Although he no longer has the media impact that he had in the weeks after October 7, 2023, the genocide against the Palestinian people by the criminal state of Israel has not stopped. According to the most recent Weekly Bulletin on the situation on the ground That the Palestine Embassy in Argentina, the number of Zionist barbarism against the Palestinians already reaches the figure of 30,105 people killed and 74,400 wounds, among which we find more than 100,000 Palestinian children who have been killed, injured or are missing under the rubble product of bombings.
Since then, the Imperialists have not ceased to support the genocide that Israel has been executing against the Palestinian people; and workers, oppressed peoples and revolutionary and progressive people in the world have been supporting the cause of the release of the Palestinian people. Moreover, this February 23 solidarity actions were carried out in some cities in Colombia, which, although they were modest, demonstrate the support that a sector of the Colombian people maintains with the Palestinian cause.
As part of that support that the Imperialists grant to the Zionists of Israel, since the end of last year the imperialists Yankees reactivated their international naval coalition to, according to them, "protect" the commercial flow and safety in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Adén in the face of the "threat" representing the hutis rebels of Yemen. The name that receives this coalition is that of "combined maritime forces" (CFM, in English). The coalition is under the command of the US Vice Admiral Brad Cooper.
Recently it was published in The viewer An article of notes entitled «Alto Turmequé: of necropsy, transfugas and agreements» (FEB/2024) signed by Óscar Alarcón Núñez. There we are told that in a statement from the Central Command of the United States Naval Forces on January 27, it is reported that Colombia has entered as a member number 41 of that CMF coalition, and the aforementioned Vice Admiral Brad Cooper that celebrated The announcement of Colombia's entry to the coalition: "We welcome Colombians to the largest international naval coalition, dedicated to maritime security and stability in the Middle East ...". 1
Indeed, since January 29 it was confirmed that Colombia was integrated into this CMF coalition. Integration was also celebrated by both the US embassy in Colombia, and Luis Gilberto Murillo, ambassador for Colombia in Washington. 2
The objective of that coalition that is hidden behind its speech of peace and maritime security is to defend the positions of the Imperialists of the West in the Middle East and their main Israel ally, since the hutis have carried out military operations against Zionist and positions against Zionist positions and Attacks against several ships of both Israeli companies and imperialist countries that sponsor the genocide, navigating in the Red Sea, actions that are part of the support that Yemen rebels have given to the Palestinian resistance.
The attacks against the Hutis rebels by the imperialists have not ceased since the Yemeni began their offensive in the Red Sea against the load ships and on Saturday, February 24, the military forces of the United States and the United Kingdom made bombardments in Against the hutis for the fourth time.
That the current government "of change" has integrated the Colombian Naval Force to the CMF makes it complicit in the facts of genocide against the Palestinian people, although in words It is demonstrated in favor of the Palestinian cause. In addition, the Lacaya attitude evidenced against Yankee imperialism that has already been exercising the Government of the Historical Pact as recently happened with the initiative to continue the construction project of an American military base on the Gorgona Island, passing over the protests of scientists, environmentalists and settlers close to the island. 3
The Communist Workers Union (MLM) rejects and opposes Colombia to be part of the CMF or to be part of any action or decision that contributes to the genocide against the Palestinian people. We call on President Petro that, if he really wants to be consistent with the Palestinian cause and that his support goes beyond words, he must break diplomatic, economic, military and any kind with any kind with the genocidal state of Israel, to which expels the Zionist Ambassador Gali Dagan and that the Colombian Naval Navy - leaves the CMF coalition. Otherwise, his attitude will be the same political attitude that other governments of the world hold, oppose In the speech at different levels to genocide, while in the facts They militarily support imperialists and Zionists. We invite the popular workers and masses of Colombia to make these demands.
No to Colombia's participation in combined maritime forces!
Outudialist and Zionistas from Colombia!
Alto the genocide by Israel's Zionist State against Palestine!
Long live the fair Palestine Liberation Fight!
Spokesman of the Communist Workers Union (MLM)
February 26, 2024
Grades :
1 The spectator. Óscar Alarcón Núñez. "Alto Turmequé: of necropsy, transfugas and agreements", February 25, 2024.https://www.elespectador.com/politica/alto-turmeque-de-necropsias-transfugas-y-acuerdos/2 Infobae. Sebastián Rairán. "Colombia will join the Naval Coalition with the greatest influence in the world", January 29, 2024.https://www.infobae.com/colombia/2024/01/30/colombia-se-unira-a-la-coalicion-naval-de-mayor-influencia-del-mundo/3 To learn about that military project on Gorgona Island and its political and environmental implications, I invite you to listen to episode 134 of the workers' avant -garde that came out about it:https://open.spotify.com/episode/5mcVL61jKi4lfmd7FlQ3nX