NRW: Events and demonstration on the international Women's Firge

Author: nero
Description: Internet platform for the development of a revolutionary movement
Published Time: 2024-02-27T20-46-17-00-00
Tags: Rotes Frauenkomitee, NRW, Roter Bund NRW, Rote Frauenkomitees (BRD)
Images: 000000.jpg

We have sent appointments for events and demonstrations in North Rhine -Westphalia on the occasion of the International Frauenkampftag on March 8th that we publish here.

8.März2024 RB Flugblatt S1

As part of the Red Federation, the Red Women's Committee organizes two lecture events in North Hein-Westphalia on the subject of proletarian feminism and the need for a class-conscious women's movement.

Cologne: On Sunday, March 3rd. at 5 p.m. in the old fire station in the club room at Melchiorstraße 3.

Bochum: On Tuesday, 05.03. At 6:30 p.m. in Langendreer station in room 6 at Wallbaumweg 108.

For 08.03 we call to take part in the international women's fight day demonstration at 5 p.m. at Friedensplatz in Essen.
