Not in the abolition of the 1st Piraeus Gymnasium.

In the abolition of the 1st Piraeus Gymnasium in the school complex of Afentoulis Street, Deputy Minister of Education Z. Makri made a decision on 31/1/2024, causing the fair indignation of teachers, parents and students.
The designation of the school as an experimental in essence removes the ability of the children in the area to continue their studies in their neighborhood high school. In these schools of "excellence", pupils and students are entered by draw and come from any area, without geographical restriction.
Priority, Piraeus Experimental Gymnasium is projected to welcome the student potential from Ralleia Primary and draw the other positions. The immediate consequence of the above will be for the pupils and students of 6 elementary schools in the area (20th, 22nd, 26th, 33rd, 50th, 55th) to share in remote high schools, creating sections of 27 students! They will be called upon to move several kilometers away from their homes and stacked in large sections, in inappropriate buildings, exacerbating the conditions of the learning process.
In addition, teachers of the abolished school unit are subject to a sudden adverse change in their labor rights after losing their organic positions. Their right to permanent and stable work is de facto questioned.
Another anti -populist decision on the right to education came from the government's side, at the same time that students and students are fighting against the Pierrakakis bill that paves the way for the establishment of private universities. Another problem is added to the many that the popular family has to face, struggling to get out daily, fighting with poverty and poverty, with precision and work insecurity.
This decision is a continuation of the issues bank in the high school that intensifies the lesson, making it endless hunt for matter and ... whoever can afford it. Supplement to the minimum entry base that leaves thousands of candidates out of higher education. While the announcement of the national diploma that will bring the Pan -Hellenic exams in the three grades of high school and create a wild grade and inhospitable high school for the children's broad mass.
At the same time, the recent adoption of the law on vocational education and training is presented as a way out for children who are thrown out of higher education, but the final destination is the workplace, with miserable payments and cut off labor rights through "training" and "training" of apprenticeship.
All of the above, but also the e -learning, the evaluation of educational and school units, the mergers, make it clear that the only plan of the government is education is for few and fine.
They are preparing for us and our children a future without perspective. To resist the barbarism they are preparing for us and our children. Attacking the right to study, work, rights will not stop unless we stop it. To stand by parents, students, teachers and to fight organized and collectively against government and system plans
- Do not abolish the 1st Piraeus Gymnasium - to overthrow the Ministerial Decision!
- Not schools for a few and chosen - not to standards and experimental
- Not to excluding students and class barriers
Everyone and all on Monday 26/2/2024, at 16:00, at the Piraeus Town Hall at the protest rally