On 23/02, residents of ladder closed the BR-101 with tires for the third day in a row, demanding justice to DeyVision Batista da Silva, who was surrendered and executed by the Military Police for any reason on the afternoon of 21/02, while talking with two friends.
The murder occurred when the victim was talking to two friends. At one point, three Moto MPs, including the infamous police “Pitbull,” known for the aggressiveness, stopped in front of him. Pitbull surrendered him and soon threw it on his face. Deyvison was taken to the hospital and was kept isolated, with no possibility of family visit.

At the time of the event, in a video released on social networks, a resident predicts: “Only the police entered the hospital, banned family members from entering the hospital, certainly to put something on the victim to say he is wrong. But we know not. The family [his] everyone knows, the whole neighborhood is moved ” . The version of the Military Police, confirming the resident's right forecast, falsely says that Deyvison was armed, which was denied by all witnesses.
The manifestations
Hours after DeyVison's death, the staircase residents closed the BR-101 with tires. On February 22, residents continued to protest with the same intensity and indignation: they closed a bridge in the city center, made demonstrations in front of the police station, the Military Police Battalion and closed the BR-101 once again. On the third day of the demonstration, on 23/02, residents continued closing the BR-101, confronting firefighters who tried to erase the flames of the tires and who retreated against the popular action.
These three -day actions opened the strength and indignation of the stairs, who refuses to admit police neglect, and claims justice to Deyvidson and his seven -month wife. Pernambuco witnesses today the fair fury of a people who tired of seeing another worker being killed for nothing, without any liability of the criminal executors of the Military Police and the criminal state that protect them.
See other videos of the three days of protest: