The US Consulate in Recife was hit with red paint bombs during a demonstration on February 26, where hundreds of people expressed their solidarity to the heroic Palestinian resistance in the center of the Pernambuco capital. In the same action, Yanques and Zionist flags were also set on fire by the present, who shouted Death! Death! To imperialism! e Ianques! Go Home!
The demonstration began at Derby Square around 4 pm, and the way began to the consulate Yankee an hour later. The protest had several democratic popular forces, including the Red Mangrove collective and the wind movement.
On the way to the consulate, a red mangrove activist pointed out in a speech in the sound car the need to defend the Palestinian National Resistance and greeted the numerous actions in solidarity with her in the world, who pressured express “enemies of the people”, as the agent Brazilian Luiz Inácio, criticizing Israel's crimes. On the way to the consulate Yankee, protesters shouted slogans such as: Out of Gaza, Israel Fascist! Outside Ianques, from Latin America , Palestinian fight, no step back! Live the resistance, all support to Hamas! , Youth of Yemen and Palestine, his fight continues in Latin America e No more slaughter, PM in the favela and Israel in Palestine .
At the end of the demonstration, the activists performed the act of profound anti-imperialist content in front of the US Consulate building. During the action, the protesters noted that the glass of the yankery building was already broken by previous episodes. The demonstration dispersed around 19h.