The masses rejection of the government is in full swing
February 5th
We publish an unofficial translation of the following article. The original Spanish article is also available here:
For the past few days, the reactionary newspapers from the Peru press conquering have reported a new increase in the masses' rejection, condemnation and protest against the reactionary government under the fascist, folk murderous and fatherlands selling Dina Boluarne, her parliament and other institutions and parties with their representatives of The old landlord-bureaucratic state in the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism.
The most talked about incident was last month in Ayacucho, where the population expressed their rejection of President Dina Boluart's presence, which was beaten and drawn in the lusts of relatives of those killed in the protests against her government in December 2022 and January 2023. The incident. took place as she threw candy into the crowd like a carnival queen. As an article in a reactionary newspaper has written on the opinion side, the dozens of deaths that her government has caused using the armed forces and police, tied around her neck and pulling her down and will end up lowering her. Now she is doomed not to travel in the country, her advertised intention to visit Ouno these days has been rejected and she is sitting in the government palace and considering: traveling or not to travel is the question.
Now the Peruvian people who continue their rejection, condemnation and rejection of Dina Boluarte's fascist, folk murderous and homeland -selling government have demonstrated in Puno, as the newspapers have reported:
»Minister of Culture Leslie Urteaga had an eventful visit to Puno on Sunday, where a group of citizens jogged her away under insults while she demanded justice for those killed in the protests against the government. Under the traditional entrada de Kapus, the protesters shouted slogans as "murderous government", "disappear from Puno", "What do you want here?" But she ignored them all the time.
The portfolio manager stated that despite the signs of rejection from the executive power, she will continue with her visits to other regions. “I think we sometimes ministers are missing time to visit all the places we want. This question of humiliation or verbal aggression is not going to stop us from continuing to work, ”she said.
The mass's rejection of the government is in full swing. As we have said:
The crisis at all levels, the reactionary measures to read the burden of the crisis onto the masses, sow wind and must harvest storm. The fiscal adaptation policy with cuts in pensions, rights and benefits, with worsening of employment and wages, with the reduction of 'support' and subsidies, with more and more rot and inefficiencies of the old state from top to toe and the genocide of the masses increase the masses Day by day, and the protest and resistance of the popular masses as their counterpart grows, the masses are more active and in motion. The reaction brings the revolution to life.
Crisis in ancient society, crisis in the bureaucratic capitalism and crisis of the old landlord-bureaucratic state that defends and maintains it. Crisis in parliament and in all the bourgeois-democratic institutions. Submission of the other powers to the executive power with the support and support of the reactionary armed forces and the bureaucratic state apparatus. The situation has not been significantly changed by the current situation where the existence of the current government depends on the will of parliament, and the existence of the present parliament with its current composition depends on the will of the genocide president. It happens in a fierce battle between the factions of the big citizenship and the struggle and the struggle of the masses and resistance to rights, freedoms and goods, which are the basis of their mobilization, so that the party can raise them for political struggle to fight for power by joining the People's War. This is why it is necessary to complete the general reorganization of the party. Chairman Gonzalo says on the 2nd plenary: To see the new fascism, it is very important to elaborate on the study and the foundation found in "Comments on the coup in 1992" both in compressor citizenship and in the bureaucratic citizenship.
The fire of the three mountains' exploitation and oppression of the masses of workers, peasants and petty bourgeoisie and the national bourgeoisie, which is facing further ruin. The masses who are struggling to keep what they have won in the hard class struggle, and not to be further impoverished by the new crisis, ups and downs that will repeat themselves cyclically in this ruling system, and as only the invincible People's War will be able to sweep away. The masses 'opposition to the reactionary governments' famous 'economic and work reforms and adaptations' that try to read the serious crisis in this outdated system of exploitation and oppression over the masses, both in the countryside and in the city, this crisis sharpens the contradiction between the popular masses and the reactionary government. It is an expression of the tightening of the contradictions of ancient society: mass-feudalism, folk-bureaucratic capitalism and nation-imperialism, which can only be solved by leading the democratic uprising to the end of people war.
The killer Dina Boluarte replaces her secretaries of ministers
14th of February
We publish an unofficial translation of the following article. The original Spanish article is also available here:
The leaders of the ministries of finances, energy and mines, the environment, defense and education will be replaced after a meeting with President Dina Boluars, sources confirm to La República: National Control Authority initiated investigations of prosecutors after Jaime Villanueva's testimony .

Dina Boluars will take new ministers in oath as part of a government rocket. Source: Composition Fabrizio Oviedo/ La República.
On Tuesday, February 13, President Dina Boluarta is expected to make changes to the staff of the ministerial, which is led by Alberto Otárola. The presidency confirmed that the head of state would take at least five ministers in oath at 1 p.m. 18.00: Álex Contreras (Economics and Finance), Miriam Ponce (Education), Albina Ruíz (Environment), Óscar Vera (Energy and Miner) and Jorge Chávez (Defense).
It was later revealed that the new finance and finance minister is José Arista. Previously, it was Álex Contreras.
As the same newspaper reports, the ministerial crisis with some ministers' departure and the redeployment of the cabinet with the new ministers mentioned above is a clear sign of the old state's rot, which is expressed in all its institutions and more open in the executive power , where the ministers go because of big questions, not only about incompetence, but also rottenness and a consequence of secret agreements and struggles within and with the other powers and institutions of the old state.
Furthermore, this remodeling of Otarola's cabinet is a lifeline to try to maintain the Boluarthe Otarola government, a fascist genocomeric and homeland-selling government in the service of imperialism, mainly Yankee imperialism.
The new Minister of Finance and Finance was the regional president of the Amazon, a post he had from 2011 to 2014. And like all regional presidents, there are no exceptions, he has the following complaints:
The new Minister of Economy, José Arista Arbildo, has three complaints with the State Attorney. The replacement for Alex Contreras is accused of negotiating incompatible or drawn undue advantage of his position, extortion by cheating the state of its assets and abuse of authority.
He has already served as minister under Yankee Kusynki, was Minister of Agriculture in 2018 and by 2020, under the short-term Merino government, he was the leader of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
He is a large national and international bureaucrat breastfeeding by Yankee imperialism; He belongs to the high state bureaucracy, the "autopilot" in the old landlord-bureaucratic state in the service of imperialism, which the counter-revolutionary Rondero Castillo Terrone confided in his speech on July 28, 2021, a high state bureaucracy that has been on "pilot" since The beginning of the current regime in 1992 and has earned almost all governments, as José Arista's Curriculum Vitae says:
"José Arista has a master's degree in economics from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and a specialization course at the Catholic University of Chile (project evaluation)."
José Arista's career in the Peruvian state began in 1990 as national director of the public budget in MEF, in 1992 he supported the establishment of Sunat, and in 1997 he was responsible for the development of the tax administration (SAT). Between 2006 and 2010 he was Deputy Finance Minister.
Subsequently, José Arista was elected regional president in the Amazon and worked in the period 2011-2014.
The following year, the Ministry of Education appointed him project director for the preparation and development of the Pan American Games in 2019.
Between January and April 2018, José Arista was Minister of Agriculture and irrigation under Pedro Pablo Kuczynski's government.
José Arista has also been director of Banco de la Nación ( Ed. - Danmarks Nationalbank ), Deputy Governor of the Inter -American Development Bank (IDB, red. – Inter-American Development Bank ), and he is currently working as a consultant for financial services in Latin America Development Bank (CAF).
Updating the case of the imprisoned journalist from Yeni Democrasi
January 29

Rapporter Ertan Clay: New democracy .
The imprisoned journalist from the newspaper Yeni Democrasi, Ertan çıta, has become released to await the trial. Çıta was arrested on October 3, 2023 for his work to inform the public about the reality that the ruling classes want to keep them unaware of. He was arrested for "membership of a terrorist organization" and to "provide services and funding to the organization", but released to await trial for both charges after being in prison for almost three months.
Çıta had been exposed to threats and harassment ever since he started working as a journalist in dersim. On October 3, he was detained with Partizan readers in a wave of raids performed by police. In jail he wrote a letter , where he defended the work of progressive journalists and the right of the population to know the truth:
»Is it possible to talk about impartial journalism in an environment where the public's right to receive information is reduced day by day, the censorship has reached its utmost, and manipulation and disinformation has become the state's policy?
We are journalists. We are the most active subjects in the public struggle to learn the facts and see the truth. It is us who are in the field and it is us who see facts in all their nudity, closely. Therefore, there are no problems for those who choose to be "neutral" and those who take the principled attitude that "the snake that does not touch me must live for a thousand years". Those like us who reject impartial journalism and stand with workers, students and oppressed are the target of attacks. (…)
If any event or action has a page or ideology, it is not possible for us journalists to be impartial. Our side is the struggle for freedom for the working people of the world. Just as the poet said, "You are either within the circle or outside it," there is no other option. We, the free press workers, are right in the middle of the circle and we will continue our fight until this circle is broken. "
More actions for the Mind Day of the Party and Revolution's Martyr in TKP/ML
3 February

Visit at the grave in Ankara.
Source : New democracy .
There have been several actions in several places in connection with the memorial for the party and revolution's martyrs that TKP/ML had called for, which took place in the last week of January. Previous actions have been reported her .
The Ancara Özgür Kemal Karabulut's grave was visited. He became a martyr on October 20, 1997, after refusing to surrender to the enemy and had fallen into battle. After a moment of silence, a speech was given by Partizan. It promised to continue the struggle for revolution and communism, which is soaked by the blood from hundreds of comrades like Özgür, until the victory, no matter how difficult conditions may be.
In addition, the tombs of Ulaş Bardakçı, Deniz Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan, Mahir Çayan, Hüseyin ̇nan and Niyazi Yıldızhan, who gave their lives in the revolutionary battle, visited, and carnings were put on their graves.

Carnations were placed on the tombs of the martyrs, and a flag was laid on the tomb of Özgür Kemal Karabulut. Source : New democracy .
Partizan in Switzerland, Germany and Austria has also arranged events to commemorate the martyrs.
In Zurich, Switzerland, was held and arrangement on January 21st. The event started with a moment's silence followed by a speech reminding that revolution is not a dinner party, but an act of violence, and how those who fell for the revolution show the need for it. “Our party embraces those who became immortal to the revolution by swearing to realize the ideal of the revolution that they could not complete. They are natural parts of our conscious action and revolutionary attitude. Those who became immortal to the revolution - "they are the mind, the spirit and the memory of the revolutionary struggle ...", "the speech concluded.
After the opening speech, the statement from TKP/ML's Central Committee was read, followed by a statement from TKP/ML's foreign committee.
Then the poetry group Mavi Yol şiir Grupped Publu Poems. The youngest member of the group was an eight -year -old child whose performance of the poem "Gullasor" was received emotionally by the audience.
EFTER Digtopførelsen Gik Familierne Til TKP/ML-Martyrerne Mehmet Ali, Halil Çakıroğlu, Ali Rıza, Sırma Boyoğlu, Emel Kılınç, Yusuf Ayata, Nurşen Aslan, Ferdi Karacan, Hasan Gülünay, Hüseyin Peren, Polat İyit, Ali Uçar Martyr Umut Çatakçin På Scen Og Holdt Taler.
The event ended with a performance by Asmin-Roza Children's Choir, named after two immortal-made friends. The performance was followed by a final speech. Messages were also read from different organizations and greeted with goals.

An event in memory of the martyrs of the party and revolution took place in Zurich, Switzerland. Source: Avrupa Haber Merkezi.
In Stuttgart, Germany, was arranged an event January 20th. The place of the event was decorated with banners and pictures of the immortal. Statements from TKP/ML's Central Committee and International Committee were read and songs were sung. Ozan Cömert performed Kurdish songs, which were received with the admiration of the audience.
The families of Nergiz Gülmez, Suzan Zengin, Gamze Gül Kaya, Ali ̇hsan Özkan, Kenan Harite and Suna Yağan were invited on stage and were presented with carnations and the families gave speeches. They ended with the slogan "The Martyrs of the Revolution are immortal!"
After that, messages from different organizations were read. The event ended with a performance by folk artist Pınar Aydınlar, who performed revolutionary hymns and folk songs.

An event for the martyrs of the party and the revolution was also held in Stuttgart. Source: Avrupa Haber Merkezi.
In Wörgl, Austria, was held and arrangement On January 27, which started with a greeting to the audience and a minute's silence. Partizan held an opening speech where it was emphasized that the martyrs provide inexhaustible energy to the revolution and that those who came after them are holding on to their fight and that it would be a great betrayal of the revolution to forget the legacy of the martyrs.
After the opening speech, a movie was shown. After that, TKP/ML's statement was read. Music was performed by the music group working within the Innsbruck Democratic Immigrant Association. Eventually slogans were shouted.

Also in Wörgl, Austria, the martyrs were reminded.
Source : European News Center.
Pşta recalled the martyrs of the party and the revolution
February 5th

Pşta held a commemoration in connection with the "Martyrs of the Party and Revolution".
We publish an unofficial translation of the article from New democracy :
Partisan Martyrs and Prisoners Family (Pşta) held a memorial event in connection with » The party's and R Evolution M artyrers M ingue « .
The event, in which the Proletariat Party's martyrs 'families and the prisoners' relatives attended, started with a moment of silence on behalf of the martyrs of the revolution and communism. Then PSTA's speech took the word.

Pşta held a commemoration in connection with the "Martyrs of the Party and Revolution".
Pşta's speech continued: "We greet you all with the enthusiasm, determination and determination of our red carnations that rise to the level of immortality, our resistance flowers that bloom in the deep darkness of prisoners."
In the speech, where the importance of organization was affected, it was emphasized that life has no meaning other than to resist the oppression and exploitation system and organize themselves for this purpose.
With reference to organizational problems, it was emphasized that the relatives of martyrs and prisoners should organize and protect the values and the revolutionary struggle.
It was emphasized that many problems arose with the process that started with F-type prisons, and it was said that the relatives of martyrs and prisoners had common problems and interests, just like the workers. With the phrase "neither the suffering is over for the relatives of the martyrs or the responsibility that the children of the martyrs have imposed on them," it was explained that this also applied to the prisoners' relatives.
» We should organize ourselves against pressure «
While it is emphasized that the prisoners can withstand all kinds of oppression because they are organized, "should their success in being strong, show solidarity, act together, stop and even reduce oppression under difficult and constantly pressed conditions be an example for us. ""
While it is said that organization has been a burning need from past to present, "during the period we are going through, it is necessary to come forward to respond to this need. We must see that both families and prisoners need studies in this direction. "
It was emphasized that all that we see around us is the reality that the martyrs and those who were taken prisoner so and rebelled. "With the same noble behavior, we embrace the flag they waved with, and make our promise." The speech was ended with the words: "This flag will accompany every step we take to a classless and organized future, and it will always waver high . ”
Then the speaker took the word on behalf of Partizan and said, "We are together to share our voice, consciousness and enthusiasm with the immortal."
It is mentioned that the martyrs chose a path of death where living means to resist, and he said: "They chose to revolt against the rulers who imposed on the people in the society they were born into, misery, ignorance, submission and helplessness. They devoted their lives to the future of the people. "
In the statement, which affected the increasingly serious economic crisis, it was mentioned that not only a government but the whole system should be considered responsible for poverty. While it was explained that this was a period when local elections were on the agenda, it was emphasized that the real government power of the municipalities was the state and that successful work could not be done for the people of this system.
“We are experiencing economic crises where others become rich. Again, we are forced to make choices that others will win. It is possible to stand against them all. It has succeeded in the past. It will also succeed in the future. Besides, we have to do it as humanity. We will decide this by organizing us. ”The speech ended in touching the importance of organization with these words.
The event ended when the group ̇syan Ateşi went on stage.

Pşta held a commemoration in connection with the "Martyrs of the Party and Revolution".
Earthquake victims protest
February 6th

Protesters break down a police carry during a protest in Hatay. Source: New democracy .
On February 6, it was a year since the devastating earthquake hit southern and central Turkey and northwestern Syria. About 60,000 people were killed and millions became homeless. On the anniversary, there were major protests in the areas affected by the earthquake, where they demanded that those responsible for the destruction be held accountable and their relationship improved. Many still live in containers and tents under unbearable conditions and face rising unemployment and exploitation. In some places, the state also tried to prevent people from protesting and celebrating the anniversary on their terms, e.g. in Malatya , where the governance banned all kinds of memorial seniors for the earthquake without the permission of the governance.
In Antakya Köprübaşı, Hatay, which was the region that was hardest hit by the earthquake, Protesters gathered at. 04:17, the time of the earthquake a year ago, in Yunus Emre Park and held a commemoration. Then the police barricaded the area and did not allow the protesters to leave the park. The barricade was broken down by the crowd, which continued to the ruins of the Rana apartment building to commemorate those who died in it. Hatay metropolitan Municipality Mayor Lütfü Savaş was greeted with buh shouts and "step back!"-Shouting from the crowd.
Also Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, who participated in the official commemoration of Antakya, Hatay, was met by the anger of the masses and Buhet of During his speech. "The government must resign!" And "We are not giving up our rights!" The crowd cried. Also in Adiyaman Governor Osman was Varol and former minister Adil Karaismailoğlu Buhet out.

Audience Buste by Fahrettin Koca during his speech. Source: New democracy .
In Antakya Defne was arranged an March of revolutionary and democratic organizations. In the march it was emphasized that the people will not forget and forgive, but wants those responsible to be held accountable and that it was not an earthquake, but a massacre. In the speech of the common platform that organized the march, many improvements to the conditions for the earthquake victims were required, such as housing rebuilding without additional fees, or the owners of the houses put in debt, that electricity, water and natural gases need to be improved, improved, And that these must be distributed free of charge to the earthquake victims, that measures must be taken to protect women from violence and that soup kitchens should distribute food to those who are out of the winter.

Memorial march in Antakya Defne. Source: New democracy .
I Samandağ, Hatay, Bar The protesters Banners with slogans like "Don't forget, hold the killers responsible", "Don't forget on February 6, don't let it be forgotten!", "The state kills, not earthquake" and "The people will hold the killers responsible". In the speakers, it was criticized that the state had left it to the people to deal with the destruction themselves, and that the destruction was man -made, not "destroyed."

A protest was held in Samandağ, Hatay. Source: New democracy .
In Tarsus was held an March . Slogine was shouted like "Don't forget February 6, don't let it be forgotten", "No oblivion, no forgiveness, no goodbye", "This is not an earthquake, this is a massacre" and "We will ruin the order of the looting", And in the speech, the role of the government in the devastation was condemned. It was also criticized that in many places nothing happens despite the fact that an extra budget has been set aside for reconstruction. At the end of the speech, it was emphasized that the solution is to fight the corrupt system that is hostile to the people, the workers and the nature.

Protest i Tarsus. Source : New democracy .
Protester Blev OGSå Afholdt i Maraş, Adıyaman, Malatya, Kilis, Osmaniye, Adana, Antep, Diyarbakır Og Urfa.
In addition to the protests, the revolutionary music group ̇syan Ateşi released two songs in memory of the victims of the earthquake.
Wave of oppression from the old Turkish state
February 6-9

Protest from the initiative Solidarity with the prisoners [the translator's note: TDİ], which is one of the political prisoners' organizations subjected to oppression. Source: New democracy .
On February 6, an attack was carried out, which wounded five police officers, against a police control in front of the Çağlayan court building in Istanbul, Turkey. Then the old state triggered a wave of oppression Against many organizations. 96 persons were initially detained, including lawyers from the People's Law Office, the head of the headquarters of the Association of Modern Advocate (çhd), the head of PIR Sultan Abdal Cultural Association (PSAKD) Sarıyer Department, Members of the Music Group Grup Yorum and Families to Members of Solidarity Association for families to imprisoned and inmates (Tayad). It is reported that the detainees were subjected to torture. 53 people of the 96 were arrested. The People's Law Office has issued a statement on their social media where they condemn that oppression will not stop their work.
On February 9th continued the arrests With the detention of the Partizan reader Kemal Çelicle, Jinnews journalist Kibriye Elvan as well as members of political prisoners' organizations and relatives of political prisoners. A total of 20 people were detained. The arrests were accused of funding an illegal organization because they had deposited money for the political prisoners.
Yeni Democrasi: Our reports Ertan çıta's assets were frozen
14th of February

We publish this unofficial translation of an update from New democracy About the case of their persecuted journalist Ertan çıta.
Our reports Ertan çıta's assets have been frozen.
According to a decision published in the Official Gazette of the Ministry of Finance, 11 persons assets in Turkey have been frozen.
Our reports Ertan Çıta's assets, which were released on January 26 after four months of captivity, were frozen. In the published decision, it appeared that, in addition to çıta, the assets of Mehmet Güvel, one of Tayad's members arrested on February 9, also frozen.
Ertan çıta will object to that decision.
An important attack in Chhattisgarh
January 30th

Injured state agents after suffering the righteousness of the people. Source The Statesman.
The vast majority of bourgeois media in the old Indian state has reported a new important action from the Maoist guerrillas, this time in Chhattisgarh, in the Bastar region on the border between the Bijapur and Sukma districts. Tuesday, January 30 Tried Indian paramilitary forces to establish a new camp for their troops in the area we have mentioned. A few hours later, they were exposed to an intense attack with improvised grenade throwers and heavy machine gunfire. The attack was of high intensity, leaving three paramilitary killed and another 15 wounded. After the attack stated a commander of the paramilitary forces that they “Has had many deaths and non-deaths, while they created advanced operating bases called FOBs. This incident is an addition to that « . The actions of the Maoists occur within the framework of the People's War in India, which is led by the Communist Party of India (Maoists).

Example of Maoists' grenade throwers with barrel. Source: Hindustan Times.
After the operation, the paramilitary forces and police declared that they had performed a search and attack operation against the Maoist guerrillas, but they did not find the bodies and there is no evidence of their existence. The creation of military, paramilitary and police camps, attacks on the population, false meetings and other oppressive operations are part of the usual actions of the ancient Indian state in the Bastar region, which is considered a stronghold for the Maoists. The last of the major oppression operations is 'Operation Kagar'.
It is the second time in less than two weeks that we report major offensive actions against the oppressive forces of the old Indian state. Last week, 35 agents from the Indian oppression forces were eliminated. As late as this month declared the Indian State Interior Minister AMIT Shah, that he was aiming to eliminate Maoism over the next three years . But the truth is that by the beginning of 2024 there has been an activity recovery against the old Indian state.
CASR requires immediate release of student activists
January 31st

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following statement from Casr.
K AMPA Gne MOD STAT Such REPRESSION (CASR) requires immediate release of student activists Shakhdeep and Abhinav Das!
January 31, 2024
On January 29, 2024, students from Revolutionary Student Front (RSF) in Kolkata, Shakhdeep and Abhinav Das, were arrested by police in Bidhannagar and imprisoned until February 1st. Several democratic rights, such as association for the protection of democratic rights (APDR) and student organizations, organized a protest at the International Book Fair in Calcutta, where police triggered violence against protesters and detained 14 people. Shakhdeep and Abhinav Das were among the detainees and were later charged with section 353, 186, 506 and 34 of the Indian Criminal Code. As far as we know, the two denied bail on January 30, 2024, and they have now been moved to legal custody until February 1st.
The case began on January 28, 2024, when students from RSF and many other social policy activists demonstrated at the same international book fair in Calcutta to relieve political prisoners Prashant Bose, Pramod Mishra, Sheela Marandi, Arun Kumar Bhattacharya, Jayita Das, Sabyasachi Goswami, Pratik Bhowmik, Montu Mallick, Manik Biswas and Amiruddin Ahmed. Casr recently published a statement about some of these arrests and how the Indian state continues to violate all legal procedures and make fun of his democratic rights as it stamps political activists with the red stamp "Maoism". Some of these activists are in the late '70s, and their lives are now in custody of the same Indian state that has committed the murder of Pandu Narote and 84-year-old father Stan Swamy because of medical negligence. The protest on January 28 was about the increasing number of arrests of political activists with the excuse that one would catch "senior Maoist leaders". In particular, the arrests go beyond political activists who are fighting for the working class, peasants, the oppressed women's and the casters 'case, as well as against Adivasis' Landgrab and the fight for Jal-Jangal-Jameen.
The protest on January 28 was also about the requirement of immediate initiation of a trial for these political activists, where many of them have been in police custody for days, without their families and the public having received any reports or information on where they are located . The protesters on January 28 were also met with undemocratic oppression when police canceled the protest at short notice. Police tried to grab the activists' phones and delete the footage of their attacks on activists during the detention in an undemocratic way. During the same period, the police failed to intervene when Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) attacked political activists and owners of book stalls who had set up posters in solidarity with the Palestinian national liberation movement at the same book fair. The Mamata Bannerjee-led West Bengal Government's indulgence and service to the Brahmanian Hindutva-fascist forces and their politics is visible in the way it deals with pro-popular democratically minded activists towards fascist mob groups. The same Trinamool Congress government in the West Bengal has ensured that the fascist restriction of the struggle for democratic rights and the general restriction of political disagreement is pursued recklessly, where even the demand for the release of political prisoners such as Pramod Mishra, Prashant Bose, Sheela Marandi, Sabyasachi Goswami And others have become an act that justifies police brutality, torture and arrests of students.
Casr is deeply concerned about Shakhdeep and Abhinav Das' well -being and condemns police brutality and their politically motivated arrests.
CASR requires immediate release of Shakhdeep and Abhinav Das and the release of all political prisoners!
Campaign against state oppression
Constitutions: AirSO, AISA, AISF, APCR, BASF, BSM, BHIM HEARS, BIGUL MAZDOOR DASTA, BSCEM CEM, CRPP, CTF, DISH DISC, DSU, DTF, Forum against suppression telangana, fraternity, IAPL, Network for Innocence , Karnataka Janashakti, The Association of Progressive Attorneys, Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, Napm, NBS, Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People's Guard, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Janparishad, Smajwadi Lok Manch, Bahujan Samjavadi Manch, Sfi, Sfi, Sfi, , United Peace Alliances, WSS, Y4S.

Map of the Districts in Chhattisgarh. Source:
On February 1st, an officer from Central Reserve Police Force (Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) became hurt wounded in an explosion of an improvised explosive charge in the Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh, and he later succumbed to his injuries in the hospital.
On February 2 it became reported , that Maoists had set fire to a mixer and a tractor used for road construction in the Narayanpur district of Chhattisgarh. They had stormed the construction site and declared that the construction should be stopped, after which they set fire to the machines. According to reports, 50 armed Maoists participated in the action. These road connections are used to improve reaction mobility in the fight against the People's War or to better serve large imperialist companies' utilization of raw materials in the interior of the country. This action is part of the frequent sabotage of a road building project in Chhattisgarh's Bastar division. The suspected attackers could not identify a subsequent police action.
The February 7th two "security people" were killed and a wounded in a clash with Maoist guerrillas in the Bairio Forest in the Chatra district in Jharkhand.
On February 13, there was a fire fight in the Bokaro district of the Indian state of Jharkhand, and a reactionary police unit fell into ambush during an antimaoist search operation. There is currently no further information.

In Odisha, in the Kandhamal district, which is currently under the old state's intensified repressive operations, IKP (Maoists) had hung Posters Up that condemned the false meetings with villagers and rejected allegations from surrendered cadres. The posters also called for an end to the oppressive operation that takes place in the district.
The ancient Indian state repeatedly claims that the People's War will be defeated in the coming years, and it has now launched a series of oppressive operations, which meet fierce resistance from the guerrillas as well as the masses, which in many villages protest the presence of the so -called 'security forces '.' Already in January, the old state has received hard blows. That report that the number of deaths among the 'security forces' has doubled by 2023. All parameters and data published by the old state indicate that the People's War remains vital and that repressive operations are unable to establish control in large areas.
Facam - About the State People's Folk War Against People
February 4th

We hereby publish an unofficial translation of the following statement from Facam.
Press release from Forum against K orporativization and M ilitarisering (FACAM)
About the State People's War against People
February 2024
- The fifth air bombardment in Bastar on January 13, 2024.
- The killing of Ramesh Poyam in the Bijapur district on January 30.
- Drone attacks on the border between India and Myanmar and in the Changlang district of Arunachal Pradesh respectively on January 8 and 12.
Facam has learned that the Indian State has again used drones to Air bombings in Mettaguda, Errapali and Bottethong on January 13, 2024 . These villages are located on the border of the Sukma-Bijapur districts in Chhattisgarh. In another recent incident, Ramesh Poyam from the village of Bodga in Bastar was shot by the bullets of police and the paramilitary forces on January 30, 2024 , when he would take a bath in the nearby river. The forces were allegedly on their way back from the Abujhmad region after blasting a 130-meter-long Maoist tunnel and destroyed the Maoists' Martyrs' Memorial 'when they got into battle with the Maoist forces. After the shooting stopped and Ramesh went to the bath, he was allegedly shot by the forces, and once again the killing has been justified with the excuse "Cross Herring with Naxalites". Ramesh had come to his sister's house to invite her to a party on the occasion of his child's birth two days ago.
The unery -laid civil war in central India has escalated rapidly in recent months. The killings of Adivasi farmers are justified either as a "Maoist clash" or "cross-fire", and the life of the Adivasi farmers is simply made into statistics of consequential damage in the state's "anti-naxal operations". Moreover is the fifth time within a three-year period that the Indian state has resorted to throwing bombs in the head of its own population as part of Operation Samadhan-Prahar in the effort to quickly expand the looting of natural resources in the region and eradicate the adivasi farmers through large-scale militarization for this purpose. These villages are not strangers to such bombings. Mettaguda and Bottethong have been repeatedly the air bomb since April 14, 2022, when 35 explosions took place in the villages and the surrounding areas. Exactly one year before the current incident, January 11, 2023, the villages of Metaguda, Bottethong and Errapali were exposed to these bombings. In an investigative report published by coordination of organizations for democratic rights (CDRO) entitled » When the sky spits fire «About the air bombings on January 11, 2023, a local says:“ We had gone out early in the morning [in the woods] to collect Mahua magazines when a drone suddenly came from the top and threw bombs down over us. We did not understand what happened. ”Adivasi farmers who cultivate their traditional activities of gathering mahua magazines to sell them finds no peace in their lives as the Indian State's Operation Samadhan-Prahar uses more and more folk murderous methods To wipe out their existence, all under the pretext of fighting Maoism. The use of drones for air bombardments has now also become a practice that takes place not only in Bastar, but reportedly in other parts of India.
On January 8, 2024, reports of drone -based air bombings near the border between India and Myanmar , which was allegedly aimed at the Assam-based rebel group united national liberation front in ASOM (independent), which does not participate in peace talks with the Indian state. Four days later, on January 12, 2024, reports came that the Indian state used drones again to throw bombs near the Pangsau border in the Changland district of Arunachal Pradesh, which is a densely populated area . Once again, the attack was carried out with the excuse that it should limit a separatist movement, this time the Naga movement-national Socialist Council in Nagaland- Khaplang (Yung Aung). Over the course of five days, the Indian state made drone attacks in three different parts of the country, aimed at Adivasi farmers in Bastar and oppressed nationalities in the Northeast, just a few days before the state celebrated the adoption of the Indian constitution, and that India became a so-called republic. We believe that this expansion of air strikes is a reflection of an experiment performed in central India and which has been conveniently killed by the state and has therefore not been subject to sufficient scrutiny. Also, it should come as no surprise that the Indian state is increasingly using Israeli-made Heron Mark 2 drones for these air bombardments and now has not only become the world's largest weapon buyer but also Israel's largest weapon customer importing a number of weapons , unmanned aircraft, missiles and even technology such as Pegasus surveillance software that it has used against democratically minded activists. Similar to the Zionist state and its restriction of the Palestinian people's right to self -determination and the genocide it performs in Gaza, another attempt at genocide while sailing in Bastar with mobilization of 3000 paramilitary forces during Operation Kagar is. The use of air bombs in internal conflicts that jeopardize the life of the civilian population, regardless of what the political cause may be, is not only a violation of democratic rights in the Indian constitution and national law, but is also an international problem as it is in Review with the Hague Convention of 1907 and Protocol 1 to the Geneva Conventions.
This escalation of the war in Bastar alone witnessed the murder of a child of 6 months in Mutvandi on January 1st, the false meeting with 3 peasants in Nendra on January 16 and the killing of Ramesh Poyam on January 30. Right now, we are receiving information from members of Moolwasi Bachao Manch that forces have fired rocket grenades in villages around the newly created camp in Tekalguda, where they lost 3 CRPF soldiers, and 14 were injured in the Maoist attack on a building on January 30 2024. We believe that the escalation of the war caused by the increased militarization and the Maoists' counter -attacks will cause the frustrated soldiers to carry out more reckless attacks like these in the coming days and that it will create chaos for Bastar's population if Not the democratic progressive forces across the country are together to fight it.
We repeat the same question that was asked by an adivasi farmer: » Why are there these attacks in Bastar? Is it a foreign country? We have to go in the field to get something to eat, and the soldiers fill our bodies with bullets. What does the Indian government do to stop it? «
Facam condemns the use of drone -based air bombings in Chhattisgarh, in Arunachal Pradesh and near the border between India and Myanmar.
Facam condemns the DRG staff's killing of Ramesh Poyam in Bijapur and requires a stop for the genocide of Adivasis in India's resources-rich regions.
Facam requires Operation Kagar and Operation Samadhan-Prahar to be stopped!
One more case of oppression from the old Indian state
February 8th
In Hyderabad in India, the reactionary National Investigation Agency (National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted A number of house transitions , Among other things. At Journalist on the newspaper Vekshanam N. Venugopal and the "Human Rights Activist" Ravi Sharma, due to alleged connections to IKP (Maoists). Police have prepared first information reports (FIRST Information Reports (FIR) against 24 people in the case.
Casr - About NIA's Razzias
February 12th

We publish an unofficial translation of the following press release from CASR.
● Stop doing more conspiracy cases!
● We don't want more » BHIMA KOREGAON « AND » DELHI RIOTS « Conspiracy cases!
● In the current regime, NIA acts as 'National Implicit Agency' , Which is in front to crush the deviating voices!
On February 8 in the morning, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted a raid in several places in the four states of Telangana, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Kerala. In Hyderabad, the well -known author and journalist N. Venugopal and N.Ravi Sharma's house were searched. Over the past six months, NIA in Telangana has often searched various social and political activists and tried to involve them in false reviews. N.Ravi Sharma is a writer and rights activist whose house was searched by NIA once and by the state police a second time recently. N.Ravi Sharma was also arrested in 2019, but they were released against bail because the state has no evidence that this activist is a member of the forbidden IKP (Maoists) and is involved in violent activities. He has worked in the forum against Hinduthva-fascist offensive (FAHFO) to counter the rising wave of Brahmanist Hindutva fascism and reveal its popular nature. For this very reason, it was banned by Telangana's government in 2021 together with 15 other organizations. Later, after three months, this ban was withdrawn by the government itself when it was challenged in Telangana's Supreme Court.
On the same day, Nia makes a raid with the rights activists Ismail and Rashid in Mallpuram and Palakkad in Kerala. It is also reported that two more raids have been completed in Thane, Maharashtra and Chennai, Tamilnadu the same day.
N. Venugopal is also the editor of the popular Telugu Month Month magazine "Vekshanam" and nephew of Varavara Rao, a revolutionary poet who was mistakenly charged with the notorious Bhima Koregoan case. N Venugopal has many times been attacked by Telangana police because of his political activism and deviant opinions. In his press release, NIA has claimed that "front -line members of IKP (Maoists) operated in the urban areas of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala to promote the activities of the breakers". It clearly shows that the Brahmanian Hindutva-fascist state wants to stamp the movement of democratic rights in the cities such as the Maoists' above-ground front activity and crush all deviating voices. It is a practice that the Indian state has had for a long time, and these kinds of raids must not be seen in isolation. They are part of the Indian state's propaganda to criminalize all democratic voices that are critical of its exploitation and oppression of the country's population.
Telangana has a brutal history of state oppression of democratic rights. Previously, the police, along with the intelligence services, have obviously killed many democratic rights activists in false meetings. In the last six months, Telangana has surprisingly seen various fours, with more than 140 leaders of civil society and mass organizations being implicated in UAPA cases, even those who died two years before FIR were registered.
As in the Bhima Koregaon case, where NIA struck down on activists across the country using a letter allegedly contained a conspiracy to kill India's prime minister. It is NIA's Modus Operandi to build a tale through the media that before the Razzia arrested a Maoist leader and found a diary with the names of these activists. All over India, the houses of various lawyers, students, journalists, professors and democratic rights activists were searched and the same story was repeated. NIA uses this kind of diaries as a toolbox throughout India to implicate various activists in fake cases.
During the colonial period, the state used its arbitrary power to implicate revolutionaries in conspiracy cases such as the Meerut Conspiracy case and the Lahore Conspiracy case to suppress people's movement against colonial exploitation and oppression. Today we see that the Brahmanian Hindutva-fascist BJP-RSS government learns from its colonial stewards and uses similar tactics to suppress voices against the exploitation and oppression of the people, as well as voices that are against foreign and domestic companies' looting of the country's resources.
Campaign against state oppression (CASR) condemns this oppressive measure in the form of NIA. We believe that this act is an attempt to divert the issue of democratic rights and popular affairs to "red horror" by stamping those who raise questions, like Maoists. We urge all democratic and progressive forces to oppose this raid and a major attack on democratic rights.
Campaign against state oppression (CAST)
Ingredients: AirSO, AISA, AISF, APCR, BASF, BSM, BHIM HEARS, BIGUL MAZDOOR DASTA, BSCEM CEM, CRPP, CTF, DISH DISC, DSU, DTF, Forum against oppression Telangana, Brotherhood, IAPL, Network for Innocence, Karnataka Janashacti, The Association of Progressive Attorneys, Mazdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, Napm, NBS, Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People's Guard, Rihai Manch, Samajwadi Janparishad, Smajwadi Lok Manch, Bahujan Samjavadi Manch, SFI, Association of Had, Association of Had, Association of Had, Association of Had, Association of Peace Alliances, WSS, Y4S.
Large peasant protests break out against bureaucratic capitalism
13th February

The peasants' march to Delhi. Source: Rajesh Sachar AP Photo.
Tuesday, February 13, a march of Tens of thousands of peasants in India , especially from Punjab and Haryana, towards the country's capital, New Delhi. They loaded trucks and all kinds of vehicles with food and equipment, ready to travel for a long time and camp in the city if needed. All this happens after failed negotiations with the state authorities, who have obviously deceived the peasants after giving several promises in the past. Since Tuesday, police have shot with tear gas , fortified the capital and attacked the peasants violently to prevent them from reaching their destination. The Internet has also been interrupted in many places in Haryana, and meetings of a certain size in the capital have been banned. Although most farmers are from Punjab and Haryana, there are groups from Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh, who join the protests.
Indian peasants and the current Indian government have come together before. Between 2020 and 2021 there were major protests, and after them Modi and BJP had to withdraw a number of measures that liberalized the agricultural market. In addition, they promised the peasants to take a number of measures, the most prominent of which was to secure the price of the farmers' products to avoid loss for them. Some time ago the Indian government had already promised to double peasants' income by 2022, which was not once again fulfilled. In 2022, the Indian government also promised peasants to stabilize a number of guaranteed prices to maintain the existence of the hard -tried Indian peasants.
All of this has served as a growing broth, so Indian peasants rebel against the ancient Indian state. Finally, after years of waiting and abandonment, requires the Indian peasants guarantees , either through prices set by law or with more state aid, including that the government guarantees state reserves of food and buys products at the minimum prices agreed with the farmers. Another requirement they have is Agricultural loan remission , and that income exceeds more than 50 percent of production costs. The most active peasants have been the ones from Haryana and Punjab because they have been the largest recipients of the minimum prices that have been set in recent years, Since they sell most of their grain during this price system .
BJP's government and the Indian ruling class have repeatedly shown that they do not seek to protect the interests of the peasants, but serve the interests of imperialism, primarily the Yankee's. Not only did they break the promises they made after the strong protests in 2020-2021, but lately, the farmers' living conditions have also worsened after the new agreements with the imperialists on the sale of land. Another action that worsened the Terms of the Peasants came a few months ago after the G20, where an agreement was made between Yankee imperialism and the Indian ruling class: India lowered the taxes of many very important agricultural products for Yankee imperialism's economy, which paved the way for mass imports at the expense of local farmers' production. As has already been reported About this agreement and the terrible consequences of BJP's measures for the Indian peasants: » Generally all of these food products have the property that they are very widespread products in the Asian country , and therefore their exports are very profitable to the United States. But for the same reason they are a necessary base for Indian producers as some of them represent an important economic source for whole regions such as apples, walnuts and almonds in of the States Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. In these states, tourism is being introduced as the most important profession in the economy, leaving thousands of poor farmers ruined. «
To these protests and the enormous mobilizations of peasants who resolute marching to Delhi, the old Indian state has performed several actions: It has fortified New Delhi and cut off all access to the peasants. It has protected the borders of the city , as if they were boundaries from one state to another with whom they were at war, but against their own people. In addition, they have triggered a brutal wave of oppression with unprecedented actions, such as bombing protesters with tear gas from drones. In addition, there have been violent clashes with the rebel police where the peasants have stood firm and fought, and they have even found methods to counteract The much greater means of the oppression forces. For example, it is reported that they throwing stones to shoot drones down , that they use tractors to remove concrete barricades and that they use defensive methods of different kinds to minimize the effect of tear gas. The old Indian state knows only one way of dealing with the farmers' protests: Brutal oppression. In the protests that were from 2020 to 2021, Were there more than 750 dead Indian peasants .

Concrete Barricades with sharp nail surround New Delhi in an attempt to prevent peasants from reaching the city. Source: Sajjad Hussain AFP.
Once again we see how the situation in South Asia is particularly turbulent, and As it has previously been reported , grows the explosiveness of masses. The bureaucratic capitalism is in a critical situation, and the bureaucratic large-scale governments, the imperialists and the local ruling classes are unable to stop or harm the people when it makes a fair revolt against the misery that imperialism and bureaucratic capitalism refer to it to.
CASR: From Bastar to Punjab, Stop Air Bombardments and Tearsgas Against Protesters
February 15

We publish an official translation of the following statement from case.
After the negotiations between farmers and the government failed this morning, "Kisan Mazdoor Morcha" started their Delhi Challo March to get the modi government to remember its promises of farmers' demands that the Indian state has not fulfilled.
Drone Image and Information Service in Haryana Limited (Driishya)
The Brahmanian Hindutva-fascist state was fully prepared and armed, even before farmers started their agitation and closed the Internet in many districts in Haryana, and farmers' leaders and some YouTuberes Twitter accounts also held back and had fenced the state's borders with concrete barrikades and sharp nails , which made it look like an international border between two countries. They not only used drones to tear the protesters, but police and other armed forces also used air rifles during the protests. Many farmers were brutally wounded and hospitalized. Police are using drones made by drone image and information service in Haryana Company (Driishya), a limited company founded in 2021 under the pretext of measuring horticulture and agricultural crops.
The brutal suppression of the peasant movement cannot be seen in isolation as the Indian state in several places in India treats protests such as terrorist activities, and to deal with these protests, they beat protesters and imprison them for implanting them in false cases and if these methods do not work, Uses the state of aerial bombardment as a remedy in forest areas in Bastar to close the mouth of the people's struggle struggling to protect their own democratic rights.
Delhi, which is the capital, also has the same situation where disagreement is not allowed, and people are prevented from expressing their opinions, the permit is canceled by the police under the pretext of a situation of law and order and other vague reasons that are completely baseless. The fascist state is trying to stop the political expressions of farmers and raise their own reasonable demands when they are not allowed to enter Delhi. Both of these situations are the same and both things are related to the struggle for democratic rights in India. This is not only a protest, but a process where we regain democratic spaces that are not only closed to Delhi's civil society but also to the peasants.
India has a brutal history of oppression of different peasant fighting throughout India. During the peasant movement in 2020-2021, when they came to Delhi, more than 800 peasants lost their lives due to government arrogance and ignorance.
Casr strongly condemns the fascist state's brutal oppression of peasants' protest to crush the peasant movement's political claim and demand that all barricades be removed immediately and that Mazdoor Kisan Morcha is allowed to show their disagreement.
Campaign against state oppression (CAST)
Kontituanter: AIRSO, AISA, AISF, APCR, BASF, BSM, Bhim-Hundred, Bigul Mazdoor Dasta, BSCEM, CEM, CRPP, CTF, Disha, DISSC, DSU, DTF, Forum Mod U nspring Telangana, Brotherhood, Iapl, Network for U debt, karnataka Janashacti, the association of P progressive A Dvokater, Mzdoor Adhikar Sangathan, Mazdoor Patrika, NAPM, NBS, Nishant Natya Manch, Nowruz, NTUI, People's Guard . H Ad, United Peace Alliances, WSS, Y4S.
NPA punishes Sagay 9's perpetrator
January 4th

With renewed strength and determination, while we welcome the new year of fighting oppressors and exploiters, Roselyn Jean Pelle Command Northern Negros Guerilla will open the New Folk Army (RJPC-NPA) in 2024 to punish the Sarona Group, a well-known group of mercenaries in Toboso, Negros Occidental, who was involved in the Sagay 9 massacre.
A simultaneous NPA military action against the Sarona group in Purok Kawayan, Barangay Bug-Aang, Toboso was initiated on January 2, 2024 at around 2 p.m. 7pm. A device from RJPC-NPA assaulted Juvie Sarona and burned down a tractor that belonged to his father.
RJPC-NPA's warriors found various firearms and ammunition in Sarona's home, namely: 1 m2 carbine with 4 magazines and 51 balls, 2 long and 1 map M16 magazine and 76 balls, 1 .45 (Colt Mk IV) with 2 magazines and 4 Bullets, 1 .357 Revolver with 4 balls and 1 homemade shotgun with 5 balls. Identification cards and gadgets with intelligence value were also seized.

The Sarona group, led by Juvie Sarona, has long been known by the inhabitants as a mercenary group supported by AFP/PNP and is usually employed by large compressor owners and fascist politicians. Among the many bloody debt of the aforementioned mercenary group is their involvement in what is now known as the Sagay 9 massacre on October 20, 2018 in Barangay Bulanon, Sagay City, Negros Occidental.
The Sarona Group is also involved in land grabbing, including problems with the country they control through AianDo. Boy Sarona, Juvie's father, administers all the earth under their control.
For fear of the mercenaries, the landowners could not negotiate the conditions of Aiendo. Their trees are unfairly felled and sold to sugar centers such as firewood. Usually, the unproductive/unplanted pieces of land they own are subject to AianDo conditions. Events with tractor and manual work erections were also reported by landowners as well as sugar cane farmers in the neighborhood. Land workers from former landowners (usually taken over by arander with the same terms as the original landowner) have been exposed to work problems during the Sarona group, such as detention of 1-2 days' salary per week and further forfeiture of wages when one cannot work it the following week.
The community around the land that the Sarona group controls also lives in fear because they are exposed to threats and harassment. Members of the Sarona group train their weapons and even shoot at the residents. A Carabao was once shot after accidentally damaging part of a sugar cane field controlled by the said group and the animal owner was still forced to pay for the damaged crops.
Negrosanons, especially the population of northern Negros, celebrate NPA's punishment of the Sarona group. RJPC-NPA is grateful for the boundless support of the population, which secured the successful action against the Sarona, a stone's throw from the provincial road, placed between two hostile departments (Marcelo and Pulupanguyan).
This military action conducted by RJPC-NPA is part of the guerrilla front's celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Filipin 'Communist Party (CPP). It is also a picture of the front's determination to recover from previous losses and rebuild the mass base.
'Terror Law' will strengthen HRVs and promote impunity culture on Negro's island
January 9th

Major General Marion Sison is completely wrong if he believes that the Anti -Terroric Act will put an end to the popular democratic revolution, such as the New Folk Army (NPA), which is under the absolute leadership of the Philippines' Communist Party (PKP).
The fact that the head of the 3rd Infantry Division greets the Supreme Court's procedure rules for petitions and applications in connection with the drakonian anti -terror law simply reveals how fascist he is. The law, which should rightly be called the Terrorist Act, will only increase the number of human rights violations and further nourish the sustained culture of impunity on Negros Island.
To resort to tyrannical measures is an expression of desperation on the part of the reactionary state. The 3rd ID can repeatedly declare that "the guerrilla front in Negros is dissolved" that "the areas are free of rebellion" and what do I know, but it cannot hide the obvious truth - the People's War is still undefeated, even after five years of counter -revolutionary War on Negros Island.
As long as the roots of the armed conflict are there, the people will continue to cherish, support and join their real army, NPA. The revolutionary movement is in sharp contrast to reactionary fascist institutions that act only in submissiveness to their imperialist masters.
Reactionary leaders are selfish and self -absorbed, while the rich treasure trove of the revolution continues to let older cadres train younger to promote the welfare of the masses. The old will be replaced by the new, and new revolutionary forces will take on new tasks against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism.
No matter how many millions of AFP (the reactionary Armed Forces of the Philippines (Filipins' Armed Forces)) and PNP (Philippine National Police) spend on indescribable war crimes, including air bombings and massacres, the political line of the revolution remains correct because it is based on the interests of the majority of the Philippine people. The Philippine masses are looking for real land reform and national industrialization, and no smart expressions from the National Task Force (NTF))-ELCAC or patch solutions from Barangay development programs can give them. Only a national democratic revolution with a socialist perspective can really solve the problems of the working masses-the same ones that the AFP butchers kill every day.
AFP and its #dimasaligan79ib is for the rich
January 10th

As a spoiled child who gets rage attacks, #Dimasaligan79IB's commander-in-chief Colonel Lieutenant Arnel Calaoagan recently released a statement in which he boasted the terrorist stamp of CPP-NPA-ADF as a whole and Roselyn Jean Pelle Commanded Negros Guerrillafront of the NPA (RJPC ) in particular. Peace Saboteur Calaoagan, who is a trained fascist of American imperialism, flared up and tried to cancel the victory of the people, including the long-desired justice of criminals and counter-revolutionaries as the Sarona group, by simply stamping it as 'acts of violence'.
The population of northern Negros has long demanded the punishment of the Sarona group. Involvement in the massacre of nine country workers in the sagay metropolis (more known as the Sagay 9-massacre), soil theft and work abuse, especially in Barangays in Toboso and Calatrava, Negros Occidental, labor problems, contract problems for their timber business (cheating with payment to owners of timber and utilization of carpenters) and cohabitation with criminals are just some of the many crimes that this mercenary group led by Juvie Sarona has committed.
The Sarona group is also a counter-revolutionary gun-for-hire syndicate. These mercenaries are active intelligence agents for PNP, who monitor suspected NPA supports in the area. The RJPC-NPA asked for a meeting with the Sarona group to make them understand the seriousness of their actions and the consequences, but they did not respond.
The Sarona group was punished for their unforgivable acts against the population of Northern Negros as despotic landlords and counter-revolutionaries. The revolutionary movement does not allow business activities that jeopardize the safety and livelihood of the people within its territory. The RJPC-NPA has not traded with the Sarona group in connection with revolutionary taxation or other financial obligations.
AFP's complicity in such crimes and the pure hypocrisy of condemning actions to punish the Sarona group, which has proven to have committed murder and other abominable crimes against the people, show that Colonel Calaoagan and AFP are instruments to preserve the class interests of the landlords.
Calaoagans and AFP's terminologies and definitions are heavily polluted with the tale of imperialism, bureaucratic capitalism and feudalism. To them, "peace -loving individuals" (like Sarona) are those who willingly submit to imperialists', the great compressor of the great compressors and the local landlords, which will lead to "Peace of Peace". Meanwhile, they are stamping those who openly oppose such aggressions to defend a large number of people's lives and livelihoods as' terrorists', which according to AFP will result in ›Violence '.
Calaoagan's deceitful claims that #Dimasaligan79ib and PNP are "professionals who do their duty" ignored the many violations of rights against civil and poor communities in northern Negros that their ranks have committed, including the barbaric killings of Hors de Combat like Ella, Ka Monet, Ka Simo, Ka Huawei and Ka Brod, and declared them victims of false clashes.
It is RJPC-NPA's duty to take responsibility for its activities against criminals and counter-revolutionaries to protect the people from baseless accusations and fictional charges from NTF-Elcac and their whole-nation approach. NPA publishes its actions so people can be informed of the reasons behind each military action.
In a "He says she says" situation, RJPC-NPA encourages the public (and the media) to investigate the reasons for collecting truthful information. The large number of ordinary citizens are the impartial source of knowledge as opposed to AFP/PNP figures who are in the pocket of the landlords.
Although farmers and country workers are poor and live a modest life, they make sure their beloved NPA gets food and clothing. NPA, which is the real folk army, is always welcome and sought after by the working masses.
False meetings behind 3. ID's ›dismantled 'illusion
January 18th

Filipino's Armed Forces (AFP) 3. Infantry Division is more shameless than ever when they declare new Folk Army (NPA) Guerilla Lter on Negros Island for "dissolved" after two false clashes on January 15 and 17 in Calatrava and La Castellana in Negros respectively Occidental. In the second fake meeting, two civilians were taken prisoner and cold -bloodedly murdered by elements of the 62nd infantry battalion.
Units from Roselyn Jean Pelle command-npa northern Negros Guerrillafront are all intact and perform their revolutionary tasks with renewed glow among peasants and land workers, who suffer a lot from landlessness and slave-like wages introduced by notorious despotic hacientos and their mercenaries. The supposed camp that 79. IB soldiers plundered was staged, and the claim of the meeting was taken from AFP's worn drama manuscripts.
Meanwhile, 62. Ib used an old trick of releasing intelligence people who pretended to be confused, to monitor peasant societies and penetrate housing in La Castellana, especially Barangay Sag-Ang, prior to fighting. The 62. Soldiers persecuted families and individuals who had been hiding after they were red -marked and set as a target during the Philippine National Police (PNP) bloody synchronized improved police operations (Synchronized Enhanced Managing of Police Operations (SEMPO) 1 in December 2018 in the Guihulngan metropolis, Negros Oriental.
On January 17 at 1 p.m. 6.45 in the morning in brgy. Sag-Aang, La Castellana, victims Bernard Torres and Boy Baloy were abducted and then brutally killed by 62. IB soldiers. They were unarmed. More importantly, they were not members of the NPA, as opposed to the old Filipino army reports. In fact, there was no meeting between 62. Ib and NPA that day.
Bernard Torres, from BRGY. Buenavista, Guihulngan metropolitan, was Habal-Habal driver and a member of Piston Guihulngan metropolitan department. Boy Baloy, an elderly man, was on the other hand farmer and native to Bry. Linantuyan, Guihulngan metropolis. Both have experienced harassment from the state power since 2017. They would have been part of the death toll for the Uplan Sauron 1 if they had not been able to flee with other families.
It is clear that the 3rd ID, 302 and 303. Brigades and the six battalions under their command here on Negros Island are making fake news. Their "dismantled" illusion is jeopardizing Negrosanon's life, especially farmers and country workers. They become more ruthless in their anti-rebellion campaign and are committing more and more human rights violations.
AFP's basis for declaring guerrilla fronts on Negro's island "defeated" is further from the truth. It knows the people on Negros Island well. The NPA is growing all the time and its mass base is elaborated due to the deteriorating semifeeudal and semicolonial system. AFP deserves the anger of the people because of their continuing focused military operations that create terror in the peasant communities, their defense of foreign interests and local large compressors and landlords, and the exploitation of the people for military corruption.
The armed revolution is a historical necessity and inevitable. While the American Marcos II regime continues its oppressive socio-economic politics and the spoon of its imperialist gentleman, the broad masses consisting mainly of peasants and workers have to fight against landlessness, poverty, low wages, job security, hunger, soaring prices and the absence of social benefits.
The 3rd ID is in deception and state terrorism to the neck. Ultimately, its "dismantled" illusion will become its downfall.
Fraudulent tactics behind the so -called ›Folk initiative '
January 25th

Red Commanders and Warriors from Roselyn Jean Pelle Commanded Norwegian Negros Guerrillaf front of the new folk army (RJPC-NPA) are alerted to the many reports of questionable plans to trick voting voters to sign the so-called "People's Initiative" (People's Initiative (PI)) To change the reactionary Filipino constitution of 1986.
Following further studies, RJPC-NPA units have concluded that citizens are deceived and forced to sign PI using the following ordinary empty promises or fictional reasons: Work offer under the TUPAD program, continuation and unchanged status of 4P recipients, petition that Press certain unnamed persons and 20 million PHP from Senator IMee Marcos, among others. Barangay officials and employees led the signature campaign in their respective areas through persistent house-to-house, group meetings or individual invitations. There was no discussion with the inhabitants about PI.
It is not surprising that several cities in northern Negros are in the top 10 above the largest number of signatures collected for PI. In these cities, residents are dependent on the monocultural sugar industry and suffer from uncertain jobs, miserable and unstable wages, get or no benefits and a standard of living from hand to mouth. It is easy to exploit the economic crisis because any solution to the immediate, worrying situation, just as false promises of the reactionary government's distribution financing project, are eagerly welcomed by people.
In addition, the cities of Sagay, Escalante and San Carlos as well as the city of Calatrava are now the subject of neoliberal programs to make room for solar parks, modular nuclear power plants, large water projects and economic zones. The local leaders of the cities mentioned mobilized their election campaign, including sitting officials and employees, and used misleading methods to collect a large number of signatures for PI to change the reactionary constitution to allow for foreign ownership of land and basic utilities.
While RJPC-NPA recognizes the right of the people to participate in the public initiative as a mechanism that allows citizens to demand reforms in the reactionary government, we condemn the misleading mechanisms to gather support for a PI that is left with the interests of foreign monopoly capital. On the other hand, RJPC-NPA praises a few mayors for their decision not to participate actively in such signature collections to PI and give the individual freedom to act (or not) in pi.
RJPC-NPA orders all units, including units from the people's militia and self-defense corps, to complete their study of the mechanisms behind the collection of signatures for PI, collect evidence, identify the main actors in this fraudulent signature collection and arrest persons taken on a fresh deed, to Interrogation and confiscate signature sheets as evidence and for further examination. Likewise, all revolutionary forces should reveal to the masses what the ultimate goal of this signature collection is, the people's initiative and the movement of charter changes.
The Old Philippine Army on Negros Island to protect the interests of the ruling and imperialism
February 16

Apolinario Gatmitan Command-new Folk Army Negros Island Regional Operations Command (AGC-NPA) strongly rejects the 3rd ID's claim that they have "wound up" as much as one guerrilla front on the island. Until now, all five guerrilla fronts under the AGC-NPA continue to act as the Filipin 'Communist Party's (PKP) primary weapon in the long-term People's War through extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare based on an ever-wider and deeper mass base in their respective areas of responsibility.
It is no surprise that the reactionary state troops will not be pulled out of Negro's island after the ancient Filipino Army's 3rd Infantry Division pretentious claimed that the guerrilla fronts at Negros were already defeated. It is also natural for the governor of Negros Occidental, Eugenio Lacson, to repeat that kind of talk as he represents the yields and oppressors on Negros Island, which the mercenaries of the 3rd ID earn.
The sustained presence of the reactionary Filipino armed forces (AFP) on the island reveals their rubbish about a 'degraded' front and reveals the anti-raising campaign as a fascist to a neoliberal target. In order to present a facade of a dissolved front, AFP, Filipino National Police (PNP) and National Working Group (NTF) -Elcac-a series of attacks through military offensives and psychological war and intelligence operations on peasant societies, hides countless human rights violations by declaring false meetings and false Surrender and promote corruption-affected and relief programs such as Barangay Development Program.
Religious focused military operations in Negros continue to result in several human rights violations, most recently the search of a peasant home of 15. Ib and 47. Ib in Cauayan, Negros Occidental. There are about 600 cases of human rights violations committed by reactionary state forces on Negros Island under the US-Marcos II regime, which is monitored by the National Democratic Front (NDF)-Negros involving over 39,000 victims.
After ›dismantled {Statements and the recommendation to place Negros Island in a state of stable internal peace and security (stable internal Peace and Security (Sips)), bombarding reactionary propaganda machines the media with promises of› Development 'and "Progress". The plan is obvious-to suppress disagreement in resource-rich societies to pave the way for the interests of multinational corporations and large comprades. AFP/PNP/NTF-ELCAC are merely tools and fighting dogs for the ruling class and their imperialist gentleman who want to throughout neoliberal projects such as destructive mining and quarry from northern to southern Negros, a commercial plantation in Candoni city, expansive land recovery projects that must transform Bacolod metropolitan and Dumaguete metropolis into 'super' and 'smart' cities, environmentally unfriendly water projects or mega dams in northern and southern central Negros and other forms of financial attacks against the people.
In reality, the reactionary state forces will stay on the island to protect the large compressors, landlords and bureaucratic capitalists such as Governor Lacson in collaboration with the imperialists. The reactionary state needs its armed machinery to draw a picture of security for the ruling class so that it can continue to exploit and suppress the Negrosanonic masses.
While fascism and neoliberalism continue, Negrosanons find justice in armed resistance. In this semi -colonial and semi -feudal society, they have suppressed and exploited every day to support and join the revolutionary movement. As long as the few rulers, the NPA and the Democratic Revolution of the People cannot be dismantled.