(Correspondence from the quarter)

Vienna/Floridsdorf: On New Year's Eve 2022, the workers' settlement Mitterhofgasse (Dr.-Franz-Koch-Hof) already came to the media due to a massively excessive police operation and disproportionate police force. Back then it was announced in advance that one would "take up".
Now this settlement made headlines again when the video shooting of some young people and children was interrupted by a massive police operation. It was a group of around 40 people, mainly young people, but also adults and children were there. They posed with various flags and fake weapons for the shooting of a music video. According to their own information, they wanted to set a sign of peace and cohesion with the video. However, it turned out differently than expected. After a short time, the Wega civil servant was surrounded. "Huge weapons" have been aimed at the youngsters and the police officers "Stopped screaming" , reported a affected person. Many were panicked and were traumatized, including a girl of elementary school. There were neither advertisements nor arrest, it was an excessive and completely not proportionate use of the police.
The Dr.-Franz-Koch-Hof is certainly not free from problems, as is rarely the case in such systems. However, an example is to be stated here. An example of repression and intimidation in the workers' districts. This corresponds to the trend to dissolve communities, to deepen problems of the neighborhood and migration, not to differentiate and to drive a wedge into the population. In the past few weeks, the 90th anniversary of the fights of Feber 12th in 1934 was commemorated. In contrast, they were a great example of the resistance of the workers and the population, which was particularly expressed in the workers' settlements. The policy of the rulers places it to prevent "ghettoization", problems of migration, as well as repression, a situation as in Feber 1934. "Never again," does not mean "never fascism" in the mouth of the rulers, much more: We never want to face a strong working class again.
Source: today.at; Wega in the municipal building, "focused on weapons"; 22.1.24
BILDQUELLE: Dr. Franz Koch Hof, by C.stadler/BWag via wikicommons - C CC Cc c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c ko by-sa
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