Leipzig: Mobilization on March 8, 2024

Author: axun
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-02-27T15-00-00-00-00
Tags: Frauenbewegung, 8. März, Internationaler Frauentag, Rotes Frauenkomitee, Leipzig, Internationaler Frauenkampftag, Frauen heraus zum Kampf, Frauen
Images: 000000.JPG 000001.JPG 000002.JPG 000003.JPG

We publish pictures that were sent to us:

In the Schönefeld district of Leipzig, posters have appeared that mobilize on March 8th. The demonstration to which is called starts on March 8th at 4:00 p.m. on Augustusplatz.

8.März2024 Leipzig 3.cleaned

8.März2024 Leipzig 2.cleaned 8.März2024 Leipzig 4.cleaned

8.März2024 Leipzig 5.cleaned


March 8, 2024

4:00 p.m.

Augustusplatz, Leipzig

Source: https://demvolkedienen.org/index.php/de/t-proletarischer-feminismus/8335-leipzig-mobilisierung-zum-8-maerz-2024