The working class, the workers and the People are increasingly immersed in poverty and poverty. Real wages have fallen vertically and the month does not come out, at the same time that capital treasure in We weight and the government invites us to get used to poverty and in Deadly, allegedly because the economy cannot stand.
Work all day and up to the old, no right to strike, with criminalization of Trade unionism, as cynically described by the laws of Hatzidakis-Georgiadis. Intensification and inhumane working conditions, with consumable workers, where they will be killed or slapped daily to profit the employer.
The crime of Tempi revealed Once again that our lives do not count on this system of exploitation. One year after the crime and the mass strikes that followed, its system and government continue to prove that the only concern them is the concealment of their responsibilities for not getting on the way of the race the accumulated popular anger.
But here and weeks youth and farmers fight massively and persistently and stand opposite to the lush attack that has launched the system against the their rights.
Students and students With mass assemblies, squattings and demonstrations They are fighting against the dark Future that plan for them government and system. Defend the Public free education against one education for few and fine! At the same time, Farmers give their own struggle by claiming to live by work and their land , against the government's anti -rational policy and EU, against the new CAP that is begging them.
Employees need to unite their own voice with other struggling pieces of the people and organize their struggle. To go out on the way of the race, to claim increases in wages, work and Life with rights. Against the silent fish trying to impose the trade union leadership, culminating in the attitude of the inexplicable (and more employer by ever) leadership of GSEE, which announces a strike in ... distant Future, April 17th. And, at the time of the ongoing racing mobilizations of students and farmers, and require the maximum Racing!
Only the massive and relentless struggle youth can put a brake on anti -populist and anti -labor politics, to claim and succeed:
Ø Collective contracts with real increases in wages that to cover the cost of living.
Ø Human conditions work, labor and trade union rights, free and independent of The state trade unionism.
Ø Free training and care for everyone, without conditions.
One year from the Crime in Tempi, People's and Youth Struggles against Politics We It deprives work, rights, life itself, they are more necessary than ever!