PC February 26 - Salari and lower pensions for women according to an INPS study

Author: prolcompal
Description: The latest study of INPS also confirms the difference in treatment of women who work in Italy from the "young workers to the pe ...
Published Time: 2024-02-26T10-25-00-01-00
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The last study of INPS also confirms the difference of treatment of women who work
In Italy by the "young workers to retirees ”as reported an article of the Republic of 22 February last, Smely once again, with data and strongly, Meloni's propaganda shouted by the electoral stages, and not only for the wage difference and of the pensions, but also for the number of women at work since unemployed And inactive there are several millions of unemployed women.

As for the so -called gender pay gap , And that is, the difference in pay, you get there regarding pensions at 40 billion!

“In 2022 they were paid by INPS 322 billion in Pensions and assistance performance. 141 billion went to women . To men 180 billion . With a difference of almost 40 billion. This is despite the average, women are holding more than one pension, As happens when reversibility is. AND although the retirees are more Numerous retirees: 8.3 million against 7.8. Women are 52% but they take 44%.

The causes, according to the study, but that women live daily on your skin, they are “intermittent careers, chopped by needs of maternity and care. Fixed-term and part-time contracts, chosen or mostly forced. But also a structural difference in the hourly salary between man and woman (horizontal segregation). Also in the public administration. AND everywhere at the highest levels, those of the management, to whom women arrive in few (vertical segregation). " All this ends "on the defendants' counter".

“Il gender gap Start from work. - continues the Daily - Also in 2022, the annual salary gap between women and man in the private sector was on average 6 thousand euros per year: 17,300 euros account 24,500 euros per year, 97 euros against 106 euros per day. A difference of 40% which, although calculated as the INPS does for the same conditions (age, contracts, hours worked), never reset and reaches a 12-13% stable.

Almost half of Italian women work in part-time (47.7%) against less than a fifth of men (17.4%). Paid days in a Year to women are 221 against 234 of men. And this explains a lot of you can. "

And the public sector is not even saved, says the Journalist, “considered safe and sheltered from inequalities. Instead no. " Why: "The remuneration gap, albeit lower than the private individual, exists: 5,200 euros per year, 15-20 euros per day: 28,400 euros against 33,600 euros per year, 95 euros against 114 euros per day. The gap is created from the growing appeal in the PA of short contracts, especially in school and healthcare, where the presence of women is relevant. Even part-time, certainly less present than in Private, it concerns women double men (6% against 3%). Two thirds of All public workers are women. "

“There is no escape even at home. Parental leave comes asked 80% by women. And the gap with companions is very large, above all up to the three years of the son. The fathers, when they ask, are mostly workers of large companies and full -time. While 46% of mothers applicants and part-time. Women penalized at work, in the paycheck, a house and then retired . Not a nice see. " But it is clear that this study is limited to direct or deferred salary (pensions) and not to conditions of work .

Therefore when the newspaper of the Agnelli puts “on the counter of the defendants ... intermittent careers, chopped by needs of maternity and care. Fixed-term and part-time contracts, chosen or mostly forced "tries to give an" aseptic "," objective "picture of the state of things, as if all this did not depend on the capitalist-imperialist exploitation system, A system that must be reversed by a political and social revolution.

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-26-febbraio-salari-e-pensioni.html