The people and youth of the country are in turmoil! Across Subsequent attack promoted by the government and overall the system, Significant resistances are born. Youth is a cauldron that boils and gives a big battle against the private bill on private Universities, with mass assemblies, occupations and demonstrations. The farmers have been massively out of the blocks, against anti -groomed policy Government-EU that has ruined their lives. Workers we have need to unite our own voice with the rest of the struggling pieces of the people and to organize our struggle for work and life with Rights!
The world of work to get in place
Battle! Need today!
THE working class and employees in private and public sectors suffocate under the weight of everyday life. Precision has crush the popular households. Real wages have fallen vertically and the month does not come out, at the same time that capital Treasures at our expense. The government invites us to get used to the poverty and poverty, supposedly because this is what the strengths require economy, while giving tens of billions to buy and F-35 equipment.
The supposed measures to deal with accuracy announced the Government staff is a raw mockery! The increase in the bottom salary promised by Mitsotakis, but also the false-fracture of the three years, they will not give any breath to workers who they are narrowing. Are communicative tricks that the government tries to entertain their anger. Up to the crumbs of the various Benefits/Pass cut and what is left is the battle for the survival.
The Middle Ages is what envisions the capital for the world of work. Work all day long and up to old age as cynically describes recent anti -labor law Georgiadis. Labor -in -law, in which the workers will work until extermination, for a piece of bread. Intensification and inhumane working conditions, with consumables workers, where they will be killed or crumbled daily to Employment is profitable. The search for cheap labor hands in immigrant workers who are intended to work in terms slave, shows the work landscape they want to shape for the all the employees of the country. And at the same time criminalized the trade unionism, unionists are being fired and prosecuted as provided by Hatzidakis' law-to-be He was trying to convince us PAME).
And yet while workers face a nightmare and an even worse future, trade union leadership take care to keep workers on the sidelines . And even at the time of the racing in progress mobilizations of students and farmers, and requires maximum racing Coalition! The inexplicable (and more employer than ever) leadership of GSEE announces a strike in the ... distant future, April 17, giving time to government to unfold the anti-labor-anti-Antilated policy her. But PAME also did what they could to not meet Workers-Agre-Neoa on a common front. So he announced a strike So far away, for the end of February. And of course neither is it noticing to Modify, to proclaim it now that "the cauldron is boiling". This Attitude of trade union leadership is leading the labor movement from defeat to defeat and cultivates frustration and defeat in the employees.
We will not stay on the sidelines! Will not We accept yet another strike-in-two rifle. We give it from now on Battle, on the side of the competitors-student-agrarian students!
To We spoil their plans! We have to do what is going through today our hand to unite our voice with the students and their farmers. Their struggles are also our own struggles and have to We support. And that is the best way to work for the Success of the strike on February 28th. There is no waiting attitude. Employees need to take the case of the race in our own hands!
The mass strike struggle,
The only real way out!
• to claim Collective agreements With real increases in wages, covering the cost of living.
• To demand that we can live by a job .
• to defend the Our labor and trade union rights . To fight for human conditions , for free, independent by the state unionism .
• to claim Free Education and Care For everyone, without conditions.
• to fight for the Overturn of Chatzidakis Laws - Georgiadis .