Photographs | Paris: Tribute to the heroes of the proletariat - New era

Author: Missak Manouchian
Categories: Choix de la rédaction, La Cause du Peuple
Description: This Sunday, February 25, the cause of the people called for commemorating the heroes of the French proletariat. As every year, this commemorative demonstration aimed to honor Pierre Overney, revolutionary worker, seller of the cause of the people. On February 25, 1972, while Pierrot had the hard experience of forced unemployment, fired from Renault for […]
Modified Time: 2024-02-27T13:58:40+00:00
Published Time: 2024-02-27T13-58-39-00-00
Type: article
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This Sunday, February 25, the cause of the people called for commemorating the heroes of the French proletariat. As every year, this commemorative demonstration aimed to honor Pierre Overney, revolutionary worker, seller of the cause of the people. On February 25, 1972, when Pierrot had the hard experience of forced unemployment, fired from Renault for political reasons, he participated in a leaflet distributions in front of the factory to commemorate the 10 years of the massacre of the Charonne metro, a Demonstration which followed the massacre of October 17, 1961 where the French police drowned the Algerians en masse. Following his death, class solidarity is immense, and more than 200,000 people walk in a long procession behind his coffin in early March 1972.

We also paid a special tribute to the heroes of the Manouchian group (FTP-Moi), giving their lives for the Communist Party and the Revolution 80 years ago. In addition to a speech, two letters were read to the comrades present. The first is made up of extracts from Missak Manouchian's letter to Mélinée, his wife, before her death. She demonstrates all her internationalism and heroism. The second is a letter from the Bulgarian worker Lutibrodsky, sentenced to death by the dictatorship in 1934, to his father. This letter was broadcast to thousands of copies at the time as an example of the relentless struggle against the bourgeoisie and fascism. The demonstration, starting from the Metro Père Lachaise, therefore passed on the tomb of Pierrot, then that of Szlama Grzywacz, communist fighter, Polish Jew member of the Manouchian group, died shot on February 21, 1944.

Here we publish the photos of the event, which attracted the attention and sympathy of the passers -by and employees of Father Lachaise, mobilizing many sympathizers of our newspaper. We will soon publish the speech and the letters that were read on this occasion.
