PC February 26 - Mario Draghi Voice of European imperialism: 500 billion a year are needed for the world competition on transition and war

Author: prolcompal
Description: Tomorrow, February 27, Mario Draghi will be at the Conference of Commission Presidents of the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, to talk about the S ...
Published Time: 2024-02-26T11-28-00-01-00
Images: 000000.jpg

Tomorrow, February 27, Mario Draghi will be at the Conference of Presidents of Commission of the European Parliament, in Strasbourg, to talk about the his next competitiveness report of the expected European economy for June and the need for a "paradigm change" of politics e of the economy of the European Union.

The former president of the Italian Council does not turn around, Draghi, who in this case represents the genuine voice of the whole of the countries imperialists of Europe, divided and fighting within them by history e capitalist development level: the "paradigm change" is necessary for "Compete with the United States in an increasingly armed and violent world" (see the Manifesto of February 25) but also with China ...

For Draghi the difference with other imperialist countries is in all sectors: «In the productivity , in the growth of Pil , in the per capita GDP ». "The global economic order in which Europe has thrived it's shaken, "he says, on high dependence on Russian energy , give her exports Chinese and from the Dependence for defense from the USA e from the digital industrial production .”

To give a turning point "Colossal investments are needed"! Alone In the green and digital transition they need “500 billion a year, to pay the cutting costs of 90% of emissions by 2040 ( 800 billion per year , estimated the ECB president Lagarde; 75 billion to be given to Born and respect the 2% commitment of GDP per year in arms . With governments who have their hands linked by the stability pact, it would be necessary to mobilize the Private savings to feed European financial capitalism. In Europe, he would have remembered Draghi, instead the fragmentation prevails and 250 billion of Euro per year fall into Wall Street. "

That the appearance of the "defense" is the main one, it Confirm Valdis Dombrovskis, Latvian vice-president of the EU Commission, and “Uno of the clients of dragons ":“ It is clear that the defense-dimensions will have a place much more important in our agenda - said Dombrovskis - we have a paradigm change from the basic supply chain model on the efficiency of the supply chain model based on resilience. And it's clear that even resilience and economic security will not reach the cost zero. This will involve costs ".

"Costs": money but above all as conditions of life and work that fall and fall even more on the shoulders of the proletariat and the Popular masses of all of Europe!

Despite the cannonate of the ongoing wars, despite dead and wounded to thousands, despite the generalized destruction the representatives of the bourgeoisie do not lose sight of their class interests! Every day they must find the way to continue to guarantee their social system of death e putrefaction ... every day, therefore, the proletariat and the popular masses have the duty to find the ways to end it with this capitalist-imperialist system.

PS.: of Mario Draghi this said Joe Biden, after having it awarded as a "world statesman": "I congratulate my friend, first Minister Mario Draghi ", awarded the World Statesman Award," for the his work in making human rights progress on the planet. Draghi was one powerful voice in promoting tolerance and justice and I thank him for the his leadership ".

The correct vision on dragons expressed in this blog was Instead this: "Man of the most servant of the servants of imperialism USA ", for his watery support/commitment for war interimperialist, for the increase in financing for NATO, for its link with the worst reactionary regimes of the "USA", from Egypt, to Türkiye, from India, to Libya, human rights and oppressor massacrators of their peoples, for its tolerance towards fascists, racists ... "


Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-26-febbraio-mario-draghi-voce.html