Red Sun People's Current
It is solidarity with the companions and colleagues of the
Popular Mountain Front
of Guerrero after the repression committed against him last February 15, 2024 when the FPM was mobilized in the municipality of Tlapa de Comonfort, Guerrero.
The partners of the
Popular Mountain Front
They maintained five highway blockages for 33 hours in demand that the municipal and state authorities meet a series of fundamental demands of a fundamental nature such as drinking water, the construction of schools and the relocation of a group of merchants adhered to the FPM recently evicted by the municipal authority.
The response of the municipal and state governments has been the most bestial and shameless repression in the hands of drug-de-elderly groups disguised as carriers, a situation that is not only seen in Comonfort's Tlapa but in the entire state of Guerrero where the unhealthy violence of these Groups has come to paralyze transport, in addition to commercial and educational activities in municipalities such as Acapulco and Chilpancingo.
We want to emphasize that the FPM struggle arises from communities, which before the closure of the State have determined to mobilize in the highway blockages where minors were in the company of their mothers fighting. The criminal groups paid by the State were particularly crossed against the companions and their children to impose terror and demobilization.
That nobody is doubting: the political use of gangsterile and narco-de-inconential character shock groups to repress the popular movement is the means by which the different levels of government and the different electoral parties of the regime try to silence the protest and the resistance of workers and peoples throughout the national territory. This scenario is exacerbated, the more the violent elections of the regime are approaching, which makes it clear that voting in the next elections only serves to legitimize the bureaucratic path and state terrorism. The only valid alternative for popular masses remains the call to the boycott against the bourgeois electoral farce.
Do not vote, organize and fight!
We greet the fair struggle of the companions of the
Popular Mountain Front
From Guerrero, we hug the victims of repression and tell them that it is possible to stop the war against the people as long as workers and peoples unify our struggles in action and based on solid principles, democratic and revolutionary.
We demand that the municipal governments of Gilberto Solano Arriaga, the state government of Evelyn Salgado Pineda, and the federal government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador:
· The high harassment and repression against the partners of the Popular Mountain Front .
· The immediate attention and solution to their legitimate social demands and justice.
The investigation of these facts and the punishment of the intellectual and material authors of this cowardly aggression.
Governing who governs the rights of the people defend themselves!
Do not vote, organize and fight!
With the red sun the town will beat!
Red Sun People's Current
February 20, 2024