state aid or by banning the free traffic of Ukrainian grain.

However, all governments of these countries pursue the goals of imperialism, which means that they allow the massive import of Ukrainian products in favor of the monopolies and at the expense of the farmers in the country. […]

Many of the protests aim at the termination of agreements with semi -feudal and semi -colonial countries, which they classify as unfair, since the same environmental regulations do not apply to the farmers and farmers of the European Union, which leads to a price increase and a disadvantage in the competition. However, it is the European monopolies itself, in particular German imperialism as a dominant power in the EU who take advantage of the war in Ukraine to enable the free traffic of the Ukrainian grain in the EU and thus the prices for the grain under the pretext of the To lower "global nutritional security" because the Russian blockade of exports over the Black Sea took place at the beginning of the war. "

Source: https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-international/8336-polen-bauernproteste-an-der-grenze-zu-deutschland-und-ukraine