ATHENS Medicine
Complaint to start courses in the midst of occupation
(by living and remotely)
We denounce the unacceptable decision to start the Educational Procedure by Living in Clinics and through e -learning in preclinical years, while the School is under occupation for the 5th week. SPIA, with mass general assemblies for several weeks, has been on a racing track along with dozens of other student clubs, against the bill on the establishment of private universities. The decisions of our General Assemblies from the first week include the occupation of the School as a medium of struggle, as in most schools.
Terrorism that has been unfolded against occupations is unprecedented, since not only has prosecution ordered a prosecution against them, but has been attempted evacuating two schools that were under occupation (Legal DUTH and AUTH), invasion of police in a number of other institutions (see NTUA or Rector), threats to disciplinary and persecution against students.
But as Bourdoulas is exhausted, the government also recruits other mechanisms, less "scary" but with enormous repressive power as it has already been shown. The main "enemy" of the occupations and assemblies have been the tele-examination in recent weeks. It did not start and the massive assemblies fell sharply nationwide, proving its role as a "television". With clubs making basic decisions condemning the tele-examination as a means of undermining our struggle, but half-time with their treatment (The refusal of adopting the request for mass abstinence from the rest of the left has given our decisions "short legs") , the tele-examinations could not be hindered.
However, the assemblies continued to become (with reduced mass) and make race decisions. So another mechanism was activated in the Ministry's circular on tele-extensions: Start of the new semester remotely. The repressive role of tele-education is highlighted in all its glory. Since the students were not upset with a series of threats, they were put in the most blackmailing way to leave the struggles and go to their lessons.
Specifically, the administration of the Medical School has begun by making an arbitrary announcement, opposed to the decision of the Association to continue the occupation, where it informed that, regardless of the decision, the 6th year lessons will normally begin on 19/02 "in an attempt to keep it. binding date for issuance of study. " He thus excluded the 6th year of the decisions of the Association's General Assembly and forced him to return to his clinics and ignore the occupation. Following this and after the unacceptable intervention of the DAP-NDFK, which demanded the administration to reopen the courses, contrasting to the assembly decision, the re-establishment was announced for all other years, with the "excuse" of pressure on a joint date for a joint date. Coast goes for a walk.
It is clear that this is not a movement of "facilitating" students, but a direct detachment of the club's decisions and undermining the struggle it gives for weeks. Threats of missing semesters are already emerging, holidays, weekends, afternoons, extensions until August. How do they do our own interest to make a decision against that of the Association, to blackmail us with the "13 weeks of compulsory courses" put by the Law of Diamantopoulou, with replacements that will make our daily lives inhumane and lost with lost Semester as a "sacrifice" for the struggle we give?
The Association must adopt a steady attitude: not in tele-educated- tele-ending, no lost semester, not in replacements for the lessons lost in the occupation! As when he opposed the tele-examination, he also qualified for the request for a second examination in the second year after the end of the mobilizations, ensuring that no one loses his examination, so do Time must demand that any educational process be stopped and not to be lost in the six months so that students can participate and massive their collective processes without distractions. The Association has also ignored other reactionary laws, such as limiting the examination period to 3 weeks or the abolition of undergraduate. He should not take a step behind his claims but also to ascertain the reactionary framework of the 13 weeks of courses that are particularly employed against the occupations. Through our general assemblies, to ensure that there is nothing more obstacle to our struggles until the victory: the withdrawal of the bill that crushes the popular right into public - free studies!
- Not in tele-education-tele-ending!
- To interrupt all educational procedures now
- No lost semester- no replenishment
- Not in Diamantopoulou Law
- Below the Pierrakakis Bill- Public FREE EDUCATION FOR ALL!