Second part
After the taking of the sky by assault, Krupskaya did a great organizing, political and pedagogical work; She was appointed attached to the Commissioner of the People (Minister) of Public Instruction; He was in charge of the Department of Adult Education. For many years she prepared the pedagogical aspects of the new education system, because the task was, as she said: «Destroy the old class school that behaved scandalous injustices, and create a school that responded to the needs (...) of the recent socialist regime », Hence the organization of education became a task of the entire people: Popular Education Councils were created everywhere and in schools committees of parents of students were organized. And to the teachers the comrade Krupskaya told them: «The popular teacher is closer to the popular environment and, in many cases, is linked to that medium by thousands of ties; The dividing line between the teaching profession and the people had drawn artificially with a specific objective. The new conditions are suppressing this division and we must create modalities of collaboration between the teachers and the population, which end this anti -Natural Division (…). In this approach is the guarantee of the prosperity of the school, which increases the cultural level of the country thanks to everyone's intense work, and a better future; The promise of the Renaissance of the teaching whose function can now be honored and respected ».
In addition to all this, Krupskaya was editor of the magazine Towards a new life ; And for those years she was elected delegate to all the congresses of the party, a member of her guiding bodies and deputy in the main bodies of power.
Comrade Krupskaya was also a great promoter of libraries, in 1918, thanks to its initiative the first seminar of the Soviet Library in Moscow was created, more than 20 library departments were opened in the Russian Institutes of Political Education, Pedagogy Institutes and in the academies of communist education. Krupskaya considered literacy and access to books as instruments in the socialist struggle, there Private of more than 500 copies were confiscated, nationalized and stored in the new libraries, the individual property of the books became collective.

Krupskaya was also convinced that: "We cannot continue to develop economically and culturally without end The eradication of illiteracy of the population from 8 to 50 years, in 1920 the Extraordinary National Commission for the eradication of illiteracy was created, in 1923 the voluntary society was created below illiteracy, with the slogan «alphabets, instruct the illiterate! », In 1925 the general, free and mandatory primary education began to apply; In 1928 books were published in 70 languages of the peoples of the USSR, and in 1934 in 104 languages. Thus, although at the beginning of the twentieth century, almost 80 % of the Russian population (between 8 and 50 years old) was illiterate and 60 % of the population had not completed basic education, by 1930 that percentage had decreased to 33 %, The revolution created education centers for all levels and - between 1920 and 1940 - achieved 60 million adults literacy.
In 1918 he published the article On the question of the Socialist School , in which he pointed out the sense of socialist education: «Train multilaterally developed people, with conscious and organized social predispositions, that have a reflexive, comprehensive world vision and that clearly understand everything that is happening around them in nature and in social life; people prepared in theory and practice for all types of work, both physical and mental; People capable of building a rational social life, full of content, beautiful and cheerful. These people are necessary for socialist society, without them socialism cannot be fully realized ».
Krupskaya wrote more than 3000 publications between books, magazines, articles and pamphlets, especially about the formation of youth and communist education that should be secular, universal, free and mandatory for all, include both sexes, with an organization Democratic where there was a broad participation of the population in the election of school committees, with full freedom of opinion and with the right to receive education in their native language.
In 1919, Krupskaya, along with other comrades, created the UnotDel , an apartment that worked to improve the living conditions of women in the educational field, in their rights in marriage and at work. From this organization the publication of the feminist newspaper was promoted Communist , where it was written about the situation of women and their rights.
The UnotDel And his press allowed the first years after the Russian revolution, witness the great achievements in matters such as sexual diversity and women's rights. Before the revolution, according to Krupskaya's words: "Family life was based on slavery: children were owned by parents, and the woman, of the husband", but that situation surpassed the laws established by Soviet legislation: The punishment to homosexuality was eliminated, women had the right to vote and to be candidates, the right to divorce was facilitated and automatically granted, there was access to universal and free education, equal salary between men and women, aids to relieve loads Family members and the right to free and free abortion, it was established that the sons and daughters inside or outside the marriage had the same rights, the maternity leave was guaranteed, more rights were granted to women at work and the equality of the equality of the spouses in relation to sons and daughters. Surprising achievements for the time and that constituted a great advance in the struggle of the female movement.

For Krupskaya, the long hours of women of women in the factory had as its main consequence that many children grow in the streets, and in some cases, mothers, without capacity or time to educate them, decided to intern their children in orphanages in orphanages . It was necessary to end the exploitation of working women and that society guarantees the education and food of childhood. That is why kinds of childhood were created that would allow women to go to work with the certainty that their children would be well cared for and fed. In addition, the education that children would receive in public school would take as a basis for the importance of productive, creative and multilateral work.
After Lenin's death, which occurred in 1924, Krupskaya dedicated much of his time to edit the work of his late husband. Because of the importance that the comrade had in the preparation and execution of the proletarian revolution, for its work in favor of socialism, several distinctions were granted: in 1929, the red flag of work; In 1931, he was appointed honorary member of the Ursss Academy of Sciences and, in 1933, the Order of Lenin was granted. In 1933 he published his memoir My life with Lenin And since 1937, Krupskaya was a member of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
On February 27, 1939, he died in Moscow, the day after he was 70 years old. His ashes were deposited with Lenin in his mausoleum and Comrade Stalin presided over his burial. The outstanding achievements in the field of literacy led to, in 1970, the Imperialist UNESCO appointed Nadezhda Krupskaya to her annual merit award in the fight against illiteracy.
The thought and actions of communist women like Nadezhda Constantínovna Krupskaya marked true milestones in the historical struggle of the women's labor movement. The best tribute that we can give to the comrade is the application of their ideas, its struggle around the female movement and for public education and quality for the people. In their tribute today women continue to march for the organization of the revolutionary party in all countries and for the construction of the communist international, which leads the world proletariat to take the sky by assault.