PC February 27 - A country in danger - a contribution

Author: fannyhill
Description: A country where the Police Manganella Students who democratically manifest dissent and the government says "have done well", it is a country ...
Published Time: 2024-02-27T09-14-00-01-00
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A Country where the Police Manganella Students who manifest democratically dissent and the government says "they did well", It is a country in danger.

We had it Already said that with the Caivano decree and the cd. New “Package security ”, the repressive turning point was already underway, because when A country deals with social issues such as issues of public order It is never a good sign. And in fact, for ten years now, never so many minors in prisons, in some institutes it is feared even the juvenile overcrowding. The entrances to the IPM are increasing and growth of attendance is given almost entirely from girls and boys for which the precautionary measure was arranged pursuant to the new "Caivano" legislation.

But a country that falls into the punitive temptation towards those who commit a crime in such a crucial phase of its growth path has chosen to abound the boys and take the path of the pure and simple repression.

As Yesterday, very young students in Pisa manifest by asking for the “Cassate the fire ”in Palestine and of

against they suffer a violent, unjustified, illegitimate charge by the police who there Manganella with unprecedented and anti -democratic fury, some handcuffed face down or with a bloody face.

Not It is an isolated case. The demonstrators under the Rai offices were also attacked by the police. The anti-sung procession in Bologna, kicks and Manganelli on the protesters.

The tensions in the country are growing rapidly and just to season again more the repressive dish, representatives of the government defend, they justify and legitimize police behavior pointing out Students as "disorder professionals".

In reality these words only serve to discourage the square, a repress dissent, to compress democracy and to justify the violent arm of the state.

From That "You've been you, with your stone" pronounced by the deputy chief Lauro after the killing of Carlo Giuliani by the state During the G8, to date it seems terribly not to have changed Nothing.

That which happened yesterday is an abuse that falls on demonstrators very young in defense of the Palestinian people. Another 2001 is unacceptable.

The dissent is the essence of democracy while the batons, i beating and repression are abuse of power and repression does not It must become normal. The square does not stop!

A. Ricci lawyer - Taranto

Source: https://proletaricomunisti.blogspot.com/2024/02/pc-27-febbraio-un-paese-in-pericolo-un.html