28 We are strike! ALL ON THE ROADS!

Author: an.ba
Labels: απεργιες, καλεσμα
Published Time: 2024-02-27T11-53-00-02-00
Images: 000000.jpg

28 We are strike! ALL ON THE ROADS!

ATHENA: 11:00 AM in Havtia

THESSALONIKI: 10:30 AM in Kamara

PATRAS : 10:30 AM at the Labor Center (concentration in Appendix 10:00 AM)

YANNENA : 10:30 at the Labor Center

BLONDE: 11:00 AM in the central square

HERAKLION: 10:00 AM at Freedom Square

CHANIA: 10.30am in Pl. Market

MARBLE: 10:30 AM at Freedom Square

The mass strike struggle,

The only real way out!

  • Claim collective contracts with real salaries that cover the cost of living.
  • To demand that we can live by a job.
  • To defend our labor and trade union rights. To fight for human conditions of work, for free, independent state union.
  • To claim free education and care for all, without conditions.
  • Let us fight for the overthrow of the Chatzidakis - Georgiadis laws.

Source: https://antigeitonies3.blogspot.com/2024/02/28_83.html